Feedback Required Scenario: Stranded at Nemesis (Survival Challenge)

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Responding to some spoilers above: Loot containers have random content I suppose, so they don't always give what you really need, in my case a bit more prometheum pellets but that didn't change my situation.
    Bollen and boolybooly like this.
  2. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Mind if I ask where these containers were? Were these the ones to the side of the scout? I thought I checked everything. Maybe its an RND thing or a stealth update.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I tackled this scenario by initially making the wrecked CV moderately habitable, ensuring not to change ownership from "Public" else the many Drones and local Zirax CV will stomp you in seconds... as I found out in my first attempt lol.

    I've sort of hit a snag though... For me there have been NO EVA boosts in Loot, so I cannot head over to the Station as it's way way too cold. Nor can I create even the most basic single-thruster "escape pod" style SV from available materials. There's simply not enough Carbon Substrate to be salvaged and no crushed stone in order to craft it. I've exhausted any possible loot and salvageable stuff from the CV...sorta stuck now.

    Judging by what @Iso mentions in Spoilers above, RNG was perhaps kinder to him than it has been for me.

    So, I've hit a bit of a dead-end in this potentially very fun scenario. Random luck should NEVER be able to change the difficulty from trivial (EVA boost found, easy to get to the Station) to Impossible (No EVA in Loot, unable to construct even a super-basic SV or HV).

    Edit: I was hoping the CV might have some Carbon Composite blocks as part of its hull...nope!

    Edit 2: As an aside, the Fibre plants are only yielding TWO plant fibre and not the documented eight for me. Making biofuel 5x slower as a well as anything else that needs plant fibres
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Regarding the station Scoob, think outside the box (not a play on words just to be clear!) :)
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, I'm evidently missing something. I note the game says that the Station isn't as far away as it appears. Well, in my experience it's EXACTLY as far away as it appears as I just got there, spamming meds to make it...purely as a test. Oddly, once arriving and being in a warm environment, my body temp is taking ages to go up, as a result I'm still getting the status effects spammed.

    Btw: if you hint about boxes is in regards to boxes that are supposed to contain an EVA boost...that's not the case for me. I've visited, looted and salvaged the boxes marked on the HUD when the hand scanner is used. Indeed, they're even marked when using the scanner after I've already looted and salvaged them.

    Edit: After the scouts were particular aggressive during my first attempt, I though I might be able to salvage some stuff from them this time. However, there's only one this start - rather than the three or four I had last time - and it's staying over 1.3km away, too far for me to approach with no EVA boost.

    Now, I could save up and craft lots of steak for the slight body temp boost it gives but, really, waiting around for Veggies to mature so I can craft it? Nope, that's not fun. I should be constantly busy in such a scenario, not waiting around.

    If there is a way to get to the station easier, perhaps it's time people shared how they did it, as I suspect RNG might be a factor here regarding what's available to the player. For example, after looting and salvaging everything not needed to keep the CV liveable, I cannot even craft a basic Generator for an SV, let alone a thruster and RCS. Basically, I crafted the starter block, cockpit and fuel tank and that was it, out of materials for anything else.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022
  6. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Didn't even know it was possible to loot an EVA boost o_O
    Needleship likes this.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    RNG it seems. One wasn't present for me in the container others appear to have been able to acquire one from.

    Thanks btw, I just did it that way again and made it ok. Feels very very cheesy though lol.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022
  8. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Oh is that so, the station ISN'T as far away? So, it's shorter... I think I got the message, but...I'm sure I have investigated everything on the Scout wreckage, even in space at some distance from it, is this clue really telling me that
    I should find the one of 2 things in the game that shortens the distances?
    I will repeat looking around but I can't believe it's that simple...And let's not forget: You play at Level 3.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022
  9. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I notice that there is possibly a bug with the Jetpack Booster: If I watch the numbers in the Armor Locker when I install it, the numbers say that my jetpack usage multiplier is REDUCED by -0.25. It should be the contrary, no? Or are only the numbers bugged but it works ok?
  10. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    Not a bug.
    With the JetpackFac higher numbers are worse.

    Take a look in the ItemsConfig.ecf to see what I mean.
    Just take a look at the ArmorLight, ArmorMedium, and ArmorHeavy entries and look at the JetpackFac line.
    Each armor has a higher number than the last, meaning higher numbers are worse.

    Light armor is 1.20
    Medium is 1.44
    Heavy is 1.73

    It is a multiplier of how much it drains the jetpack per second. So lower numbers are better. If you can get all the way to 0 or negative you have infinite jetpack.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022
  11. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Thanks Twitchyl, I never noticed that, because the jetpack is so important here I took a closer look at the numbers :)
  12. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I don't know if this is intended or not:
    The trader in the station's meeting room will speak to you the first time and propose its goods to buy or sell. Later, the second time pressing F on him yields nothing, no dialogue, also after reloading the game.

    My 2nd playthrough was again a misery failure, this time I made it to - what I thought - the easier moon, but after killing some zyrax with their creatures I died asap because of fire rain...I don't think any booster will protect you from this weather effect, will try next time with more insulation boosters but I doubt it does something, I need to find a compound but this weather effect is faster... Let's see. Also too bad that here in this scenario the Zyrax can throw you off your motorbike, hehe...
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022
  13. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    I added a core to the suspicious escape pod and it was flyable, but the rate of turning was ridiculously low.

    So obviously I added an RCS and another thruster and it was then very maneuverable and I like the hi-viz orange!

    I just wanted to say that imho the rate of turn without RCS is too low and part of the problem is it is inconsistent which I think is due to constraints on the game engine.

    The rate of turning without RCS seems to vary by about a factor of ten or more.

    Optimal rate occurs when you press the key to adopt a horizontal alignment (which I have mapped to "O" ), when it moves tolerably quickly, after you do that it is fastest when pitching down but in other directions is very very slow and sometimes refuses to move at all.

    It will also change rate in a given direction for no discernable reason.

    imho this is too clunky to be fun and the rate of turn without RCS is (ridiculously) too little and ought to be better than it is to help smooth out the problems and it should always be about as fast as it currently is when pressing the horizontal key, which is not much use for combat but is less gratuitously annoying.
  14. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Another thing, was disappointed to discover the grey asteroids cannot be mined for crushed rock, what is the reason for that?

    It seems unreasonably restrictive to me and not in the spirit of open play.
  15. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Also the suspicious escape pod with a new core does not make a map icon so its easy to lose.

    imho it ought to make an icon if you add a core.

    Also the new core cannot be changed from private to public in P menu. (Also the private option on the drop down list is spelled "privat" missing an "e" off the end. FYI
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022
  16. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Also cannot trade on the station with the Pol trader in the conference room after my first trade, i.e. worked on the first visit when I sold ammo but after that I keep getting the invitation "press T to talk to trader InterWeap (meeting)" but a buggy response on pressing the action key where the camera POV jerks upwards and there is no trade interface or any kind of interaction.

    As a previous poster said above the "Hall Overseer" will not offer trade either after completing the suspicious escape pod dialogue.
  17. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    On arriving at the Dione my factory spawned SV jumpship would not dock, but it did dock to the Scout wreck OK.

    Also the happy ending of returning to the fleet was nice but then the game exits and it would be better if there was a "Play On" button which just returns you to the game rather than having to reload.
  18. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    - Low turnrate without RCS is because the thruster is nearly center-mounted. (I never use RCS in any ships... :D But it will result in similar V-Shape designs, all the time.)

    - Ship does not dock to Dione, because this is the UCH faction, you are 'Human' faction. Scout wreck is 'Public' faction, kind of free-for-all.
    - The option to set your faction to 'public' was removed some time ago. IIRC because it became an exploit? Public faction does not register your 'misdeeds'. (But it was a nice way to stave off BA attacks)
    Germanicus likes this.
  19. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    OK thanks for the explanation, which suggests Eleon need to make UCH faction dockable for human faction, surely its just a boolean properties flag?

    You can still choose public/private for the Scout wreck in this scenario, public may prevent attacks but private allows block reclaim and brings home the bacon as the enemy drones are a good source of power and components
    using that amazing legendary sniper rifle (once you have repaired and encased the base core!)

    Thanks also for the turning rate advice, will have to try exaggerating the assymetric placement with suspicious escape pods in future! Though I still feel a tiny bit of RCS turning capacity in the cockpit would not go amiss if that is what makes the difference between playable and unplayable.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ran out of time last night, but here's a brief summary of my experience thus far.

    Started out patching up the Scout CV by salvaging non-essential equipment, deco and other blocks. I quite enjoyed that and it resulted in a decent enough temporary base. Looted the floating cargo boxes, but no EVA boost for me, though others appear to have been able to obtain one. Is it intended that this is pure RNG?

    Wanted to build a very basic SV to get to the station, not enough resources available to do this though. Cheesed my way to the Station via spamming various meds. NOT fun, horribly cheesy, no "smart" way to do this based on the resources available to me. Almost put me off the scenario entirely as this was just plain messy.

    Sold some stuff at the station, bought some stuff at the station, did up the Suspicious SV and made it into a functioning vessel. Explored the Moon - pretty darn dangerous - mapped out a few interesting locations. Need to return with an armed SV (already done back at the CV) so will head back this even if I get time.

    The big stand-out thing so far is the inconsistency of the experience. Some find and EVA boost, making traversal to the station trivial, others such as myself do not. Also, on my first attempt, the area was SWARMING with multiple Drones which took pot-shots at me the moment I popped out of cover, not to mention a Zirax CV patrolling too - not sure whether it's armed or not though. My second attempt saw only one Drone, that stayed at 1.3km distance the entire time, until I went and poked it.

    Additionally, it irks me somewhat that I'm obliged to exploit the "Public" nature of the Scout CV to stop it being attacked. Oh, the suspicious SV defaulted to Private the moment I added a Core, so was instantly targetted by that Drone when I got close. Other Drones appeared after the first was destroyed.

    Things to investigate: Those parked SV on the station...I'm guessing there's some way to get the keys.

    Things I'd have liked: Some more resources floating around in space to find as I quite like salvage-style gameplay. Additionally, perhaps some Carbon blocks on the Scout CV to salvage. I ended up buying Carbon Composite - it's cheap - but having some in the CV would be better I feel. More time to prep before the silly near-suicidal run to the station lol.

    My personal plan: I'm gonna fix up the Scout CV and get it flying. I've already found everything I need, I just need to go get it.

    Edit: wanted to add that I do like this scenario. Indeed I've set up my own custom starts in the past where I begin with a wrecked CV in orbit and I escape to the planet in a basic SV "Escape Pod" with minimal resource, it's fun. I assume once the scenario tasks are complete, we can just keep playing the game as a Sandbox? Or is it a case of we jump away with the fleet and live happily ever after?

    I'd like to see more stuff like this as alternate starting options.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2022

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