You need to use the Container Controller ( ore and wood ) and you can add Container extensions for greater capacity. The old brown "harvest box" has been removed.
Must be pretty old, because it's been Container Controller (ore and wood) for, well, as long as I can recall. But yes, that is the device you need here. It's also worth mentioning that the Ore and Wood controller can be used in place of the generic Container Controller, and I've long since moved from using the generic controller on an HV/SV/CV I've designed, since it can receive any inventory items you place into it, and can link to constructors, so I really don't see a point in using the generic controller in these cases.
I lost track of some changes, and this one just flew off the radar for me because I used that brown resources box on minimalist builds, mostly because it had cool texture and markings while the controllers are too generic. I still prefer regular cargo boxes to controller/ extenders because of that. They look more "industrial space age" when attached on the exterior of a ship/ structure than extenders.