Build: 4139 Mode: Survival Mode: Multiplayer SERVER NAME: Vanilla EU SEED-ID: - If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: - Reproducibility: Always Severity: Minor Type: Bug Summary: Searching player names in Private tab giving more results the expected Description: When you search for a player name the results are different then expected. Note: In the screenshots I also searched for Klim between screenshot 1 & 2 as that one didnt gave me a result in screenshot 4, which I captured yesterday. You can reset the history results with restarting the game. I also asked TSM yesterday if this is really not a bug before reposting this again. He also doubted that the this is intentional. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Join Vanilla server and type a matching name or a non matching name. You will see all online players first like in screenshot 1. 2) Search for a name that will have a result. You will see that name at the bottom of the list as in screenshot 2. 3) Search again for another name with a result. The previous matching names you searched will still show up in the results, just above the new matching name as shown in screenshot 3. 4) Join another server and start typing a name. All previous results from the steps above will show up first like in screenshot 4. If these results list get too large, you will not get the names anymore that you searched for.
I asked Nycold to put this in as I could not find a report , if you on more than one server it seems to retain the member list from other server's ?
Yes, in screenshot 4 I was on HWS first and then joined Vanilla. I got all names from HWS back on vanilla, which I think is also not intentional. What I also expect is that the current search term matches would get more priority on showing in the results then the history. In screenshot 4 I searched for a player that was online in the server at the moment, but it didnt came up in the results
I already reported this major issue, cause if you keep this window too long open, you also get kicked out of the server, cause the database is in lock mode with this "suggestion" window. Sadly not yet hotfixed....
Have any of you tested exiting all the way to desktop in between joining the different servers and seeing if that fixes it? Currently there is a long standing known bug that is preventing things from unloading correctly in between joining different saves or different servers. The only fix currently for that is to exit to desktop in between every single time. Failure to exit to desktop results in things like custom config files not unloading correctly and causing issues in the second and subsequent joins. Maps not unloading correctly. Terrain having issues. Etc. Etc. So just as a test if one of you experiencing this issue could test exiting to desktop in between that would be great. If it no longer happens then this is likely a result of that current bug.
Restarting the game will clear the the history as I already said before. But its not a solution for the issue when you play on server with many players. Also when a player goes offline, it stays in list of names.