I play on a modded server and would present the script to the admin there so how would I go about writing this savegamescript ? since you say it is forbidden or cheating to do such a thing could you send me a PM on how to make the script then ?
In principle, it is a “normal” script in Handlebars (HBS) or C# which is stored as a file in the Savegame Scripts folder. As an example, you can take a look at Floorplan here https://github.com/GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting-Collection/tree/master/Scripts
Подскажите есть скрип на автодобычу руды чтобы не нажимать каждый раз клавишу вперёд или назад чтобы корабль парировал и автоматически добывал на маленькой скорости? У нас на Серваке скрипты работают сервер модовый
is there a place where i can read about using "format" in simple words and with examples, you know - all those {{~format . '{0,82}'}} and {{~format Content '{0,7:0.0}'}} thingy
google: c# string.format https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings
This block is (now) part of a "multiblock" and theres is no single "EMP Cruise Missile Launcher" block in the current RE2-24 maybe you have here an old block