Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Cool, thanks for confirming. I was debating a "fast charge" but lower-capacity shield vs. a more point, slower charge. That recharge delay means the latter is more preferable. Is there any way to modify that delay out? The idea of a shield that can resisit (recharge >= damage) light fire would be quite useful. When zooming around in an HV Tank, taking the odd heavy shot is fine, as there's time to recharge if the vessel is nimble. However, the constant light fire from ground troops can be more damaging that the POI at times.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes the delay can be adjusted for each type of shield generator. It can even be set to 0 which means it will recharge even under fire though that might be a bit over powered lol.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I don't know, I sort of like the idea of a light shield that can shrug off small arms fire due to it's recharge rate, but could be taken out in one shot by a heavier weapon such as those on a POI. Being able to build an anti-personnel / light Drone tank that's largely useless vs. POI's sounds pretty cool to me :)
    A Mueller and stanley bourdon like this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Not really possible though because there's no way to stop someone from putting shield upgrades on the ship.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh, is there not? That's a shame. I'd have hoped there was a way to say if this device (the experimental high-recharge shield) is installed then these devices (the Capacity / Recharge boosters) don't apply. Similar to how the CPU Extensions work work in vanilla. I.e. this needs to be installed to use that, but those cannot be installed if that is. I guess this sort of thing isn't supported then, from what you're saying. It's a same, as specialised shields like this might present some interesting tactical options for the player.
  6. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    What could be the reason for a whole BA and a CV disapearing while the playfield was not loaded?
    I was away from my resource operation for quite a time and as i wanted to go back the whole BA including a micro CV was just gone, the stzrange thing is a second BA on the same playfield was still there, as was the Dronebase I had captured.

    And a different question: what is the best way to increase turning rate of a carrier that has a lot of mass in docked modules (Helios)? I tryed to add 6 advanced RCS, but it did not change all that much.

    Thanks a lot!
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ok, likely a silly question but...

    Years ago, knowing where the Drone Base was early, had significance as it allowed the player to know which direction Drone attacks and reinforcements would come from. Whenever a base attack was launched, Drones would spawn at the Drone Base and the Troop Transport could be seen taking off. Also, the player not being present did not mean that an attack wouldn't be launched. I liked that.

    Some time in the past, this was changed, so Drones simply popped into existence a few km from their destination. No more trails of Drone reinforcements heading to that guarded POI the player was assaulting, and certainly none on their way to attack a base.

    However, during my Current RE game, I'm seeing base attacks coming from the same direction each time and I'm seeing Drone reinforcements coming from that direction too. Basically, Drones appear to be coming from the Drone Base, like the old days. Is this an RE change, or did this change in the base game?

    This is much much MUCH better! Being able to tailor my defences based on where an attack is likely to come from is great. Sure, Drones can over-shoot, turn and attack from another vector as always, but being able to meet that initial assault is great.

    I remember, back in the day when I used to mod, I'd go NUTS on Drones guarding POI's, resource deposits and would have ever increasing Drone Waves assaulting player bases. Attacking a POI that's near to the Drone base would be extra dangerous as Drone reinforcements would be on their way the moment they're destroyed. This made for some great POI assaults, where cracking the outer defences (turrets) was the easy part of the offence. I recall having a POI's surroundings pock-marked with craters from Rocket Drones, as well as wrecks of the HV's and SV's that didn't survive. Was dead cool.

    So, is what I'm seeing an anomaly, and spawns just happen to be coming from the direction of the Drone base, or is this actually happening? I've had several base attacks now, all from the Drone Base direction without fail. Plus I've taken out multiple Drones guarding resource deposits and, due to their proximity to the Drone Base, I can see replacements flying in shortly afterwards from the Drone Base.

    With the planned addition of player Drones able to defence bases and capital ships, I wonder if this change was part of the work to support that.
  8. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    My tactic has been to place thrusters far from the center of mass (press N to open menu, click Debug, click show center of mass, and look for the yellow ball), which gives them more leverage, and therefore better turning rates for the same amount of thrust. RCS do not get a leverage advantage, and offer the same turn rate regardless of where you put them.

    So basically, I would put the thrusters out on spindles so they are more effective at turning. Example:


    The big pods off to the sides of the ship house the main thrusters. Due to their position they offer good turning (in this case, yaw) rate. Putting them even further out would increase the turning rate even more. Depending on the shape of the ship you might not need/want spindles like that, but perhaps you can still find places to move the thrusters to to improve turn rate.
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Gonna answer my own question... While every single attack when I posted, as well as Drone reinforcements guarding resource deposits had come from the direction of the Drone Base without fail, the current base attack is approaching from the opposite direction. So, my assumption - which was based on solid information - wasn't correct. Just a simple case of RNG landing on "approach from the East" many times in a row.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hello again.

    Jumping my way back to the starting system to test the Infected mission chain - yep, not forgotten, just not there yet - and needed Pentaxid, so found a moon that had some. The deposits are covered by a "Communications Tower" Zerax POI, which seems to have an odd bug...

    I approached it in a shielded SV and it one-shotted me. By me, I mean me sat in the cockpit of a shielded and fully intact SV. I was killed and the SV stopped dead, shields absorbing the continuing shots without any direct danger to the ship.

    I thought the cockpit sniping bug was fixed in vanilla ages ago, so I did wonder if it's potentially an issue with one of the modified weapons on this POI.

    Edit: this has now happened multiple times with this POI. I restore from a Backup save when it does.

    Edit 2: I'm engaging a neighbouring "Stealth Outpost" now, and I'm getting the same issue. These two POI's are close, so it's possible it was the Missile fire from the Stealth Outpost that was sniping me all along. Regardless, something is repeatedly sniping me out of the cockpit or, occasionally, damaging blocks through and intact shield. A missile hit or two (or five or six actually) can be taken by the shields normally, however, sometimes a shot bypasses them.

    Engaging these two POI's in a light BA Buster SV is fun, these glitches not so much. I guess this is a vanilla issue, even though I've not seen it in a while. Performance remain great throughout, so it's not the old lag causing shots to bypass things from what I can tell.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    We have no way to add weapons that ignore a structure and hit a player in a cockpit directly. That also means there's no way for a scenario to fix that issue.
  12. Trevane

    Trevane Ensign

    Jun 5, 2023
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    Hello everyone,

    I'm new on this mod and i have install a dedicated server with my friends with Reforged eden, but we don't know how activate the ''Salvage Core'' in multiplayer. In my solo game i have a blue core for salvaging but not in multiplayer.

    Can you help us?

    Thanks :)
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    If you don't see it on the tech tree that means you didn't install the scenario correctly or configure your server right.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Guess it must be a vanilla bug then. While I have been sniped out of a cockpit previously, it's been a very very rare thing. To have it occur multiple time in one session got me a bit suspicious that perhaps there was more to it this time.

    I will see how future encounters go...creating a backup save beforehand!
  15. Trevane

    Trevane Ensign

    Jun 5, 2023
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    The server work very well, juste the core block. I don't have touch the configuration of the server, there is something to change in the configuration files to activate de Salvage Core?
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You need to change the configuration of the server to tell it to use a different scenario in the first place.
    If you never did that then it's probably running Default Multiplayer. You'll need to edit the file you're using for the server configuration, change the scenario being used, and start a new save game (recommend using a new name for the new save game too).
  17. Trevane

    Trevane Ensign

    Jun 5, 2023
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    I've update the files to be sure than the installation was correct and nothings changes. So i think the server configuration still not correct because i don't have the Salavage core and i noticed that the constructor are not the same skin than my local game.

    Can you help me to configure files of my server to activate correctly the scenario in my server?

  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    No sorry I cannot assist with server setup.

    You can go here for the setup guide:

    There are also some other pinned posts there that may help you troubleshoot.
  19. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    So, i may be wrong here, but I gathered from several discussions that for servers the number of discovered/generated playfields appears to be a problem.
    From my own experience, the activity where I discover the most new playfields is looking for dreadnoughts. Flying around and looking in orbits whether one of the OPVs there is a Tovera or a Tianlong. In some cases it can take me up to 20-30 playfield visits to find one. If only a few people on a server do this to hunt dreads, that can easily cause hundreds, if not thousands, of additional generated playfields for a server.

    So since flying around and scanning OPVs also isn't the most interesting of activities, could perhaps something be done to make the process of finding dreadnoughts a bit more interesting? Maybe have a combat encounter playfield (thats not unbelievably rare) where you can reliably find a dread?
    A Mueller likes this.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes I am adding more combat sites. I'll see if I can add some in for that, but remember on a server they will never respawn.
    Ente likes this.

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