Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Three things I absolutely dislike about Empyrion:
    1. Players have to be sitting while ship is moving.
    2. I can't be on the ship when I log back in, when someone flies the ship away.
    3. Water physics is horrible.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
    Jacoviz likes this.
  2. Perry

    Perry Ensign

    Jun 8, 2016
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    The CPU point thing, Not thought out and now cannot turn off. The 7 and 8 year olds I bought the game for now cant do crap
  3. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    if singleplayer goto difficulty settings when you load the save - there is cpu in the bottom right to turn it on/off (about everything can be changed there)
    if you are on a server you should have selected one that fit your playstyle better, nothing can be done there.

    and as i am already here:
    1) no filters on galaxy map (faction, star type, resources, planets...)
    2) npc, especially cilvilian ones in tradestations bug around and the models are partly unfitting. needs major overhaul. (also enemy bug into walls)
    3) long distances take forever to travel in playfields (aka top speed is too low)
  4. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    1) Bugs, especially in multiplayer. Ranging from annoying over immersion breaking up to plainly gamebreaking, empyrion has them all.
    2) Performance. Microstuttering is a real pain. Also i cannot understand why the game seems incapable to actually fully use the hardware? At least for me GPU and CPU always sit around 50-60%, even if I rock only 11 FPS...

    Well thats it really for me. There are of course many things that can be improved, but as far as dislike goes it is really only the technical side of the game that regularily infuriates me.
  5. jalore

    jalore Lieutenant

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Easily, its the clean up script after a space battle. All your hard work and materials for a reward of looting the loser goes up in smoke... The most frustrating part of the game for me. makes space battles very pointless so why bother. if mining , is systems with no patrols ships that are easily found, to avoid pointless battles. And taking on some patrol ships is often meaningless as they respawn, let alone being a pirate.

    i understand it a bit more for MP servers but not for single player play. Rather see 5 minute count down be, the time to core the ship with a player core end the countdown. players still have to defend the ship from pirates, warlords or negative faction ship, or enemy players on MP who could place their own core.

    and when player salvages "their" core the cleans up script triggers, and removes any bits left of the ship.

    you can glitch the ships, by flying out of render range which will nullify the clean up script. but is a bad idea imo, using a glitch or bug to achieve a much desired feature, could possibly break my game. unless this is an intended undocumented feature, if is will use it more often.
    Spoon and KRanKO5 like this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Complaining about how the Vanilla Game function is show only a degree of unwillingness to change the numbers within the yaml-files and 'create' so your own style of game. The Vanilla Game is only the Foundation on which Scenario-Builders and Server Owner can built their own type of Games. There is no different programming for SP and MP, just the changes made to the aforementioned files.

    What CAN happen if the Wrecks stay longer is that your Ship get STUCK in single floating Blocks and than you would have wanted it would have been removed faster;).
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  7. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    Not everyone has the patience or the wherewithal to mod the game for themselves. A game should be fun to play without mods.

    And I don't think anyone wants disabled ships to stay around forever. They just want them to stay around long enough to be looted after a battle. Seems pretty reasonable to me. I think there is a compromise here somewhere.

    stanley bourdon likes this.
  8. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    The assumption is that all of the ships you encounter in space are the same (codewise) as the ones we bring in via the factory or scratch build. At several points Elyon has attempted to integrate the use of mesh models where a ship is represented by a single virtual block that as a result is impossible to salvage or loot. If they were able to do this in a game consistent way (damage, repairs, modifications, looting, salvage, etc.) it would go a long way in improving the overall performance of the game as ships would no longer be a constellation of blocks flying in formation.

    One potential solution to this EGS problem is suggested in Larry Niven's "Tales of Known Space" where he introduces the concept of a mono-molecular hull produced by the Puppeteer run conglomerate General Products. While a GP hull is totally impervious to all forms of attack short of antimatter, it is however transparent to electromagnetic radiation and gravitational sheer- unprotected occupants could cook or be flattened in the wrong circumstances. There were a limited number of standard designs (4) and they had limited openings and set points to permit building inside the hull.

    If Polaris were capable of building such vessels (extremely expensive) the singular block of a GP hull could be salvaged and refitted and the interior looted. The hybrid exposed bits (doors, shutters, engines, weapons, sensors, etc.) would be the weak points of such a ship.
  9. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    I hadn't thought about it this way. Next time I encounter one of those ships, I'll have to pay close attention to the visible damage to the ship. If it is one of those single-block ships, it would be obvious from the visible damage or lack thereof. If it is one of these virtual ships so implemented to improve performance then that would make sense why the behavior is that way. Maybe once the ship is disabled, they can swap it out for a block-built ship for looting purposes.

  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Three things I dislike today in Empyrion - aka things that have irked me recently (and regularly) lol.

    1) Melee Critters able to hit way beyond the range of the visual animation and through blocks, this is infuriating during POI raids. Especially as I tend to go light armour for agility, yet it often doesn't matter if I'm simply not there any more (i.e. I've dodged) when a melee hit "lands". There seems to be a "I've calculated that I will hit you" mechanic based on the timing of the attack. I.e. animation starts (like critter prepares to strike) player dodged 10+ metres away before the hit lands, yet the player still takes damage. It's annoying.

    2) No LoS targetting for turrets. Turrets will target the nearest qualifying target (Turret, Generator etc.) rather than the ones they actually have valid LoS on. This will regularly lead to turrets trying to shoot through armoured blocks (slow) to destroy a turret (or other target) that's not currently a threat, while other turrets / troops hammer the player. This needs to be fixed. As an additional annoyance here is how Turrets no longer target Sentries - primarily to alleviate this issue - which is a total pain in the rear.

    3) Hit boxes being inaccurate compared to the model they apply to. I.e. have perfect LoS - especially down scopes - on a given target, only to have the shots hit something else entirely. I've been in situations where there's clear LoS between myself and an enemy solider (for example) I shoot at them and hit some invisible over-sized hit box of another object, while the enemy seems to be shooting me without issue.

    Bonus dislike, cos I'm feeling generous:

    Lack of crouch / lean / look around corner/ wall -type mechanics in the game. More about being able to reduce my hit box / while targetting enemies. Zirax troops have been able to crouch for a while and they're just teasing us now. Actually, crouch was promised by the devs to appear in the next numbered Alpha - this was on a Spanj video with the devs a while back now. However, rather than progressing to that Alpha version, the devs went to v1.0 and crouch never materialised. I mean, a game with an FPS element yet no crouch? Really? Lol.

    A second bonus item, I'm all about the giving:

    Aiming down scopes / turret zoom movement resolution. It's impossible to aim pixel-perfect when looking down a scope / zoomed turret. Mouse input is like nothing, nothing, large jump of several pixels. It's horrible.

    These things constantly negatively impact my gaming experience, spoiling otherwise fun encounters.

    stanley bourdon and Wellingtoon like this.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    You don't want the ability to crouch and the lack of it doesn't feel odd to you? I'm a little surprised at that.

  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    No. thats not it.
    But I have PATIENCE and give the Devs all the Time they need to program it instead of joining into the lamenting.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Patience (or lack thereof) has nothing to do with it, the Devs have asked for the community's feedback on this and I, among many others, have responded with our thoughts. As implied in my (I thought) humorous tongue-in-cheack "bonus" dislikes, crouch isn't a major issue for me personally, though it does become irksome in many situations I feel and is an obviously missing feature when you consider traditional FPS mechanics.

    The ability to crouch, or lack there of, has come up a LOT over the years and, being the staple FPS element that it is, it is a little surprising that it's still absent. I get there's likely far more too it than a simple animation (already in-game for Zirax Troops, from a rigging perspective, that are basic bipeds just like the player) and adaptable hit-boxes (which crouching Zirax Troops have) are also a factor. But I do wonder why it doesn't seem to be happening when it appeared to be intended for an impending Alpha version, prior the drive for v1.0.

    Perhaps there's some sticking point I'm unaware of - which is pretty likely - due to how the current code hangs together, making something that seems fairly straight-forward - considering other humanoids in the game can crouch - particularly tricky. If that's the case, it's cool, but it'd be nice to know none the less. If there's no response / feedback from the devs as to why a feature simply cannot be done at this time, then the subject is less likely to be dropped. Perhaps I've missed a dev post on this topic, it's a big forum after all.

    It's all good at the end of the day, but the devs did ask for this and, based on their prior responsiveness to player feedback I feel it's well worth raising the subject again, especially when explicitly asked about our dislikes :)

    byo13 and Wellingtoon like this.
  15. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    So yeah, a 15 page thread that is now over two years from inception. The OP said "no discussions" and wanted bullet points. G, to your credit you didn't exceed 3 (I agree in your original letsHaveLateralPeacefulSolutions issues) but in terms of avoiding discussions you've "entered the fray" as an apologist almost a dozen times. 8^)

    As a mechanism to collect stories (read: User Stories, examples and terms) this and it's whaduyalove pairing are about all you could hope for from a forum but trying to control a forum thread with either rules or proctors is asking for failure.

    Create a form that you, as developers, repost the ones you acknowledge as aspiration goals with your own story point costs (read: What are story points and how do you estimate them?) and then let people vote with a Fibonacci currency you gift them that they need to allocate and choose to reallocate ("damn! I once thought crouching was important but now I think not falling out of the ship when I enter a game is more important!") might be a better system to stay in tune with the people spinning your prayer wheel...

    Just sayin' .. I mean why would you ask if you didn't care?
  16. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    No, I do not want crouching. There are far too many other things that actually NEEDS fixing first. And crouching is a weakness if something comes from behind.
    Jacoviz and tony hug like this.
  17. Kostriktor

    Kostriktor Commander

    Jul 31, 2019
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    1. shooting things doesnt give proper feedback.
    2. hitboxes dont feel accurate.
    3. wrong reload-mechanics. i can expand on this if needed.
    Jacoviz and stanley bourdon like this.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    3....As long as the new Avatar is not programmed the reloading will not be 'fixed'. Clear, yes?;)
  19. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    what is this new avatar you speak of? where do I find it? how do I program it?

    Clear, NO!!
    Spoon likes this.
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Are you part of the Dev Team?
    If not, you as all of us, have to wait and hope they find time to do it soon:)

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