Added to game 5x crashed CV's

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by sulusdacor, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    ressource distribution is tailored after this:
    (aka basics each <2000, neo <500)

    the wreckages are build as planetary CV wrecks, meaning there are no floating blocks. nontheless these could be spawned as spacewreckages too of course.

    all saved with DMG stats on.

    spawn stuff:
    [ ] blueprint flattens ground
    [ ] Terrain removal
    [ ] Keep top soil
    (offset is always a half block above the hanger or "walkway" level, so there is usally a large/half part buried.)
    Dive1 -7
    Goblin -6
    HM-01 -5
    Sanctorum -7
    Wokan -3


    Spawn Names:
    Crashed Dive 1
    Crashed Goblin
    Crashed HM-01
    Crashed Sanctorum Sidetracker
    Crashed Wokan

    "special" devices loot: (they have the usual thruters too of course)
    Dive 1: repair station (has erest + zasc due to that), 5 growplots
    sanctorum: warp drive, detector
    goblin: large constructor
    wokan: small constructor
    HM01: pentaxid tank

    my thinking was that you could get a workable CV if you take the parts from the wrecks. this is mainly for roleplay purpose, since you can obviously craft the parts. i thought it would be a nice touch to search for "a working" warpdrive in a wreck and so on.

    all builds are by me and full builds are on the workshop with same name. only exception is the HM-01, which is a failed/unfinished Helios Module attempt from me and not released -> hence name HM-01.

    edit:forgot to mention the growplots on the Dive 1

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Do you think they would fit as a replacement to the "crashed CVs" we are using f.ex. on Skillon?
  3. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    not sure i understand your question correctly.
    (which "crashed CV's" are we talking about here?)

    the 5 wrecks i made are similar to wrecks in the crashedShip group, aka stuff to salvage (or takeover and then salvage). there is not much of a difference to other things in the crashedShip group. some other crashed ships have full devices too (like large constructors, hangar doors, food processor, turrets ...). the detector is a newer item, so none of the old wrecks has it. the pentaxid/warpdrive/repairstation is not found on the old ones too. so these 4 devices would be the only difference here. from a gameplay point and what ressources you can get the wrecks i made and the ones in the crashedShip group are the same in my eyes. so i am slightly confused why you would replace these. i do not think there is a reason to replace these old ones, unless i am missing something here?

    if you mean other "CV's", like the ones that are looking a bit more habitable (like the enginepart, shuttle, ...). i thought these are supposed to be "houses" and have another function for gameplay. if you mean these then i probably would not replace them, since the ones i made are swiss cheese like and not really fit for playerhousing (assuming that is the goal for these).

    overall it depends on which crashed CV's we are talking about and a bit what the skillon start should be gameplay wise.

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