Correction required Dear developers, please pay attention to 2 mooments, that need to be corrected: 1) When we turn on "Waypoint" for our CV - then it works ONLY in the location where it was turned on! If i make a WARP jump to another location then the "waypoint from my CV" will stay in the PREVIOUS location !!! It is not comfortable!! Because when you often and a lot travel between star systems, for example = on the CV i jump between the stars, and then on the SV i jump to the planets to squander resources from the extractors! ... and when you need to do 15 such maneuvers, then in order to get to the SV from the planet => return back to the CV that was left on the Sun, you need to go into the registry every time, and disable-enable the "route" to my CV ! ... Conclusion: we just do unnecessary actions, while the "waypoint" for the CV can be updated automatically (! 2) When we make a warp jump to a given point in a location - for example, to our base Or near the Sun, Or in space in orbit of a planet == now we are leaving the warp "very far" from our point ! ... This is also inconvenient, because very often (in 90% of cases) the distance from the CV after leaving the warp => to the "point in space (marker)" can be over 22 km !! ... that's an extra 4 minutes of real time! Conclusion: Please make a correction - IF a player makes a warp jump to "his marker" in space, in any location, then after leaving the warp, the distance between the ship and the "marker" should be no more than 3 km (!) For example: - Vessel -> warp to another star -> warp to planet space orbit , "marker" (1...3 km) (check that there are no other POIs in the warp exit zone) - Vessel -> warp to another star , space "marker" (1...3 km) Thank you very much
When the "Waypoint" is set on a ship, and this ship is on the Planet, or in space ... then the Player, who is sitting in the coral's chair - can normally watch how the waypoint ABOVE the ship - moves along with the ship Yes, sometimes you can see "jerks" when the waypoint above the ship moves in jerks, with a small delay, but this is not a problem - it all depends on the power of the video card ... probably But when a ship does Warp - then the waypoint to that ship actually stays in the previous location! Do you know why that is??? Because the game does not yet have a function that tracks the change in the location of the ship !!! and therefore, i suggest Developers - create such a function! ... and to reduce the load on the computer (excessive calculations), then send data to this function only when the player presses the "K" button (make a warp jump), and check if this was an accidental pressing of the button if the player is on planet on foot, or in a ship but on the planet (??), or pressing the button - TRUE - when all conditions for making a warp jump are met (?!) Then "this new function" = receives the "true" signal about the start of the warp jump procedure, and overwrites the new location to the "waypoint" of the vessel (!!!) As you can see, everything is really easy! just need to do
I have a potato PC*, that explains a lot. *potato PC is like: Code: Core i7 2700k 2x 570gtx in SLI 12 Gb RAM