Help needed gun limits

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vorxian, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. Vorxian

    Vorxian Ensign

    May 19, 2018
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    Hi all,
    Sorry for the noobish question, I tried to research this but only found results going back several years... I'm sure a lot has happened since then.

    So in single player mode, playing solo you need all the help you can get and there's an option to remove the hardpoint limit of guns on your ship.

    I have CV design that allows missile launcher housing to be part of the body design when retracted. I know having tons of guns is silly, but what I have noticed, is that probably only half a dozen fire at a time, regardless of the amount.. so even if you have 7 or 8 only 6 may fire (I can't rememeber the exact number off the top of my head).

    So whilst the unit hard cap can be removed, there still looks to be a software / soft cap on how many actually fire at the same time. Does anyone know a way around this? if I have 10, I'd love 10 to fire.

    Hopefully I make some level of sense, I'm not great at explaining these things!

    Any thoughts / insights would be invaluable. Thanks again!
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    How do you know that all guns that can fire (line-of-sight) are not firing ? Are you talking about the fixed frontal weapons or turrets? And is this "modding" in a scenario or in the vanilla game ?
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
  3. Vorxian

    Vorxian Ensign

    May 19, 2018
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    Hey sorry yes, fixed frontal rocket launchers. If you go external view and swing camera around, literally only SIX out of XXX fire. If you delete the ones that fired, another group of 6 will fire.

    This is straight vanilla, single player, with block limit switched off in advanced settings / customisation.

    It all came about trying to design something to frontal assault a Zirax Tovera Dread.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There is a max of about 21 fixed weapons you can have on your ship. Going over the cap can cause some to not fire.
  5. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Just so you guys know, there are bat files that can be used to automatically fire all fixed weapons simultaneously in a ship, they don’t actually fire all at once, they just rapidly cycle and fire every group at a time, very common in pvp servers, they’re popular because they allow the player to keep the ship under common game constrains and yet take full advantage of all weapons installed

    Other tactics include using PVP ships to fight the big ships in game, the main idea is to have decoy devices and weapons at the front, the ones you can afford to lose, with a couple of layers of cheap steel on top while the big turrets and weapons at the back of your ship, all have clear view of the target in front at all times, no weapons or turrets spread along the ship hull, they all need to have the same target in sight simultaneously for the max damage output

    They’re ugly birds I know but they are deadly efficient
  6. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I have to say, I've never gotten the point of "let's target this device" - I'd rather just shoot out a cockpit and call it done. No helm, no activity. No pilot, no activity. But then, I don't devote my every playing minute to "what can I blow up now?"

    The whole "decoy device" mode of thought is just completely uninspired to me.
  7. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    It's how the game works and it's how with all the limitations in SP PvE you alone can beat a Tovera or a Legacy ship
  8. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Can't say I've ever run into a Tovera ship, and the only Legacy ship I've run into I was able to cripple pretty easily and pick apart without shield dropping below 30%.
  9. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Tovera only has about 100 or so turrets

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