v1.10 Release

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Pantera, Jun 27, 2023.

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  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Just thought I'd try a new, vanilla game start on the desert planet. All was going GREAT for the first five minutes, then I was being shot at. Could not see from where at all, well, I could see the tracer shots, but not the shooter, very confusing. Then, the thing that was actually shooting me - a Drone - was finally rendered in. Invisible Drones! Lol. I try to shoot it with the Survival Tool - all I had - and it was hovering too far above the ground to hit. Argh!

    I dig a hole to hide, and place down the O2 generator I just made, and fetch biofuel from the now damaged constructor. Get some O2 just in time. Pop my head up and there's SECOND Drone incoming.

    This, I think, is the definition of RNG gone bad. TWO drones attacking within the first five minutes. We'll not mention the invisible Drone again. Restart! lol.

    Edit: you know, I found this experience funny at first but, starting again... well, I simply don't want to any more. I think when the very early-game does something anomalous like this, it really destroys the experience. If something can be done to try to smooth out some of these early-game anomalies, it'd help a lot. I get that RNG is RNG and those Drones were likely part of that. However, some protection for the player from them arriving after just five minutes had past would be good. I'd already been aware of the multiple scorpions in the area, so was careful not to get too close to them.

    This start is already a challenge, though, I am pretty good at getting up and running quickly. I'd collected a load of materials, food was sorted for the next couple of hours at least and I already had O2 being produced. I also had a base starter built and blocks queued. I was five minutes away from a mini-base with shower. Things were looking good! While like this early stage of the game - especially when there's O2 / Radiation and Food to consider - I really don't want to do that again just yet. With two Drones buzzing around, I wasn't going to get any peace, plus they were flying just high enough that I could not shoot them. Ah well, might try a different start another day.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
  2. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    are the changes to the new ocean planets and biomes also available in normal multiplayer?
    In recent versions, new designs and biomes were sometimes only available in single play.

    There are also problems with the small new quarter-spherical blocks. They do not appear in the list in multiplayer and generate error messages when clicking on the incorrectly sorted blocks at the location. Blueprints from the creative are then also output with wrong blocks when spawning in multiplayer.

  3. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    There is a reason I tend to shut off drones on the Starter planet, Scoob.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I usually love the challenge of drones, but when they appear right on top of you after five minutes, it's a bit of a joke.

    I've tried several of the new starts now and I'm not impressed by the experience they offered.

    Having just started again, this time on Masperon, I initially had a "dealing no damage" issue, vs. the bugs, which got me killed. These bugs should i) actually take damage when being set on fire, and ii) run away SCARED as they're on fire! Tried again, and the bugs were stuck in place this time, good for me, but broken - at least I could hit them though lol. Tried climbing ip and kept falling through gaps that weren't there. I.e. I'm standing on a perfectly solid block - not one that's scripted to break - while climbing out, and I appear to clip through it, falling to the ground. Thought at first I wasn't taking sufficient care, but fell through again and again in the same spot. Ended up jumping over the insubstantial block.

    I emerge into the open and...get gunned down by a Drone that I didn't see on the Radar. Argh! lol. What's with Drone camping on the players initial spawn point? A challenging fight with Drones when armed with just a Pistol is FUN. Being shot dead just as I emerge from the hole, armed only with a flame thrower - drones hover well out of range - is not fun.

    It's GOOD that these drones aren't 100% accurate like they once were. However, this looks like RNG inaccuracy - the shot is programmed to miss, or not - so my own dodging make little, if any, difference.

    Bad luck is with me in v1.10 it seems...

    Look, I like the idea of these storied starts, they have some potential. However, am I the only one who already misses the "traditional" crashing in a pod start. I like having nothing and going from there. Perhaps my preferred Hard (minimal equipment) start effectively breaks these new game starts, as the player is supposed to have a Pistol to take out those drones early. Previously, not having a weapon to start with made things a lot more challenging of course, however, when you have literally no counter to a drone that appears right on top of you, what are you supposed to do?

    Edit: Nah, I'm done with vanilla. These drones jumping me every two minutes is broken behaviour. Add to that the drones can go backwards faster than I can sprint forward, I cannot even get underneath them. This is NOT difficultly, this is absurdity. Not fun. There were total of FOUR Drones very near the starting location, I had no chance.

    Ok, it's me, of course I try again. I thought what's wrong with me, why aren't I spotting these drones. Well, I just spotted a drone, so made sure I was the other side of the large hill I was climbing. Drone is suddenly in front of me, but not visible, then it pops out of the hill lol. That's cheating!
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
    Wellingtoon and Landru like this.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Guys, slight issue with Tessellation... When the ground is uneven due to tessellation, small enemies - like the baby scorpions - can be effectively INVISIBLE as the tessellated terrain totally covers them. I.e. actual ground level is zero, but tessellation makes it look between 1 and 4 (rough) BUT the baby scorpion is running along at zero, not following the tessellated terrain. Hopefully it's clear what I mean.

    Basically, small critters wander along at the actual terrain level, but tessellation raises the visible terrain higher, so they are obscured, seemingly clipping into the terrain.

    Additionally, when I can see part of such a critter poking out of the "dips" in the tessellated terrain, it appear that I cannot hit them reliably. This is making a certain area on Masperon artificially difficult.
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Can we stop the [Aby] Troop Transport being the loudest darn thing in the game please? It dominates EVERY other sound and can be heard from a distance. I'm gonna cheat kill it if it doesn't STFU lol.
    Arthmoor and stanley bourdon like this.
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