This is aggravating. Designed a new cv and I can't spawn it in vanilla single player. Like why aren't all the blocks in vanilla creative not allowed in vanilla single player? After all these years coming back to find this game is still broken
It is annoying, I found myself that the personal locker* was the thing that stopped one of mine from spawning some time ago, also plants or saplings in the gro-boxes, they are still illegal for player spawns, perhaps other things too but... I haven't met them yet! However in the console typing the letters <sbp> will allow your blueprint no matter what! *looks like a 'typical' triple school corridor locker.
Creative mode is also where you build the POIs for vanilla, so it has to include those blocks as well. Which means there are blocks you aren't supposed to use in survival included there as well. Every single block and device has an info panel when you hover your mouse over them and that info panel shows you if blocks are allowed in blueprints or not. Also pay attention to each individual info panel on blocks that have extra right click options as well as some of the right click options have different parameters to the others (such as one type being airtight while the other isn't). This isn't broken. This is on you the player (us) to pay attention to when you are selecting blocks. You can't blame the devs for your own failure to read. The info is there. Trust me there are plenty of broken things, but this isn't one of them.
Peter Conway thats exactly what it was the personal locker. And Twitch , I will blame the dev's on this, as far as coding it should not be that hard to make it at least give you a warning when you are about to use a forbidden block. There was a time when there were no forbidden blocks.T his is like mowing a yard "oh I will eventually get to it". This is at least an 8 year old issue. And it is just one of many that have been going on for ever. I took 7 years off from playing Empyrion to play Rust. I come back and its like I never left. Thank God for the Reforged Eden guys, because that mod breathes a lot of life into the game. Anyway, I still love the game and am not giving up.
It does give you a warning. That warning is in the form of an info panel where it directly tells you it isn't allowed. You expect it to give you a popup and/or an alarm each time you use an "illegal block" in creative? Yeah, that isn't likely to anger/annoy every single POI builder there is...... You are in creative mode. How do you expect the game to know you are building a structure for survival vs building it for a POI? If the game can't know the difference (it can't) then it would have to give that "warning" you are asking for each and every single time one of those blocks is used. That is going to cause more issues since creative mode has to be where POIs are built. So you are forcing a constant warning/alarm on those builders just so YOU don't have to be inconvenienced by reading an info panel. That'll go over well in the community I'm sure.
Well, it doesn't have to be a constant audible or obnoxious warning, if the illegal blocks were named in red where selected players that are new or returning would see this, and to be fair the 'Personal Locker' has no indication whatsoever that it's an illegal block, as it's in the tech equipment tab and seems no different from all the other stuff there, also the image shown is a single locker not the triple that gets placed... I haven't tested them all as I only play for fun not testing, I break too much as it is
You also get a warning in the blueprint library as your blueprint will be highlighted in red. You also get a warning in the factory where the game tells you it contains illegal parts. Also every block that isn't allowed in blueprints contains this on their tooltip. Not to mention you won't be able to find them in any constructor or tech tree in-game.
For quick reference. The items used to make these blocks are in the bar below them. The one on the left in red is for POIs only, and disallowed in factory blueprints. The one on the right in green is a tech deco block, usable in any BA or CV.
Yes, we get that if a build has illegal blocks it's shown in red in the Blueprint section... finding it's the Triple Personal Locker is a problem though* as (as far as I'm aware) there was no indication to this end while selecting it when building, the block isn't available as a triple now just a single, however when forcing the issue and spawning the blueprint anyway (sbp) the triple locker is still present in the original (and spawned) blueprint. *I found out the hard way by systematically taking my build apart block by block and testing each change... I didn't enjoy that at all Edit: Thankyou Big Brzeznski!, I just tested a Blueprint in new game survival mode with GM, SBP and IM, so I guess that survival parts list is different from the creative parts list... I don't remember the triple locker being red when I built the ship a few years ago... but there been many changes , ( Edit2 you painted to highlight the
And you're not wrong that maybe there could be a better way of informing someone they are using illegal blocks. There's multiple, unobtrusive ways they could do this. Could make it a filter on the Item Menu to "show illegal blocks" which is unchecked by default, so someone would have to click it (once) to view all the illegal blocks. This would prevent people from ever accidentally even seeing illegal blocks in creative mode, while not interfering with POI builders.
If you follow the official Empyrion Discord, I just left a new post in the suggestions section for exactly that.
I'm afraid I don't do any social Media/third party platforms. However, yes, that does sound like a better idea, especially for new and returning players, a pair of headings top of the page, as you say, Blueprints and POI's, with default for Bueprints with greyed out illegal blocks, because the POI makers have their heads screwed on correctly and understand more. Yes, you have my vote on that.