Filed / Tracking Station Services indicates Pentaxid tank not full. Ship indicates 593% full [00494]

Discussion in 'Tracking / Filed' started by Casey, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Casey

    Casey Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2020
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    Build: v1.5.3 3390
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SERVER NAME: Singleplayer
    SEED-ID: 59757

    If Applicable:

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Trivial

    Type: UI Error

    Summary: Station Services indicates Pentaxid tank not full. Ship indicates 593% full

    Description: Station Services indicates Pentaxid tank not full. Ship indicates 593% full

    Steps to Reproduce: Go to a station with Station Services for Pentaxid. Press 'P' to open the Panel. Click on "Station Services" tab. Note the Pentaxid tank is indicated as not full (first screenshot). Click on the "Main" tab. Not the Pentaxid tank is indicated to be 593% full (second screenshot).

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, and other Relevant Information or Download links:

    Attached Files:

  2. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    I think I know what it is.
    Pentaxid tank works a little differently than oxygen and fuel tanks, since it does hold stacks of pentaxid. it works like containers.
    That bug happens when you play without mass/volume check. You can put unlimited amount of pentaxid inside the tank.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Casey

    Casey Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2020
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    Hi Kats - thanks for replying. With or without the mass/volume checks on, shouldn't both places indicate the same amount in the tank? In my case, I believe the ship is providing the correct figure, that I've overfilled the tank to 593%. Shouldn't the station at least show that the tank is full?
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    No, it is as @Kats says. The 'error' occurs because you do not have Mass and Volume active and so the Station shoves as much into the Tank as it can hold by number of Slots available.
  5. Casey

    Casey Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2020
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    Germanicus - thanks for replying. I think I see your point.

    In the Station Services, are you saying the status of the Pentaxid tank is based on how many slots are filled in the Pentaxid "container"? If that's the case, then the Main tab should use the same approach and show the same percentage of the Pentaxid "container" is full.

    My point is no matter how the percentage of the tank is being calculated, it should be calculated the same way in the Main tab and the Station Services tab. If you look at the screenshots, they are calculated with different approaches, displaying very different results, which is the bug.
    mr_road and Germanicus like this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    It's your way to see this and your arguments that has put this Report in the Filed/Tracking section and will therefore being looked into by the Devs.
    mr_road likes this.
  7. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Build: v1.8.14 3886
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SEED-ID: 610947

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Easy
    Severity: Moderate

    Type: Bug

    Space station serviced shows Pentaxid tank as subject to be refilled though it's full. Buying additional results in Pentaxid tank going over 100%.

    Vanilla game, using this ship spawned with a factory.
    [Col] Orbital trading station in the vicinity of Omicron.
    Space station services will never show Pentaxid tank as full allowing to buy additional one, a full pentaxid tank to be exact. So if a player buys additional, it will be 200%, 300% and etc.
    Pentaxid is a rare recourse scarcely found among traders, this bug is a bit game breaking as it allows to buy infinitely with a cost of 6299.70 CR (two sniper riffles sold).
    May be it has something to do with the ship container extensions.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Approach a space station being short on Pentaxid
    2) Fill it once
    3) It will show as not fully filled, fill it infinitely.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2022
  8. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    It does fill correctly to 100% if you have weight and volume enabled. Though you can still empty the tank manually and then purchase more later. The same is true of fuel and oxygen though, and it can be a good source of these resources if you have the money for them.

    I think the overflow issue only occurs with pentaxid tanks because they are implemented as cargo boxes, instead of the expandable-value fuel/O2 system that is integrated into the ship.
  9. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Not enabled by default. I have the absolutely standard settings and medium difficulty as it is suggested. Hence, while we're discussing vanilla game in the bugs, this makes sense, doesn't it?
    Fair enough. One can get pentaxid out of tank and put it somewhere else. Though refined pentaxid is not used anywhere else except for warp drive and shields. Could be a resource banger to save raw for elemental pentaxid.
    Wait a bit. How can you get the oxygen and energy from the tanks? I remember doing this 2 years ago, it was nice to convert Biofuel to pentaxid tanks. Yet I don't see a possibility for this in vanilla game right now. It's either not working or I'm missing something.
    That's sound.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  10. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    When you have the O2 or fuel screens open, there's a "withdraw" button in the middle. You enter the number of how much you want to pull out and click the button.

    Note that it may not pull out the EXACT amount you request, because:
    • Fuel is always extracted in the small prom fuel cells (30 units each)
    • Oxygen is always extracted in the large cannisters (250 each)
    So if you ask for 300 O2, you will only get 250 out, because that's the closest it can get with the one cannister.

    ... this is a bit of a hack with fuel in the early game, too. If all you can make are the bulky biofuel containers, you can load them into a base or HV tank, then withdraw them as the lighter fuel packs to save mass/volume space...

    ... but it would be a detriment later in the game to do this, for the same reason in reverse: you can make more efficient fuel packs, so the small ones will take up more mass/volume space, and there's no way to convert to the big ones.
    DiMithras likes this.
  11. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Well, the fact that weight/volume is a critical system that is tightly integrated to many systems throughout the game, and it's disabled by default, is an entirely separate issue. And a contentious one amongst the community. But you are right, since it's the default the game should operate consistently in that mode as it's what most new players will see.

    I think the main bug here is that it fills to 93% instead of 100%. It's really odd math in how it figures out how much to buy in this mode.

    The cost of pentaxid as related to sniper rifles is also a more complex issue of the imbalance of the economy in the game. It is very exploitable. It may be interesting though if each station had a limited supply of the resources (refilling on timers I suppose) so that you can't just pull infinite resources out at every stop.

    Also worth noting that you can do the same thing with ammo. With w/v off you can overfill your ammo box until you run out of tiles to store the stacks.
    DiMithras likes this.
  12. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Sure I remember doing so, but in my recent game I could not pull fuel out of the tank. Probably it was filled with just few fuel to be worth a fuel pack.
    This hack is quite legit, IMHO. One can not make too much with a biofuel. I usually prefer to go underwater and get some Promethium that can fill a small tank in one go. Saves time compared to cutting off trees. Yet biofuel is needed for some hard start on Masperon where player is in certain need for fuel early game to get the oxygen.

    I also don't like this approach and the fact there is no menu button to enable it. One has to dive deep into the configs. I consider it to be the core mechanic making the game challenging. This forum, steam, reddit — everywhere mass/volume and CPU are discussed and all the sources mention it being disabled due to inconsistency of some items being overly exaggerated on the corresponding digits.

    I feel like this is something the dev team should put in the priority at some point.
    I have not played the reforged version yet, may be it has everything settled. It's a different game though.
    Indeed, it should show 100% when it's filled 100% or more. Let it be the hustle of a player to get pentaxid out of tank and put it somewhere else. Right now the math is broken.
    Balance is not considered as bug right now. And I wish some day the economy feature will be implemented. The same way it's done in Space rangers or X3 series where there are NPC traders who do buy and sell in different systems hence making prices more or less settled with some rare surplus where a player can do the bargain job :)

    Speaking back about sniper rifles, let it be a good price with deficit. Afterwards, the price drops and freighters do supply them to other systems with price dropping eventually. This will require a lot of math and background CPU power though. In the above mentioned Space rangers one could use a search terminal to search for some freighting vessel. They do move around the galaxy map and do their job. Galaxy in Empyrion is bigger though.
    Yes, ammo is a hack, easily refilled with stations. Should be limited somehow.
  13. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Actually, I find biofuel easier to mass produce early on, especially on Masperon: make an HV with multiple harvesters on the front, and mow down trees like crazy.

    Split them between a bunch of portable constructors (I split them 8 ways), and go do other stuff. Come back later to stacks of fuel. :p

    You have me so confused. M/V and CPU are very easy to turn on. Go into the difficulty screens when you start/create your game, and there's an option button for them right there, in the lower right corner...?
  14. A.F.T

    A.F.T Grand Admiral

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Turn ON mass\volume in the game settings and all will be fine
  15. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Happy to see it merged and tracked.
    Sorry for the inconvenience on double report. Guess I should search for previous reports more carefully.
  16. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Yes, it's there, my bad
    Pach likes this.

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