What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Is there a size limit or block limit for bases?
  2. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    If I remember correctly the current block limit is 250 x 250 x 250.
    (But I reserve the right to be wrong on that one).

    As for the size limit, that is normally set by a servers administrator.
    The size limit is the size of the CPU load needed to render a build.
    So the larger the "size" the more difficulty a low-spec PC will have in rendering the build.
    The devs limit the size of build submissions for this reason.

    So you will never find the size class 182 Nexus Station in game.
    (Even my 4k Alienware PC has issues with that one).
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2022
    Germanicus and jadefalcon like this.
  3. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  4. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Siege put a lot of work into it, it's one of the biggest builds I am aware of.
    He even made a SV "monorail car" to get around it.
    I highly recommend it, if your computer can handle it.
    Siege Inc. likes this.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I've been quite entertained by my latest Reforged Eden game start. I chose the Ocean world starter, which rng has made a little more brutal than normal. For those of you that perhaps don't know, with the Reforged Eden scenario, the Ocean planet starter begins with you in the Ocean, just off the coast of a small island, not an escape pod splash-down, but already in the oceas. That island's resources, critters and POI's vary from start to start of course.

    So, there I am, plop, I'm in the water with said island in front of me and, within seconds I'm taking fire from a darn Patrol Vessel! I dive under the surface - thankfully that works now - plus with this planet not having a breathable atmosphere, I have the basic Light Armour and a full tank of O2. I'm able to hide on the ocean floor, about 75 metres from the shore, while the PV losses interest and wanders off.

    With the coast clear - except for some wandering Drones, did I mention that? lol - I make my way to the beach and begin to frantically gather what little resources I could before I had to take cover again. I managed to scrounge together some Plant Protein, Plant Fibre, a few wooden logs and a couple of resource rocks. Enough to get things started.

    Rather than return to the Ocean, which I debated, I actually chose to dig in on the beach, creating a small underground camp to place the Portable Constructor and O2 generator. By this point, the PV - which had never really wandered that far away was back in range. I could see it shoot an, as yet, unknown POI in the distance, out of scanner range. With little option to explore the island for resources - Drones and that PV being quite the deterrent - I ventured into the Ocean instead.

    The Ocean bed, a short distance off-shore, had plentiful resources for harvesting, from a multitude of resource rocks, from Iron, Copper (quite rare) and Silicon, as well as rarer stuff such as Neodymium, Sathium and Gold. I gathered it all up, watching my O2 levels. Though it was normally a full inventory (volume) that saw me heading home. The game really needs to give us some more options for traversing the Ocean while under the water, some sort of "sea bike" aka Diver Mobility Vehicle type thing would be a great start.

    I ended up hollowing out my little hidey-hole further and placing down a base starter. With more crafting options and decent storage I could expand further...

    After some time gathering more resources - all under the Ocean - I found myself in a position where I could readily escape the area. I could either build a moderately decent HV - I'd already built a ramp up from my underground lair - or a basic SV. Both able to carry the resources I'd so far gathered and refined, but not any of the base blocks I'd placed.

    While preparing to do exactly that, with the PV and Drones still circling, I decided that, no, I'm not going to be chased off by the Zirax, this is my island, or it will be. So, I dug in. Initially placing Sentries near the possible entrances to my base in case the Zirax tried to land troops. Later expanding to Cannon Turrets in an attempt to fend off the PV and, ultimately, shoot it down. I had tunnels under the Cannon Turrets, so I could be there with a Multi-tool repairing the Turrets as they were attacked. I only had a T1 MT, and the PV could out DPS my repair rate by about two to one, so I still lost turrets, but they (hopefully) did some damage before they went down.

    This is basically where I am now. I don't have the resource available to build anything better than Cannon Turrets (good vs. blocks in Reforged Eden). Well, I did build a Missile Turret, but I can only craft twelve missiles (no Magnesium other than two surface rocks), so likely not worth it. The main issue though is that it's difficult to hit a moving object in Empyrion due to how the colliders are implemented. You can be 100% on target with an insta-hit weapon, but the shot will still "miss". This is why my (currently) three Cannon Turrets haven't even taken out one of the PV's Three Turrets yet, despite having ample time on target on many occasions now. This is a little frustrating as, from past games, I know how effective CV Cannon Turrets have been vs. enemy POI's Turrets - they rip them up in no time if the target isn't shielded. However, Player BA Turrets - even though they're hit-scan - appear to constantly miss the target (just turrets) more regularly damaging nearby block or dealing no damage at all. Hopefully this is something that can one day be fixed. I know an AoE weapon would be better, but I cannot craft the needed ammo in any useful volume.

    As a total aside, I noticed that when I replaced a destroyed Cannon Turret with a new one in the same place, it would "remember" how much ammo it had in it! So, I didn't lose ammo each time one was destroyed. Nice.

    Anyway, that's been my last couple of session in Empyrion and I do still plan to take down that PV, even though game issues are making it harder than it should be.
  6. Don2k7

    Don2k7 Captain

    Apr 27, 2021
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    WIP - started this yesterday, the Zirax Empress' Palace poi for the Zirax home world
    today got the rest of the outside almost finished apart from spawner's etc and started basic layout inside





  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I decided to revisit a very old build and decided that I did not like how I did the nacelles way back when.
    I also decided that I did not like the placement of the shield generator.

    So, redid the nacelles and moved the shield generator to the rear of the craft.

    I figure I will update the old blueprint once I am done tweaking it.

    Original is on the left, the rework is on the right.

    cmguardia and Germanicus like this.
  8. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I say escape with an HV and return later better equipped.

    The last two ocean world starts I attempted had the abandoned stuff near to one another so I could flesh out a base(in one instance I used an abandoned mine) and then return to kill that damn PV.

    But this is just my 2 cents.
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I like the coloring and the top part of the one on the right.
    Robot Shark likes this.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Well, after likely hours of my Turrets grinding away on the PV's Turrets it finally took the two lower ones down - no good LoS on the upper Turret, but that's proven less of a threat. To save wasting ammo trying to cut through a lot of Combat Steel to get to that upper turret, I switched targetting to Generators...

    Just moments ago, the PV came within range again and my FIVE Cannon Turrets opened up, one shot must have either hit a Generator or a fuel tank as the whole thing exploded, causing the PV to crash to the ground. I'm gonna rush over with a Core in the hope that I can preserve it long enough to recover some goodies.

    I've been pretty stubborn this game, determined to take down the PV. I sorta hope it respawns...eventually, but I've never actually seen that happen.

    Edit: *sigh* Well, I did the work to shoot this thing down, but salvaging it is a nightmare. There are invisible walls, I fall through the ship randomly, and some blocks are immune to being recovered - it's like the hit box is offset. Nothing I've not encountered before, but still frustrating that claiming my prize is so buggy....add to that it might despawn any moment without warning... I daren't save and reload - which used to be a good way to stop this weirdness - as stuff tends to despawn right away after reloading now.

    Edit 2: After several minutes of painful salvage, things did settle down. The moment I got the "PV destroyed" warning, that's when things got better. Still not quite sure how long I've got and I only have a T1 Multitool...doing the best I can though, should be able to build a viable CV after this :)

    Edit 3: (sorry) Well, I've managed to salvage all the devices from this PV, as well as a load of Windows and some Combat Steel blocks. It's taking too long to salvage those CS Blocks, so I'm giving up on that. What is surprising is that the PV is still there, a good 25 minutes after I shot it down and placed my own Core. I'm sure if I did a save / reload it'd vanish though.

    ...and now no less than FOUR troop transports have arrived... lol. PV despawned the moment I moved away to deal with those Troop Transports. Perhaps it's a proximity-based despawn now, rather than pure time?

    Edit 5: Lol, ok this is hilarious. After the PV despawned its icon - albeit white now -was still present on the radar, but not on the map. It then proceeded to move around a little, but nothing was there. I put it down to a glitch and moved on. The last of the Troop Transports appeared to be having problems and was bobbing up and down just off-shore. So, I took my trusty T1 Sniper rifle and was just in firing range standing on the beach with my feet wet. I noticed that the white PV icon was right next to this Troop Transport. Suddenly, there's a fully armed and operational PV right in front of me and it's angry! Not seen a new PV pop in like this before. Glad it's back, but thought it'd respawn outside of the player's view. Guess I won't be building my own CV for a while yet, with another PV to kill!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
    cmguardia and Fractalite like this.
  11. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Thank you.

    Due to my color blindness my builds tend to be a bit monochromatic, but I try to make them visually interesting.
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. Achenar

    Achenar Commander

    Jan 7, 2022
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    Robart Shark is correct, it is 250x250x250.... or 256, can't remember. As a caviat, however, Empyrion also seems to have some limit for collision triangle count. I have run into issues using a lot of high poly blocks eventually breaking collision for half the model. Haven't delved into the cause too much, but be aware it can happen, especially when using the high poly wall blocks for trim around larger bases.
    jadefalcon likes this.
  13. Achenar

    Achenar Commander

    Jan 7, 2022
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    Germanicus and Fractalite like this.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    My base did manage to shoot down the second PV last night, it's much quicker to only focus on targetting Generators. This sees the Cannons targetting the centre of the ship so they generally hit something vital once they get through the armour. Targetting just turrets first doesn't work well, due to the shots not hitting their target.

    The key to triggering the despawn of a PV taken down in this way appear to be leaving at least two of the four downward-facing thrusters intact. So, shoot down ship, place player core and start salvaging but only take a maximum of TWO of the downward-facing thrusters. As soon as I took a third thruster each time, the despawn (invisible) count-down started.

    No sign of a third PV spawning yet, perhaps I'll get time to build my own CV now.
    cmguardia likes this.
  15. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Is there anything that can be done in the config to allow autominers on gold deposits?
  16. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    Yes, in BlocksConfig.ecf

    { +Block Id: 95, Name: GoldResource
      Material: resourcemedium
      Shape: Terrain
      Mesh: terrain
      Texture: 140   
      AutoMinerFactor: 0 # Gold has to be a limited asset (inflation!) => no endless production by the virtual AutoMiners
      ShowUser: No
      Group: resource
      { Child DropOnDestroy
        Item: GoldOre
        Count: "1,3"
        Prob: 0.2
    Change the line AutoMinerFactor: 0 to something higher than 0.
    Promethium has an AutoMinerFactor of 0.3, so I would try that to begin with.
    Presumably the other resources are set to 1.0, but they don't have the line so it just uses what ever the devs have the default set to (which we don't know). So you will have to play around with it to see what feels right.

    Any number higher than 0.0 will make it work.
    cmguardia and jadefalcon like this.
  17. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  18. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Even though the limit is technically 250x250x250 I'd recommend keeping it under that limit. No more than 225 at most. 200 is probably better. The game can get a little weird with extremely large builds. Very large ground based builds will be impossible to place manually for one thing. There was also a bug where the game would start to cut off parts of the build if you exceeded the limit but sometimes it happens if you're just close to the limit, possibly because of how it measures the center of the build based on where the core was placed initially.
    Achenar, Robot Shark and Fractalite like this.
  19. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    My computer was an older one with a low end video card(GeForce 750ti) so I tweaked it to run based on that. Still takes awhile to load in and it lags if you look directly towards the center of the build but it was playable. Maybe not with a lot of npcs/players running around it though. ;)

    When I updated Nexus Station the last time I built a couple ring shaped structures underneath. I was thinking of building a smaller station based on those. It would certainly be a lot more user friendly. If I ever get my computer up and running again it's on the my To Do list right behind the underground hive POI I was working on.
    Robot Shark, Don2k7 and Fractalite like this.
  20. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Finally finished the Eternal Strife :)






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