Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Good news then:)
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks @Banditman - I certainly recall there being several claimable wrecked CV's in the orbit of (some?) starter planets in vanilla, but I'd not noticed these in any of the RE starts. I've liberated the CV in your screen shot a number of times in vanilla. Then again, I usually do chose the more difficult RE starts which may not have them of course.

    Thought: I think it was just in vanilla, though it may have been in older Project (not Reforged) Eden games.

    I've been around several planets in my current game - system picked randomly and teleported to using console commands for something different. While there are many wrecks that are BA's masquerading as CV's - i.e. they're a BA but with CV blocks (thrusters, RCS, Pilot's seats etc.) styled to look like a wrecked CV - I'm yet to see any that are true CV's.

    I would like to see more "true" CV wrecks in space as, when immobilised, they're perfectly fine to walk around on, no weird collision or falling through blocks issues.

  3. Don2k7

    Don2k7 Captain

    Apr 27, 2021
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    ravien did a June building challenge regarding space poi’s including wreck cvs it’s over on the builders section so check that out as they will be added to the game which should help if you like a fix a upper
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Nice, thanks for letting me know.

    On a related topic, I just encountered the "Pirate Barge CV" POI, which actually is a CV. I found it on a water world and...(Spoilers about this POI incoming in 3...2...1...

    It looks like a sea-going vessel and floats like a sea-going vessel. When I popped it's core and it sank I panicked for a split second, then quickly remembered I'm in a space suit so can breathe just fine. Panic over lol.

    A bit of feedback though; it needs some CPU extenders, it's a little over the limit now it's mine lol. It appears to have two Improved CPU extenders but is missing the Basic one so the Improved don't work. I don't think I destroyed it by mistake...

    Edit: Only slight problem is that it's backwards lol. I docked my CV to this one and warped it to my home sector - the ship seemed to fly perfectly normally, with "w" making em go forwards etc. - however, when I emerged after the jump I was flying backwards towards the planet. Weird lol.

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2021
    Israel and ravien_ff like this.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hi, sorry, further developments on the above...

    Is there a known issue re: CV's docking to CV's? I've never had a problem before but I docked my small CV to the "Pirate Barge CV" and flew it back home, no issues other than the odd backwards arrival. I landed on terrain - not my base - and went to get back into my original CV. However, my original CV - still docked to the "Pirate Barge CV" seems to have some kind of force field around it. I jet pack over to it and am pushed away and cannot get even near the entrance to it.

    I switched to God Mode and attempted to enter my CV via clipping and, rather than clipping through the model, both CV's were knocked away like I have infinite mass or something. I can clip through, and walk on normally, the "Pirate Barge CV" it's self, but not my docked CV. I boarded and flew the SV docked to the "Pirate Barge CV" just fine. Trying a save, exit game, re-launch and re-load...

    ...that appears to have sorted it, how weird! After reloading, I jet-packed on to my CV again and was initially pushed away - it flung me high up in the air as I was about to land on top of it - however, after than first bounce away, I was able to settle on my CV and enter it as normal. I'm guessing this was some weird colliders issue and am thankful it went away after a reload.

    Edit: Further feedback on the "Pirate Barge CV" POI. While it is a CV, some of its turret are the BA version - surprised they actually worked - namely the four Missile and single Artillery Turret. The Projectile Turrets are CV-Class ones. Great POI this, love it.

    ravien_ff likes this.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I'll have to fix the orientation on that!
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It's odd. I thought it was me being daft at first (it might still be lol) as this CV has two Cockpits of course. However, I chose the "primary" cockpit - well, cockpit 1 as opposed to cockpit 2 - and that one saw the CV respond correctly to my key inputs. I.e. "w" made me go forwards and "s" backwards from that perspective. However, this cockpit facing what I initially thought was backwards looking out over the flat lower deck area. Arriving from warp I was facing away from the target planet while sat in this cockpit.

    So, I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, I just know something isn't quite right. Personally, I feel that facing towards the "pointy end" of the ship (i.e. backwards from a flight control direction perspective) would be correct. It's no bug deal, I'm just pleased to have captured an entire CV. It's largely stripped-out hulk is now a trophy at my base, I hope to add more CV trophies :)

    Btw: further to my earlier comment, while this particular CV was very over CPU, after a save / reload cycle the two Improved CPU Extenders were counted. After removing a few CPU-heavy devices, I got it to run under CPU (650k) to fly it back to base.

  8. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Can't find patrol vessel on planet with patrol vessel HQ. Should they appear on the planet with PV HQ or has something changed?
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    That reminds me, I was going to mention this. Over several game-starts now, planets that are supposed to have PV's - it says so in the game start description / they have PV Landing Pads - I've not seen even a single PV. I don't know if they've somehow crashed off-screen and de-spawned or not, just that I never see them for my entire time on the playfield.

    May well be a vanilla issue, regardless though, I'm simply not seeing PV's lately.

  10. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    There is an idea that this is a common problem with npc spawning, in particular quest ones. You come to the point of the quest - there is no npc, you exit the game \ enter the game - the npc appear. The problem is that PV spawns once when a planet is generated, and respawn occurs only after the previous PV is destroyed.
  11. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I love that ship. When fully restored it's actually quite a capable vessel for travel. Obviously not something to get into a fight with, but it has enough room to expand into being a decent mobile base.

    I then expanded on it to be able to fit my ginormous hauler SV into the hangar area and expanded the farm space as well. All still faithful to the original design too.

    Being able to salvage wrecked ships is something I enjoy doing a lot but it's sadly lacking in the vanilla game and I haven't seem many opportunities yet in RFE either.
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    You know, ever since the PV was introduced in vanilla I've never seen one respawn after destruction. I've seen them repair - sometimes while still flying around, due to a bug I understand - but never respawn after death.

    I love salvaging wrecked ships. I found a large destroyed freighter in my session this evening, it was actually a BA sadly, but while I couldn't fly it away, I did get LOADS of salvage from it. So it was worth it. This particular "CV" (not a CV lol) was correctly created as a BA in my view, as the ship was broken into several parts, so it made sense it'd never fly again. Others that are more intact though should ideally be true CV's, at least, that'd be my preference.

    So far this game, having visited many play fields, I've encountered just one actual CV. It's still sat at my original base, largely stripped but makes a good souvenir. I might refit it as a carrier - my current CV has no hangar space - as the thing is huge.

  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Find a colonist scrapyard.
    mr_road likes this.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Don't you have to ... shudder ... pay for ships there though? :)

    On another note: I've been refitting the "Pirate Barge CV" for y own needs - it's been fun - however I've run into a slight problem. I want to place a block in a very specific position as part of the design. However, I noticed placement wasn't allowed, which turned out to be due to an invisible NPC spawner remaining from when the CV was under enemy control. I can of course mark this on the HUD to know where it is, but I cannot seem to "see" it with the Multi-tool to remove it. Can this be done legitimately, or does it need a console command? Note: on BA's I've collapsed the NPC spawner by undermining any supporting blocks. Can't do this for a CV due to lack of structural integrity of course.

    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  15. The way I have always removed them is to place an explosive device down near it. You may want to remove any important devices nearby first ;). I've heard a handheld rocket launcher works too.

    This was before all the explosive rework that happened recently though. YMMV
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks, that's basically the only answer I found during my own search. It was an older result, so I wondered if we'd gained any additional ways to remove them. Really, shouldn't all such spawners vanish the moment a Player Core is placed? That'd keep things tidy. I've had POI's (BA) I've taken over that have loads of these things dotted around, usually only notice when I have block-placement issues.

    I have a Door (armoured) and an Elevator block nearby, some of the other nearby blocks are Hardened Steel, some are Carbo Composite. Will see what happens tomorrow...

  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes I wish they did get removed when a player placed a core.
  18. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    In the previous patch aka 1.4, after the PV was killed, it was enough to leave the playfield and return back for a new PV to appear. I remember that well, because the next PV appeared right next to our base and started flying around and shooting at it: D. After killing him, the next one spawned in the old place.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Never worked for me, bad luck I suppose. Flew away and returned to the playfield many times, PV never one returned that I recall. I liked hunting PV's so I really wanted it to come back.

    On an unrelated note, is there a problem with the CV Missile Launcher / some enemy CV's? I got in to a fight with one of the Al Sunat Corvette space PV's last night and things didn't go well. He couldn't really hurt me - despite his homing super high damage laser bolt things - as I was constantly dodging. However, it took ages to get his shields down with 7x Minigun Turrets, 4x Missile Turrets and 4x Laser Turrets. I know those first two aren't very good vs. shields, but still, that's a lot of fire power, plus I was hitting it with a fixed Artillery too.

    Anyway, I eventually got its shields down so my Missiles were hitting the enemies Turrets (my targetting preference) but after an hour of circling around this Corvette and literally hundreds of missiles landing on target - as well as thousands of Minigun rounds, hundreds of laser shots and 30 or so solid hits with the fixed artillery cannon - the Corvette seemed to remain fully intact. I reloaded and tried again, same result, my reasonably tough CV cannot dent this Frigate, yet I've taken them down easily in previous games with a less capable CV.

    Something doesn't seem to be working quite right here. Firstly this Corvette can strip my 20k shields in seconds thanks to it super-powerful laser / plasma whatever it is, whose shots have limited homing ability. Also, and I tested this as an experiment, these shots are also insta-death to any block they touch, and anything around them. Super, super powerful weapon. Still, I built a nimble CV for a reason, so I can dodge very effectively while raining shots down on the target myself. However, despite hit after hit after hit with high damage missile directly on the target's hull and Turrets, zero damage appears to have been dealt. My shots hit and there's an impact explosion, but no damage.

    Has anyone else encountered this issue? I really expected a reload to sort things - I had a particularly long session, and stuff gets weird quite often when I do that - but nope, I simply could not damage this Corvette at all, despite depleting its shields each attempt and landing loads of direct hits. I ran away in the end, as things were evidently broken.

    As an aside, anyone noticed how the shield bar sometimes doesn't update when you're in the internal view? I was sat in the Pilots seat, using a fixed mining laser on an asteroid. I was being pestered by drone, but I have 20k shields and Minigun Turrets active (Laser and Missile turned off) so they're low-threat, but I was monitoring my shields and they weren't budging. However, suddenly, my shields went from 100% to 2% instantly. It seems the aforementioned Corvette had gotten close and opened fire on me. While it can do crazy damage, 100% to 2% in a second seems a bit too much, so I wondered if the shield bar simply didn't update or something. Not usually an issue, but I've been caught out a number of times while mining where my shields have suddenly dropped from 100% to near-zero.

    Edit: Corrected name of the ship I was fighting.

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2021
  20. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Yeah, and they charge 100% more than anyone else.;)

    Well, that's one way. I don't spend much time in Creative Mode (console command: cm) but was just modding a blueprint and popped in for that sole purpose. Was walking through one of my fav early bases (Abandoned Outpost), rounded a corner and started laughing since standing there was a little orange mannequin. Pretty easy to spot and remove.

    Personally, I try to avoid cheats, but I think that popping into CM to remove just those blocks would be a "fair" cheat since they SHOULD disappear when the ship's taken. Two minutes, easy to spot, and back out. Easy-Peasey.

    I also remember taking over a (Drone?) base that had two Zirax Traders. They stayed after I cored it. One fell through 4 or 5 levels when I was salvaging on a lower deck. Was pretty funny him just dropping and still looking around like nothing happened.

    EDIT: Fixed bad sppelling
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2021

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