Feedback Required Stuck in Teleportation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by silentius, Jul 23, 2022.

  1. silentius

    silentius Ensign

    Dec 17, 2018
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    Hi there,

    I have not found an active bug for this so not sure if only my game is broken. Since a few weeks teleporting became extremely buggy. Just today the 4. teleportation ended up with endless loading screen. The only thing I can do is terminate my game and restart it. When I then login on the server I am mostly underneath the teleporter (in the structure itself). It really does not matter if I teleport between CV's or BA's.

    Is only my game broken or does somebody else experienced this issue?
  2. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    same for me, if i restart the game i mostly end up near core of target, if i wait even longer i end up somewhere random, like a habitat or trade station (lucky i didn't end up at hostil station yet).

    i use a dedicated server and play reforged eden; what setup do you use?
  3. silentius

    silentius Ensign

    Dec 17, 2018
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    Actually I am running stock game with minor modifications (less consumpter of shields etc).
    So I would say it has nothing to do with the scenario. My first guess was that it is a problem with the players coordinates because some motion sensors also seem to have issues.
    But now that you described the time depended position I think I experienced the same at least once. Usually I login again right after game closed but on one or two occasions I waited a bit and indeed my location was a few meters away from the teleporter.
  4. A Mueller

    A Mueller Ensign

    Dec 1, 2016
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    I experience the same thing. Playing Reforged Eden. I setup an autominer teleport network with roughly 30 autominers. I can warp to each one with no issues in single player. Problem only occurs in multiplayer. Once I host co-op with one friend, I get the endless loading screen when teleporting. Happens roughly 2 out of 10 warps. Does not matter how long I wait. I've waited 10 minutes before, does not finish loading. It always throws me all over the map when I log back in, usually 5 - 8 km away from nearest teleporter. Frustrating to say the least, kinda kills multiplayer for me and my buddy.

    Another player suggested a fail safe setup, where if you do not reach your destination in a certain time, it should return you to your starting teleporter. Would love to see this or any other solution/work around implemented so we do not need to restart the game and server to keep playing.

    I understand this seems to be hard to replicate for the troubleshooting team in order to investigate, but I imagine a fail safe can be implemented regardless.

    Hopefully something can be figured out, I really enjoy playing Empyrion with a friend.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Please test in a completely vanilla game then report as a bug.
    Using reforged Eden makes it hard for them to reproduce the issue and there's nothing I can do to fix it in the scenario.
    A Mueller likes this.

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