I started to mess around with modding, and figured listing all autominers on map and placing waypoints would be nice to have.... now i start to doubt those are in the api at all... are they? Did I pick something impossible again? (wow, di also ignores autominers :-/ ) I get lots of entitys listed, like the player, bases, vehicles and npc stuff, but no autominers and no portable constructors.
Autominers are listed in the Terrain Placables table in the database, it even flags the ones that are set to Faction allow and tells you what faction. Setting waypoints is also possible but in a very roundabout sort of way the API call is "Console Command", from there you run "Remoteex" to get to "Marker" ConsoleCommand is the one you use to run "Telnet commands" from the API You can find remoteex documentation by connecting to your server's telnet connection and running "help remoteex" Marker is an in-game Console command, so you can just look up documentation in-game using "help Marker" so, you end up with something like GameAPI.Game_Request(CmdId.Request_ConsoleCommand, (ushort)CmdId.Request_InGameMessage_AllPlayers, new Eleon.Modding.PString( remoteex cl=1 'marker name=Autominer pos=234,123,554 WD' )); cl= You use Client ID for Remoteex commands, its a number assigned when you log on to the server. First person to log on after the server is started is 1, second is 2, etc. if you log off then log back on you are assigned a new Client ID. name= what you want the waypoint to be called, I havent found a way to have spaces in the name pos= coordinates, no spaces, no decimals W Waypoint D Destroy on approach there are more options available in the Marker settings Expire= time till waypoint destroys itself, you cannot use both an Expire and D in a Marker command. Expire stops working if you set the number higher than 56 (I may have remembered this wrong, its been a few years since I made the ActiveRadar mod)
Thank you, i managed to get the data from the database, but realized the method to set the marker probably wont work for the client mod im working on. Also I experimented with the marker command, it seems buggy: I get a marker, but it's alwas show on hud with waypoint and remove disabeled, also it does not show in list and cant be deleted i bet some update broke the command and as noone used it so it was never fixed... (maybe i should report it)
Hmm, strange. I wonder if those waypoints show in the bookmarks tab of the database. If you add bookmarks to the database does the game load them? I havent experimented with the database much.
This is on the wish list for the API, but unfortunately Eleon has lost interest in its expansion/bugfixes.
Shame. So many more cool things everyone could do with the API (and the Scripting mod that uses it) if Eleon just opened up a few more options in the API