What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    After finally learning the secret to making biofuel (making it in survival constructors so I'm not fighting a constant re-fueling battle with low returns) I was finally able to explore the moons of Crown, salvage a small warp drive for my SV, and gathered some Pentaxid. After heavily modifying my SV to put the warp drive and pent tank in there, I warped off to Omicron to see what there was to see.

    Spotted a station, landed at it, took about 5 minutes to figure where the entrance was, and was surprised to find... a dance club? A very surreal experience for my first encountered space station. Imagine if that's how we discovered aliens in real life: find a space station, go up to it, and it's a dance club full of aliens. Big 'wtf' moment.

    Found a pirate station, the pirate chief said to go talk to their traders or gtfo. Couldn't find the traders so I gtfo'd.

    Found, for the first time, a ship POI that was flying around Omicron. They've probably been in the game forever, but for me, to see and follow a non-hostile NPC ship was also pretty surreal at first. When I last played, the universe was basically empty, so this was a nice surprise.
    Anyways I puttered around Omicron and Sienna(I think?) and finally found a place to sell stuff. Made a bunch of assault rifles, sold them to vendor, now have a lot of creds in the bank. Also found an Info Merchant or something to that effect. No idea what exactly it is that they're buying or how to find such Info to sell to them. So that's a bit mystifying.

    My only problem now is limited Pentaxid supply. Since I could only find one deposit, I've been careful with it so far. But I now have to wonder: can I refill my Pent tank at a Service Station? Because if so, I've found how I'm going to fund my adventures: Arms dealer seems to be rather lucrative so far!

    And I always forget to take screenshots so sorry about that.
  2. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    I had a vaguely similar debate / argument at the dinner table once.
    There seemed to be a general assumption that aliens must be more intelligent and advanced than us. But surely there must be variations? like not everyone can be a maths professor so not all aliens must be hyper intelligent.

    You couldnt measure them by our standard. But surely there must be some that just want to drink beer? and go clubbing?
    Germanicus and Slam Jones like this.
  3. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Like this ^
    Slam Jones likes this.
  4. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    If the enemy wins, he wins...

    Finally I've escaped the Ashon II system and found myself in a vast system with lots of different planet types and asteroid fields. In such situations you find yourself to become careless ignoring that in EGS you can play for hours just to lose your life within seconds. So what happened?
    I have to say beforehand that I use to make game backups when entering new systems just in case, but this will not help you in every instance to undo a mischief after hours of gameplay. After gathering tons of useful stuff in my cargo I was about to leave the orbit playfield heading towards my CV in space which was placed well apart all trouble happening there (I can see ships of the Warlord factions attacking pirates, and pirates attacking the Free Colonist ships, oh boy is it fun to watch when not involved, but wait...), a fruitful playthrough you could think, but no...I decided "oh c'mon, let's just mine this Neodynium asteroid before I leave...". A slight route change and I checked the map to see wether some enemy ships were close, no they were not...Big mistake.

    The result was that my T1 SV was crippled within 2-3 seconds while I was outside and myself killed with it of course, the Warlord ship called something like Yggdrasil was close with all its firepower, how he managed to get so close in that time I dunno, but I had to expect it from past sessions. Whatever, now a totally new game is starting: The Death Loop game in EGS which can be quite fun, actually it's the funniest game the more enraged you are because of dying :)
    I wanted my cargo back of course (Recall Maggy Thatcher saying I want my money back...)
    I had to use gm iv command to approach without being killed to get to my SV wreckage unharmed, then I had the bad idea to spawn a second ship to transfer cargo. Yeah, the enemy cannot see me but it can see what I spawn... So this time he fired again and in my total confusion afterwards I don't know what happened to my old ship's cargo backpack but somehow it has disappeared in the result of my confused console commands and procedures, in one word the enemy can as well say: Take back your brick ship but I take the cargo...

    A clear 1:0 for the enemy, isn't it...
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
    Slam Jones likes this.
  5. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I've had similar discussions, most recently when watching through the Predator movie series.

    The Predators are clearly an advanced race with high technology and a strong culture (as evidenced by the ending of Predator 2 and the entirety of Predators). Yet all we see are (what we can only assume are) their elite warriors. Surely there must be Predator accountants, entertainers, gamers, streamers, anti-war activists, the whole lot. There has to be a Predator out there who just does, like, cosmetics for other Predators. Dreadlock extensions and highlighting and whatnot. Predator doctors, nurses, bankers, animators, voice actors. Predator circus clowns. Predator childrens entertainers. Then we get to the idea that such an advanced civilization (at least as far as we know) would have an abundance of cultures and subcultures. What about a Predator punk? A Predator hippie? Predator politicians. A wealthy Predator riding around in their Predator-mobile, sneering at lower-class Predators.

    Of course we don't see any of that because that would rather spoil the mood of the movies, and make the Predators, as a race, less of a horror movie monster and more of a curiosity. As far as the movies go, the Predators we see need to be monsters for the sake of the story. Otherwise they're just not as scary, and the movies lose their tension.

    Thinking about it from the reverse: supposing we as humans went to explore an alien planet. The aliens there see our astronaut, or robot, or (in fiction) elite spec ops soldier, or whatever we send, and assume that that's what the whole race is like. Which couldn't be further from the truth. "What a violent species! They're so terrifying too behold!" No, you're just seeing our soldiers who are trained to enact efficient violence, and equipped with high-tech, intimidating-looking gear.

    I think I've gone rather off-topic so I'll end it there. But I agree that it's a rather fascinating thought process!
    jadefalcon likes this.
  6. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I also thought about exterior ducts on base building in non o2 environment's.
    Fractalite likes this.
  7. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    After discovering that yes, I can buy Pentaxid from stations, I continued exploring the Crown system by going down to Sienna planetside and looting several wrecks I found. I found it quite interesting having to both use the drill to clear terrain and the multi-tool to salvage components, it was like being an archeologist or something, digging down, revealing boxes and components and then eagerly salvaging them for loot. I also attempted to salvage what turned out to be a Pirate Base (it just said 'wreck,' I didn't think they would be defending it) and now they shoot me on sight. There goes my plan for staying neutral with them!

    Eventually I managed to gather enough loot to build my first CV. It's relatively small, with a hangar on the bottom for HVs and a separate hangar up top for SVs. Transferred most of my loot out of my BA into the CV, set my 'Home Base' to the CV, and headed out of the atmo. Stopped by an Outpost and filled the Pentaxid tank, and was happy to find that the CV could do both inter- and intra- star system travel. With a present range of several hundred LY, I think I should have a lot of exploring to do in near future! Despite playing on Easy, I've been playing rather cautiosly, so I still haven't left the Crown system yet... I think I'll save that for next session after I slap some more turrets (and maybe a shield if I can build one) on the CV.

    In my explorations, I found a place where I can buy Human or Alien crew. My question is: are these crew functional, or are they more like expensive deco blocks? Do I need to supply like food and stuff? O2? Or do they exist just to make ships/bases seem more alive?
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Today I found out that I can make a CV with almost a dozen cargo storage arrays, oodles of industrial and support equipment, four large thrusters' worth of lift, a large enough pressurized hangar to house other CVs, and somehow fit it all within CPU tier 3 and size class 10.


    I had to use spotlights to illuminate the hangar.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    That's better than my Leviathan. I look forward to you posting a workshop link.

    Sure it can haul 4 CV's. But it's CPU tier 4, size class 17, looks like a flying lunchbox, and corners like a sleepy turtle.
  10. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Hot off the creative save.
    Robot Shark likes this.
  11. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I tried it, you managed to get much larger hangar doors than the hangar doors provided in game by using the bulkheads.
    I did not know they were that long, so I never considered using them on my carrier.
    There are a lot of little things that you added that are nice touches, I am still exploring it.

    My only gripe is the flight direction, which makes the build very hard to pilot and land.
    There is a way to quickly change that using the copy and paste tool, but it will wipe out your signal settings.
    I can post the instructions if you are interested.
  12. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    On a side note, my Tetra looks puny in it's hangar bay.

    Slam Jones and Germanicus like this.
  13. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    What a beast! A quick paint job and that thing will be pristine :NewThumbsUp:

    In my current Survival game, I've learned a few valuable lessons which involved the destruction of my CV and main SV.

    Having gotten my CV to a point where I was happy with it, I decided it was time to stretch its legs and go on a little adventure. Warped to a nearby planet and took my CV down to the surface. Found a neutral POI, landed next to it, and went it to buy some supplies. Turned out to be a farm shop with all the sprouts I could need. Score! Headed to another neutral POI, hoping to find someone selling Crew so I could find out if they are more than just expensive deco blocks. Having determined that nobody at the POI sold crew, I went back outside to find my CV being blasted apart by a Zirax Battlecruiser that showed up out of nowhere. Interstingly, it didn't seem interested in the POI at all, only my CV. I scrambled up to the bridge, took off and fled to orbit to assess the damage. Main cargo container, with all my constructor loot, was gone. Farm was blown open, depressurized, and all the plants were dead. After stressing about fixing it, I decided to cheese it and load a backup. This time I took my SV to a nearby moon to scout for resources and loot. Found a hostile POI which proceeded to blast the hell out of my SV. Managed to escape with a damaged, exposed core. Parked it in the CV and had a serious think about starting a new game. If I hadn't cheesed a bit, or been playing on Easy, then this character would almost certainly be dead by this point.

    So, lessons learned:
    1. Don't take a CV down to a hostile planet unless you're ready to fight other CVs with it
    2. Don't go after hostile POIs with only Miniguns
    3. Sneaking around POIs is safer than fighting them head-on
    4. Don't go after hostile POIs with only Miniguns
    5. There is no lesson 5
    6. Don't go after hostile POIs with only Miniguns

    So now I am debating whether to write off this character as a learning experience and start a new game on a higher difficulty settings, or continue on as if nothing happened. I'm leaning more towards restarting currently. Getting established should be much quicker the second time around, now that I won't be fumbling around as much. Also planning on making a new SV and CV to take better advantage of the new features it can have since I last played. Been considering making a large SV, but been unsure what the advantages would be. Maybe better cargo space? Since I had been playing on Easy, I could go over container limits with impunity, but next playthrough I plan to actually follow the container limits.

    Oh, and speaking of, I also learned how to use Container Controller and Extenders. Previously I have put Extenders next to regular cargo boxes and expected them to work, and was a bit miffed when they didn't. Now I finally understand why that was not correct. Also explains why my HV Ore box seemed to get full after like 10 seconds of mining: you're supposed to put Extenders next to it! D'oh!
  14. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Very much so.
    I do hope that at some point the development of the game will make it easier to sneak into POIs and that night offers greater cover.
    like reduced accuracy or range for POIs and troops at night. Would give real advantage to Night Vision goggles as well.
    Slam Jones likes this.
  15. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I'm hoping there are a lot of tactics I can try against POIs. I've read in other threads here that tunneling under a POI and letting turrets take out the enemies is a common tactic, at least for shielded POIs. Not sure I want to go that route except in extreme cases. But I do hope there are more options than either "A. Try to kite the POI and let my turrets fight their turrets" or "B. Tunnel under and cheese it a bit". My current plan is to figure out which weapons have the longest ranges, and do flybys that just edge into hostile turret range and then dip right back out again. But this seems inefficient and filled with lots of ways that it could go horribly wrong.

    I think the fact that I had no Hull Shield on my CV or SV probably contributed heavily to my destruction.

    How do most people deal with hostile POIs? Get a bunch of fixed weapons and try to face-tank it? Or are there other non brute-force methods?
  16. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    There are other ways depending on POI.....
    Slam Jones likes this.
  17. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Oooh, interesting. A bit dark in the pics, but it looks like that drop pod is for a one-way trip? Or can it return to the CV? I had the idea of a disposable SV, but as an escape pod rather than a drop pod.

    I will have to experiment with this idea!
  18. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Slam, TBB, Jade, Robot have inspired me to play a bit rather than just POI build. So, I set myself to first finding the starting location... and since it is Eden that meant either Snow dwarf, Dead Plant 2, or the Dread 2. Tough decision but I ultimately went with Dead Planet 2.

    Would always ignore these but found that they yield 75 XP upon mining:


    I was having troubles with finding structures so I headed to high ground:


    Then, in distance I saw something!


    It turned out to be an abandoned farmstead with a meat burger and salamni:


    Mmmmmm.... rotten meat burgers mmmmmm... :D:p:eek:

    I only found minimal loot and not enough Carbon Substrate so I continued on and juuuust as I was about to ask myself, Why did I start this planet again?" I saw:


    Had some troubles with the stupid core; or should I say, not so much the core itself but more the new jetpack mechanics make it impossible to accurately place explosives when hovering.


    But the the dark started to set in and this planet always reminds me of the movie Pitch Black so i hastily tried to assemble an HV:


    Not gonna make it!!!

    Slam Jones likes this.
  19. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    That one was originally a one-way escape pod style as it had a mobile constructor in it as well and no rear facing engine.
    I changed it up again later with more engines so it could be re-used. There are multiple similar designs on the workshop.

    It's quite effective as some POIs will have a spot their turrets are blind to or cant shoot at without hitting the structure.
    That can let you get in close.

    Again if there were a few more stealth options a night-time air drop into a POI could be excellent fun.

    Edit: "some" POIs as opposed to "most"
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2023
    Slam Jones likes this.
  20. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Made it:


    Decided to set up some water filters in some filthy radioactive water:


    Then I saw something in the distance:


    And like a kitty I decided to go stand on top of it and then once there was not sure what to do with myself. So I took a picture and continued on:


    Then found the rear section of the DSME:


    And I m...mmm ust con...fess I did not real...ize that all those t...thrusters would be there. So much LOOT. *shivers in hedonistic glee*.

    Then looted some farms:


    And at last I found, MY PRECIOUS!!!!



    Am about to be showered in shuttle bottom. Really, the best way to shower.
    Robot Shark and Slam Jones like this.

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