Hello, I would like to be able to translate the tutorial into French for my own use to start with. Could you help me by telling me which files I need to translate and if there is any software to do this? Or do I have to do the translation on Excel? Thank you in advance for your answer.
The tutorial - if you mean the Robinson Protocol - and all story missions should be in the PDA.csv file, in Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Extras\PDA folder. The first column contains the "keys" which are referenced in the PDA.yaml, and each following columns are for the different languages, with their names at the top. I use Excel to edit csv files but there are many free editors available on the net.
And you can use the tool https://github.com/GitHub-TC/TranslateCSV/releases/tag/1.4.0 for an automatic translation of the CSV files with DeepL. I used it for Reforged Eden and it works perfekt https://empyriononline.com/threads/reforged-eden-1-6-deutsche-Übersetzung.98425/
Hello Kassonnade and ASTIC and thank you for your answers. I didn't understand how it works with DeepL to translate the files automatically and I didn't understand what the tool (GitHub-TC) is for and also how to install it. When I click on the exe nothing happens. Could you explain me how it works and how I have to do it step by step? Or if it's easier and doesn't take much time, could you automatically translate the PDA file in French with DeepL? Thank you in advance for your answers.
For the tool made by @ASTIC you have to follow these instructions : https://empyriononline.com/threads/tool-empyrion-translation-helper-tools.98170/ I don't use this tool I translate "by hand". If you need more help on that tool better ask him directly.
For example then the program ask you for a DeepL Free API key - so you have to register at DeepL before to get this free key
Salut Astic, Je ne comprends pas où je dois entrer le code que vous avez mis pour moi. De plus, je ne comprends pas ce que j'ai à faire avec ces fichiers : https://github.com/GitHub-TC/TranslateCSV/releases/tag/1.4.0 Dois-je télécharger les fichiers TranslateCSV.zip, ainsi que les 2 Codes sources ? Sinon je me suis inscrit sur DeepL et j'ai reçu une clé d'authentification. C'est compliqué !!!
It is a command line program and you had to call it from the command line from the directory You unpack the ZIP file https://github.com/GitHub-TC/TranslateCSV/releases/download/1.4.0/TranslateCSV.zip e.g. to C:\ and then call the program from the command line in this directory C:\steamcmd\empyrion.server\Content\Extras\PDA --> cmd Code: C:\TranslateCSV\TranslateCSV.exe --csv-input PDA.csv --csv-output PDA.csv --deepl-target-language FR --csv-target-language Français --deepl-free
Salut Astic et merci pour ton aide. Je pense que je commence juste à comprendre. Le fichier à traduire "PDA.csv" sur mon ordinateur se trouve à cet emplacement : D:\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic SurvivalContentExtras\PDA Par contre, ce que je n'ai pas compris, c'est où je dois mettre le programme en ligne de commande une fois qu'il est décompressé ? Et puis pourriez-vous refaire le code s'il change selon l'endroit où mon jeu Empyrion est installé sur mon ordinateur ? Merci de votre patience et de votre aide.
J'ai placé le programme dans la ligne de commande à cet emplacement : C:\Users\walzo\Desktop\Empyrion\TraduireCSV\TranslateCSV Est-ce correct? C:\Users\walzo>D:\Steamapps\commonEmpyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Extras\PDA>C:\Users\walzoDesktop\EmpyrionTraduireCSV\TranslateCSV. exe --csv-input PDA.csv --csv-output PDA.csv --deepl-target-language FR --csv-target-language Français --deepl-free
@ ASTIC: Wouldn't it be easier if you translated the PDA.csv file into French (a copy of the original) and then sent it to me via a link or I gave you my e-Mail address?
Here is the translated PDA which now also includes French for v1.6.3 (3512) unzip the csv and copy it into the Code: [EGS]\Content\Extras\PDA directory Remember: The dialogs are still in another file Code: [EGS]\Content\Configuration\Dialogues.csv in case you want to have them translated as well (whereas the free quota is almost used up by the PDA and will be reset only after 30 days) But we can see how far we get with the current rest translation volume ;-)
A big THANK YOU to you ASTIC. I am really happy finally after so many years to be able to play Empyrion in my native language. For the translation of the rest I think also that the best would be to translate until reaching the maximum of characters fixed. Then for the rest, I will do little by little when I have time line by line in Excel. Can you still make the Dialogues.csv in part? Once again a big THANK YOU ASTIC.
Ok, I used your and my remaining free volume and it was still enough for the Dialogue.csv unzip the file to Code: [EGS]\Content\Configuration View attachment 92105
@Hummel-o-War Hier sind die beiden Überstzungen für Französisch falls du sie gebrauchen kannst PDA: https://empyriononline.com/threads/translate-the-tutorial-fr.98913/#post-444123 Dialogues: https://empyriononline.com/threads/translate-the-tutorial-fr.98913/#post-444126
ASTIC you are a genius! At the risk of repeating myself, I really thank you a thousand times for your help. It's only happiness... You have made my next evenings very pleasant! THANK YOU Ps : I put the link in the French forum, if it can interest some!
Salut, j'aimerais bien avoir le chemin complet pour y déposer les fichiers. Quand je regarde dans le classeur d'Empyrion, il y a une petite dizaine de fichiers Dialogue.cvc et pareil pour le PDA.cvc. Bon même si je reduis la recherche en me basant qu'à ceux qui font mention du tutoriel, il en reste deux (Guided Tutorial et Tutorial) qui on aussi les dits fichers, ils se trouvent dans ce dossier E:\Programme\Epic Games\EmpyrionGalacticSurvKqTWC\Contenu\Scénarios et qui ont chacun Je suis un peu perdu.