Any Way to get Version 10.8 back?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kryzzk, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. Kryzzk

    Kryzzk Lieutenant

    May 17, 2016
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    I saw that Empyrion was set to update, I didn't want it to update so I set the Beta's tab to 10 hoping it would keep it from updating, but it downgraded my game to and now the game won't load at all, is it possible to get V10.8 back?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
  2. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    The only way will be if Eleon enables it on Steam. I would actually expect them to start removing more and more of the Beta's to eventually force everyone to the initial DLC update as time moves on thanks to their new direction in how they are going to develop the game.
  3. Kryzzk

    Kryzzk Lieutenant

    May 17, 2016
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    You are the second person I have seen imply that the DLC is or will become a required purchase, is there any link to where this is stated or implyed? Honestly, I have been playing and didn't even notice that a DLC was releasing until the update became available.
  4. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I think you downgraded to alpha 10 not 1.10. Two entirely different things separated by a good number of years which is why you most likely had those issues when trying to load your game.
    Germanicus and TwitchyJ like this.
  5. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    It would have been nice if Eleon did release 1.10.8 or a neutral 1.11 version in the Beta before the launch of the new DLC, they could still do it if they had the files but since A10 there is no version in Beta and IDK why their policy is to not add any versions since then, I mean they could easily ignore all bug reports from really old versions, only supporting the newest ones, so that would not change anything for them, just some liitle work to put them in Beta.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2024
  6. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Go read their releases. They are now referring to it as an expansion. So melee combat or any other new feature will be via paid content only and that means their fixing and adding to those features will require the purchase of said paid content. Also expansion implies that what comes after it will be based off what it brings. So future updates or expansions to melee will do nothing for you unless you own it. It also leaves room for being ultra dirty and making a second expansion in the future that requires the first to also be purchased.

    This kind of stuff is supposed to happen after a game is completed and if they were in such need of funds to be able to continue to be able to develop the actual game, they could have brought it before the community that is filled with people that support them and propose ways of doing it. Other small developers have done various things like offering up fluff items in customer loyalty packages or developer support packages. They are almost always things like in game skins, titles and other easy things to make that wont detract too much from still finishing the game...instead, they are going full Funcom on us.
  7. Kryzzk

    Kryzzk Lieutenant

    May 17, 2016
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    Stating that it is an expansion doesn't mean that at all. Many games have expansions, but the base game is still developed, just because they have released downloadable content (an expansion is another name for down loadable content), doesn't mean that all the game will now revolve around the DLC.

    Thanks for your input though.

    I think I have found a way to return to 10.8, I'm testing it now.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    Once again, 1.10.8 is what you are looking for not 10.8

    Of you revert to 10.8, which is many years old now, you WILL have issues.
    Just wanted to clear that up, again.
  9. Kryzzk

    Kryzzk Lieutenant

    May 17, 2016
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    all version past release are 1.xx.x until they reach version 2, then they are 2.xx.x. I didn't think I needed to state that I wanted the release version (1.xx.x) instead of a Alpha Version (0.xx.x).

    Also, I only have issues launching the Alpha builds when using steam to do it, launching them from within the folder they are in doesn't give any problems at all. I play many of the older versions more than I play the current ones.

    The method I found does give you back the previous version (Release version 1.10.8). But I'm not sure that the staff would want me posing how to do it in the open.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
  10. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    Ever since the EAC change a while ago you have to disable EAC to play any of the old archived Alpha Steam versions.
    They are not compatible with EAC anymore and won't be updated.

    This is likely why you are seeing a difference depending on where you launch it from.
    Disable EAC for those old Alpha builds and they should then launch normally through Steam.

    PS there is nothing illegal or against TOS to tell people how to roll back current versions.
    Steam themselves have some guides on how to do it, somewhere (and likely pretty old now).
  11. Kryzzk

    Kryzzk Lieutenant

    May 17, 2016
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    You are likely correct, But most of the versions that I'm playing can no longer be run through steam as they are too old. They aren't even in the beta's tab anymore so it would not matter.

    You may be correct about this as well, I was hoping that someone from Eleon would say if it was okay or not. Of course I guess if it's not ok then they will just delete it.
  12. Kryzzk

    Kryzzk Lieutenant

    May 17, 2016
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    I have been looking over the terms of service sense I figured out how to get release version 1.10.8 back and like TwichyJ says above, I don't see anything that says I can't say how I did it, however I will take this down if Staff says I can't have it posted here.

    Please note, you do this at your own risk.

    In steam:
    • set Empyrion to only update when launched. (If you don't want to keep the game in steam, ignore this step)
    In windows:
    • Open a run window (Windows key + R) and run the command: steam://open/console
    This will open another steam window as well as open the console tab in the main steam window.

    In the steam console window:

    • Run the command: download_depot 383120 383121 5123863404018975384

    This will download Release version 1.10.8 to your computer, it will take time for it to download, about 3 hours in my case (I don't suggest changing away from the console window in steam as this interrupted the download when I did it), and it will look like it's not doing anything. When it finishes it will get an error followed by a message that it finished the download, as long as it says "Depot download complete" you can ignore the error. Now you can close the extra window and navigate away from the console tab that steam has open.

    In Windows:
    • Go to steam folder: steamapps\content\app_383120\depot_383121

    This is where the downloaded files were placed. If you want to keep the game in steam then copy everything inside the depot folder into the Empyrion game folder in steam and tell it to overwrite. DO NOT launch Empyrion from steam or the shortcut created by steam, it will just download and install the most recent update. instead use EmpyrionLauncher.exe inside the Empyrion folder.

    If you don't want to keep the game in steam then run the game from inside the current folder using EmpyrionLauncher.exe but I suggest renaming the app_382120 folder to something else to make sure steam doesn't decide to overwrite the files later.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  13. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    read what I posted again. I said the content in the expansion, that is developed upon will only be available to those that own it. So melee changes in the future is locked like all content given in an expansion. That is why the industry uses the two words differently, because they are different.

    You do not get new combat styles with DLCs, you do with expansions ala new classes in MMOs and if you do not own the expansion, you never get the class...and if you dont own Dark Faction, you wont get melee or any of the future development of it.

    DLCs are one and done except for bug is not a part of future development. Expansions are.
  14. Kryzzk

    Kryzzk Lieutenant

    May 17, 2016
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    If you want to believe you are correct, please go ahead, we will agree to disagree about EVERYTHING you have said. But I'm stopping this here as your comments have NOTHING to do with my topic and thus serve only to derail that discussion.

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