Short freeze on gun reload

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Elfias, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. Elfias

    Elfias Commander

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I have very disgusting problem with gun reloading. When I reload whole game freezes for second. Would get over not that smooth gameplay, problem is that if someone is attacking me I usually die in this freeze and theres nothing to do.

    Its not always, feels a bit same like scoope problem - if you use scoope for first time, whole game freezes for a second, since then you can use scoop without problem.

    If I keep reloading same gun it gets better, seems like animation is loaded. When I switch to different gun, usually freezes on reload again.

    Not reporting this as bug as I didnt find anyone else complaining about this, which seems weird as Empyrion is usually very frustrating but with this its unplayable.

    So maybe anyone had same problem and resolved it?
    Insopor and stanley bourdon like this.
  2. Insopor

    Insopor Commander

    Oct 17, 2021
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    Yes, I think I did report this, if not I'll either find a report or make a new one later today.

    My personal theory is that it's something to do with the sound effect loading or conflicting with something as it loads.

    It's annoyed me for years, but every time I mentioned it, no one else seemed to know what I was talking about. If it's only me complaining, no one's gonna bother. So yeah, we're in the same boat.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  3. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I've noticed that problem with weapon scopes -- a slight loading delay when scoping in for the first time.

    Never noticed the reloading freeze. Will have to review a few of my videos and see how obvious it is -- but I've never noticed it in-game.
  4. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Did a few POIs last night, didn't notice any sort of lag during reloading. Tried many weapons, including pistols, assault rifles, and several RE guns (like the Thunderbolt, Light Railgun, and Light Ion Rifle), and never had any noticable lag while reloading.

    I definitely get a moment of lag when using a scope for the first time in a play session, however.

    Any chance you can record a video of the reload lag issue? Might help highlight exactly what's going on for those who are not able to see the issue in their own games.
  5. urialia

    urialia Lieutenant

    Jun 25, 2018
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    same issue here. reload lag is very old problem...
  6. Elfias

    Elfias Commander

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Ok so I have some news.

    1. Randomly watched Spanj's video where he clearly states god damn reload lag bug. So this is clearly very annoying problem for some ppl for long time, including me.

    2. Its not a problem on player computer side in sense of PC not able to play or load animation, many times it reloads and works smoothly

    3. Slam Jones - are you playing SP or MP?

    I tried to reproduce this and see if there are some rules for this isue, when it happens, came to following:

    I play MP on HWS, will try SP too
    I go to dungeon, before reload gun, all sunshine and unicorns.
    Clearing POI all ok until I loot.
    AFTER EACH LOOT - opening any container or corpse - next reload will 100% freeze
    reload after if no conteiner opening was done no problem
    Once I decide to loot corpse next reload freeze again.

    So you can help yourself by not looting in POIs or after each battle you loot, reload with lag and go on.
    If you reload and have full magazine and loot, you after that shoot one round and reload with lag.

    This is insane, present for years now. To explain myself I came back to game after 3 years (left due to horendous amount of bugs) just to see we still cant even reload.
    Game improved a lot for god sake someone must start to fix all these important things, you need reload often.

    Will try SP too.
    Slam Jones and stanley bourdon like this.
  7. Elfias

    Elfias Commander

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Started game in SP on Akua, did some killing around drone base in god mode. All smooth, if there was any freeze it was so small i didnt notice.

    Is it server problem, to slow connection etc.?

    I think hardly when it happens only after looting. Something changes with opening container and has to be reloaded or something and that creates this freeze.

    I think im too old for making videos but i might try today.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  8. Elfias

    Elfias Commander

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Heh not that old yet, i made a video :D for 2 days, please if you have some more permanent place to upload this just tell me.

    Good luck with fixing Eleon guys :D And thanks, your game makes me frustrated and angry but for 7k hours already so its not entirely bad game.
    Slam Jones and stanley bourdon like this.
  9. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I've been playing SP only. If it is only MP problem,then that explains why I haven't seen it in my own gameplay.

    But having watched your video, I see exactly what you mean. That looks mega annoying! I can understand the frustration there.

    I would definitely try SP just to see if the issue persists in your game. If not, then we can probably narrow it down to being an MP-only problem. I will try a bit of MP myself later today and see if I encounter the same issue.

    Out of curiosity, does it occur in other servers, or only the HWS server?

    Maybe if we collect enough info, the devs will have an easier job tracking down the root of the problem and finally fixing it :)
  10. Elfias

    Elfias Commander

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Tried SP today, there is no freeze. Its possible there is same bad event but not noticable as everything happens localy.
    I would say with more ppl on server it gets worse.

    There must be something happening while opening container, I think with boxes its same as with looting corpses, next reload will cause freeze.

    So if someone want to fix this I thing its important too investigate whats happening during looting. What changes.

    Thanks for kind words, it helps when someone realizes how frustrating this is, imagine you kill 5 abominations and are out of ammo, 6th is closing and you reload.
    When you unfreezes you discover that 6th Abomination was kissing with you for a second so you have all space herpes available or you die.
    Wastes all fun.

    Still have to find strength to post it in bug section...
  11. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I'm imagining all the times I have to backpedal and reload at the same time... and dying each time due to the game freezing. No thanks lol! I can't imagine having the patience to persist with it when that is happening.

    Maybe after you loot, the server has to scan and rebuild the list of loot you have to make sure you have ammo available to reload with? Not sure, just spitballing here.

    If we can come up with a series of steps that conclusively leads to the issue each time, then the devs can reproduce it on their own PCs, and then I think the devs will be in a good position to solve it finally. I think the reproduction steps are probably most important for getting devs to acknowledge and look into fixing it.

    Will try some MP later and see if it occurs for me as well.
  12. Insopor

    Insopor Commander

    Oct 17, 2021
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    I have definitely encountered it in SP before.
  13. Terenil

    Terenil Ensign

    Jul 1, 2023
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    I wonder if it's related to loading / playing sound effects or animation for the first time. There's also a lag the first time you use a scope (zoom in)
  14. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Welp, tried some MP and I think I need better internet to even get far enough to test the bug. My hoverbike kept getting stuck on shallow slopes and wouldn't move forward 90% of the time, so I couldn't even get far enough to build an HV. I blame that more on my internet than the game.

    So I'll have to test this later I suppose.
  15. The Android

    The Android Lieutenant

    Dec 29, 2022
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    The reload lag bug has been an issue for years. I only play solo, so it's not a network lag issue, it's an asset handling issue within the engine. It often happens with zooming in with scopes as well.

    Your theory of it happening after looting a body or container is interesting. I'll check that out the next time I'm in game.
  16. Elfias

    Elfias Commander

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Played a bit more and it seems like opening boxes its not a problem, I think I had lag after containeer opening just once and that could be related to something else.

    Currently I can clearly say I have this lag after looting only with corpses and 100% time. So something wrong is happening during corpse looting which fups following reload, no matter the gun you holding.

    This could narrow search.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sound effects can potentially cause issues like this. If a sound effect is large or has the wrong settings then the client has to perform a lot of work to get the sound ready to play.
    I am not saying it is the sound effect, but when you're reloading it's either that or the animation and animations are going to be tiny while sound effects can be large.
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Started a fresh, vanilla game last night, and I was getting regular little freezes just walking around on a Space Station. Proper I've moved several feet and am now facing a different direction lag. Didn't have any issues before the most recent update. Had some slight lag reloading, but that really wasn't too bad.
  19. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    i only and always have the reload lagg with the multitool .....
  20. Insopor

    Insopor Commander

    Oct 17, 2021
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