DEV BLOG Update 1.7 Feature Survey: Results!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 11, 2022.

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  1. Castafer

    Castafer Ensign

    Jan 13, 2022
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    I've played the game for several years now, and I'd say it's odd how inconsistent yet consistent the updates are. One update, everyone's happy. Next update, not many are happy. The game feels, okay to me. I'm not happy but I'm not unhappy with where the game is at. And I don't recommend anybody plays or buys it until they've updated it for a bit. Or if you're happy playing it, I'm not saying stop playing it. I'm just saying I'd rather wait it out. It's kinda funny how excited they got for water ripples. I hope whoever did that on the team got highly appreciated for it.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Like @ravien_ff and few others have already mentioned it's all up to server owners.

    But here's one I have been repeating a lot myself :


    Pick the one that is closest to your "old way of PvPing" and only mod it once, it will never get "patched".

  3. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    Please keep MP and PvP and MPvMP and P/MPvA as completely seperate topics.
    I suspect that the vast majority of private/dedicated servers are built for and enforce MPvE.

    Co-op MP is the largest player base in every game and genre that offers it. MPvMP can be, and often is, the biggest server killer in games where the majority of players want PvE ... just take a look at the number of abandoned/vacant PvP servers in games like Conan Exiles, or the massive anti-PvP movement in Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous.

    TLDR = Keep the MPvMP in games that are specifically designed for it, e.g. Mechwarrior Online, World of Tanks, PUBG, CoD, etc. (and note how toxic their communities are while you play them).
    akimzav and Don2k7 like this.
  4. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    I also find it interesting that new players wanted updated models... and I agree that EGS isn't quite as "pretty" as some other comparable games out there. If you haven't experienced the game before, I can totally understand how much visuals play into a decision to purchase the game. You haven't really fallen in love with the game yet and visuals have a big impact on first impressions. Models could definitely use an upgrade and it would be pretty high up on my list too. Probably third, behind singleplayer content and world design. I have never been much of a multiplayer guy. PVP has just never been my thing.
    Wellingtoon, BDAKiwi and Germanicus like this.
  5. BDAKiwi

    BDAKiwi Lieutenant

    Dec 24, 2020
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    The SP experience would benefit a lot from a continuation of the storyline.

    More than that though. Distress calls, cargo delivery missions, bounty missions. Pirates to whom everyone else is an enemy. All these things would make SP so much better.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
    bluemax151 likes this.
  6. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    We have always been a pretty big server, and we cater almost exclusively to PVE. Always have... Its been our experience that MP has been dying for a while due to bugs... Poor optimization... And a severe lack of content. RavienFF almost single handedly revived the game for a LOT of servers by releasing Eden as no server owner has enough time to create that level of content. We are just too busy chasing down and correcting bugs. Ive literally turned it into a full time job. So has HWS. We both have tons of code time into creating tools to correct the problems.

    This is also why SP tends to mean more as playhours increase. MP is really really buggy... And it happens to be where a game like this gets most of its growth in population towards the end of a games life cycle. If MP is crappy... It relies on content to carry it almost exclusively because there are no communities built around the game dragging friends in to play with. Yes... Some games do well in spite of not having MP. Its the content carrying them (Mostly provided by the modding community). Most gamers would agree with this. I remember a time when there were almost 3000 servers and Empyrion would get 20k plus entries for a survey. Now... Well... This is where we are. Mostly SP left playing because thats where the stability is.

    I think this survey left out a lot. I also think it signals Empy is close to being finished due to its very narrow scope. Personally... I think its a mistake. This game never got the credit it deserved, or the attention it COULD have had. Every time it got close... Something happened that nerfed it. Usually bugs. And now, the bugs have haunted this game for so long in MP... It would be super shocking to see them fixed. Would probably revive its once growing player base.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
  7. SmaugBR

    SmaugBR Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    I'll tell you a secret... something to get things going while they do not make it official, but... shhh... don't tell enybody else, ok? ;)

    Locate what you wish to convert, like your base. Then, place a STARTER Block for the thing you want it converted to - like a CV starter Block. Then open game console ('), use "di" command and look to your base. Write down the number which appears in ID. Do the same with the CV you just started.

    Then, exit the game and look inside your save files. Locate two folders among the folders of ingame saved objects: one with your base ID and the other with the new CV ID. Copy everything from inside the Base ID Folder then go inside the CV Folder. Erase everything there and paste all the content you just copied.

    Return to the game. You'll find two copies of your original base: your base and a CV-version of your base! The game just don't replicate exclusive blocks (e.g. any machine or block which is "Base-only" will leave a blank space in the CV). Then, you just need to erase the original Base using "destroy command" and then proceed playing with your new CV, fixing any holes left by missing exclusive blocks.

    I know it is a paliative way of doing it, but... well, this way you can play the way you want while they do not implement such a conversion - what, as you can see, is SUPER easy to do.

    Kassonnade likes this.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Console command is much easier. It will convert the BLUEPRINT file itself.

    prefabinfo 'Blueprint Name' -convert CV
  9. SmaugBR

    SmaugBR Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    Hmmmm nice! I didn't know that. But... tell me: does this command REPLACES the original blueprint for a new converted one or just creates a copy of it in the new format?

    My method doesn't create a blueprint, so, if you are just digging up a lost ship or converting an in-game existing base, there is no need to acquire the materials to build the thing from scratch... (and... one can always use sbp command).
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It just changes the Blueprint file but it's safer than file editing which can corrupt the save database.
  11. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    I'd like to see a more advanced Logistics system. The ability to create job templates to make some stuff, then automatically load it into a docked vehicle (i.e. fuel, pentax, ammo). And also the ability to save the jobs to the blueprint. Currently I feel like I spend way too much time in the Constructor screen, it's not that fun after you've done it thousands of time.


    I'd also like to see a 'spawned by' field in the statistics page with the ability of the spawner to have the option to disallow a faction admin from setting the CV to private or if the person who spawned it gets kicked from a faction, that the CV automatically goes back to private to the spawner unless he otherwise specifies it via an option in the P menu. The spawner should also be able to switch their vehicle back between faction owned and private anytime they want to if they don't want others using their stuff.

    I've seen too many douche faction leaders 'steal' CVs from new players over the years and it's a reason why a lot of ppl make single player factions, because there's no anti theft security for there assets once they switch their assets over to faction. There are legitimate times when you want to set your vehicle to faction when playing with other faction members to see them on radar, etc.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2022
  12. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Now, as is often the case the survey causes some conflict in my views! It is great to have the player surveys and even better to see the results published - though some times the results do not mirror my personal priorities.

    The last Version release with its graphical improvements, models and world updates, bugs fixed etc does move the game forward and so I welcome it - after all having a better looking game has always got to be good. Making the product more polished, presentable and professional is hopefully good for sales/player base growth too.

    ...But, there are very long lists of new requested features, that have been discussed many times in these forums as well as the endless bugs and Netcode improvements etc etc... (though I feel it would be unfair to not acknowledge that the dev's are constantly squashing bugs).

    Personally I hope the next version adds a new game mechanic or two, top of my wish wish list would be to replace the XP levelling system, with a research/discovery/theft/purchase/mission system of acquiring technology. (stop learning how to make a warp drive by shooting critters) But we probably all have our own EGS wish list!

    I think, like many players who have racked up thousands of hours to this game, it would be crazy to say EGS is not great. But like any anything you have enjoyed so much over a period of years, you want to see it grow and continue to improve. (fingers crossed it will do so...! :))
    Kassonnade and Thodin O Gondrafn like this.
  13. Duke Sparrow

    Duke Sparrow Ensign

    Apr 23, 2021
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    For me, the number one thing that would increase immersion and make the game overall more enjoyable and attractive to new players would be an overhaul of sound design. The music is pretty much good already I think... but there are so many problems with the sounds. Gun sounds lack any kind of depth, distant sounds are mostly the same volume as near sounds, many sounds play only partially or don't really fit what's happening well, and overall the quality of the sound design is just not very good. Though there are many systems in the game that could use improvement, sound is immediately noticeable and persistent at all times.
    moaxy and akimzav like this.
  14. Darth_Dad_Bod

    Darth_Dad_Bod Ensign

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I would love to see the weight and cpu system have more subtlety than "I can carry 40,000 steel blocks" vs "I can only carry 6 so it takes 11 irl hours to build a base." It feels so over the top in both directions. Maybe variable wight modifier.

    Same thing for computers.

    Fix the bugs, polish the thing up and then add drone modules like the ability to carry a shotgun.

    also, I still miss the old mining system, where it was ore chunks down random shafts. Felt legit.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  15. Darth_Dad_Bod

    Darth_Dad_Bod Ensign

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Are you aware at all, of what you just asked for; in terms of developement?
    Kassonnade likes this.
  16. Thodin O Gondrafn

    Thodin O Gondrafn Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2019
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    Geschmacksache. Solange ich das selber einstellen kann (EGS bietet ja diverse Dateien an), sähe ich zum Beispiel lieber den Focus auf "Warum liegt nach dem Einloggen mein Zug wieder neben den Gleisen?" oder "Wieso parkt mein SV nicht im Hangar sondern im darunter liegendem Wohnzimmer?" Ja ich weiß, Workaround=Console und SP - jedoch eine yaml oder efc muß ich nur einmal anfassen ;)
    (Translator) Taste. As long as I can set this yourself (Egs offers yes various files), I would like to see the focus on "Why is after logging in my train back next to the tracks?" or "Why does not my SV park in the hangar but in the living room underneath?" Yes, I know workaround = console and SP - but a YAML or EFC I have to touch only once ;)
    Germanicus likes this.
  17. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Playtime hours
  18. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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  19. Christianholmes

    Christianholmes Captain

    Jul 27, 2016
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    "Game mechanics"

    Can we start with the protagonist NOT have grease on the bottom of his shoes? Seriously, easiest fix in the world and you guys don't do it. Do you even play the game? There should be no reason I'm sliding everywhere.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You don't anymore. This update fixed that.
    Vermillion likes this.
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