Faction: Wastelanders (WST) Spawn: planet Name: BA_WSTsettlementLastHope Groupname: BAWST Spawn name: Last Hope Settlement Size Class: 13 A ground POI for Wastlanders setup as a settlement. Credit to ThescriptHD (WST faction etc) and Sulusdacor (some LCDs)
Hello Script, maybe you read my comment on the wastlanders city and paid attention in this city? I'm assuming that the bar and the living containers were "imported" from the city. It would be a shame if I still had to leave my helmet on when flirting at the bar.
sorry i did not see your other comment on the other build, yea i imported parts/ideas from scripts build to make it in keeping with the faction style, credit given. well if should be on a breathable planet so no need for a helmet when propping up the bar lol
oh sorry, didn't realize there were two different authors. It looked like it was all of a piece. nice work. Yes, "IF" it is placed on a planet with an atmosphere doesn't matter, but I don't think you can define that necessarily. It would be easier to make a thin pane of glass behind/in front of the steel truss block. It didn't matter, was just a hint. But maybe it's also part of the business idea that the customers don't leave the bar anymore.