The are so many beautiful planets the just amazing why not add Aurora's spawn around the arctic circle in single player or on the cold planets ? And add at night meteor shower on the planets ? The night is so beautiful and the stars look amazing. I hope the add it in the experimental & Update
I was able to add them to a custom scenario and they gave so much atmosphere to the game! Sadly had to take them out because it didn't work in MP. Would be awesome if they added more ambient effects to planets! Here's what mine looked like, to give an example and inspiration:
Wow so amazing you did it , The need to add it to the cold planets and the arctic circle imagine the view at night , and the meteorite shower at night maybe at around 12am to 3am or something.
Yeah unfortunately because I used custom planetary deco blocks to do it, on servers it caused playfield issues so I had to take it out. It was very beautiful and added so much immersion and atmosphere, so I wanted to share it to show what it might look like in-game. Of course the developers could add these as playfield parameters and probably make it look and work much better, but it just shows that this is something that could be really cool.
I hope the add it in the game, you demonstrated it can be done If not multiplayer single player is also nice i play single player and friends & family and then we play multiplayer and fly around space discovering planets and we start a war hehe I also hope the remove the thick clouds in solar system where the planets are infected kinda weird seen clouds in solar system in the ( DLC )
The space fog is cool. I wish it was available in the vanilla game and with more variety as a random space effect. Probably would get old if every system had the same fog though. (Space fog is another thing that adds a ton of immersion from personal experience)
Thinking along the lines of meteor showers, the ones in the game currently would be better if they would actually be resource drops when you ram over to them, I have tracked the places the meteor clusters hit and kept my eye firmly fixed there only to get there and nothing, not even a dent after I saw the actual strike and dust thrown up (I'm not talking about the Iron/Silicon/whatever asteroids that enter the atmosphere that you can mine)
The Space fog in infected solar system is just way to thick maybe the can make it lite you can't even see the planet, When getting very close to the black hole maybe add so it starts causing damage to the ship and player. The meteor shower the have in game is nice no need resources droop maybe a small dent in the ground if so nothing else. --> And the Hull Shield is way to huge why not make it smaller what is the purpose of the shield bin the size of a building ?
Oh yeah the problem with the fog is there's only a single type and no randomization or variants. So while the fog settings themselves can be changed, it's always the same fog everywhere.
You can't see the planet the can maybe remove it or make it lite see through just like the asteroid belt it's so nice! I uploaded a image the planet is almost not visible And this is the star the don't need it around the star at all