RED vs BLUE: Weekly PvP, Massive Battles, and more! All are welcome!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Slam Jones, Feb 10, 2016.


Red or Blue?

  1. Red!

  2. Blue!

  1. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I only saw the Compania (or whatever its called) online once, last at night, which leads me to believe they are most likely on when few others are, meaning they have the perfect timing for committing such crimes.

    Stay tuned, as an announcement may be coming soon regarding these developments...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    Those guys /the other Traders group, Not Compania/ are ex-Blues. Lord Borris, and Auralia(SP?), I've played with them and doubt they would have done it. But, I can't find too much, and Empyrion doesn't use sql so logs are harder to sort through, broken sent it up to the Devs, so I hope a fix came in todays patch secretly.

    Edited to add, you said Compania, I thought we were talking about the Traders group. I don't know who those guys are.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  3. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I'll clarify: I have noticed two faction that are not BNS/RGC/GMT. They are the TFB (Tradesmen as you described above) and a separate faction, the Compania. Now that I know about the TFB, I don't have any issue with them.

    Compania, though, have seemed to be pretty secretive, a hallmark of a terrorist group. I've only seen them online once or twice, but they were higher level as I saw. They appeared to be folks who spawned in on Danube, but chose not to join GMT, and instead formed their own faction. I'm not saying that it's undoubtedly them, but at the moment they're the prime suspects.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning and Furian like this.
  4. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    aaaand I'm back in action. completed my new personal cv... an of course she got a little space for something of mine...

    shipbuilding_0_2016-04-22_23-12-37.png either two of these or one of my bigger sv's
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  5. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    JOTUNHEIM - Two days ago a BNS patrol vessel, PFF-01 Super Schwalbe, was landed on the surface of Jotunheim. During a period of time when its crew was away from the ship, the Super Schwalbe was attacked and crippled by an unknown assailant while it was idling on the ground. After extensive emergency repairs by a team from MechsiCo Heavy Industries, she was made operable again and taken back to Azurus.

    Red VS Blue_2016-04-20_23-53-19.png Red VS Blue_2016-04-20_23-53-46.png

    It has been observed by all factions that the Grey Market Traders have been aggressively expanding into the system, and Jotunheim is in close proximity to Blue's home orbit of Azurus. Furthermore a number of POIs on Jotunheim have been captured by GMT, and sufficient ores have been mined from the planet that meteorites of various kinds have begun to fall.


    It is virtually unquestionable that the Grey Market Traders, or some denomination encapsulated in their ranks, is responsible for this unprovoked and hostile attack. This threat has existed for too long already, and the insidious viper is only rearing its head to strike. For all we know the Grey Market Traders are preparing to colonize and exploit our home planet, less than three astronomical units away.
    This, therefore, is a time for action. To the Grey Market Traders I hereby issue this ultimatum: We shall find out those of you responsible for this attack. Our campaign begins on Jotunheim; we shall search through a series of suspected GMT bases by force and will eliminate any and all resistance. Those of you who wish to prove your loyalty, stand by your true ally the Blue Nova Syndicate, and aid us in our search. You shall be rewarded. To everyone else, there is no grey upon this issue: mark my words, those who do not stand with us shall be considered our enemies and we shall vanquish you.
    You have until Sunday at 1600 hours Central to acknowledge this ultimatum.

    - MechPilot524, Blue Nova Syndicate Administrator
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    In response to the BNS ultimatum, RGC is ready and willing to stand by their GMT brothers and defend against the pending illegal search and seizure.

    We agree that a search must be conducted, but we strongly oppose the method the BNS intends to use. We approve of non-destructive methods of investigation, however reports indicate BNS does not feel the same way. If push comes to shove, RGC will stand by it's GMT allies with weaponry in hand to defend their assets and prevent any more wanton destruction.

    We wish for a fair resolution to this conflict as much as BNS, however we will not stand idly by while they ransack the GMTs bases.

    Good afternoon. It has come to my attention that several GMT and BNS facilities are being attacked by an unknown force. Several ships and bases have been damaged, stolen, or otherwise vandalized. As of the time of this decree, the culprit remains anonymous.

    As it stands, we harbor no ill will against GMT. We do not believe that GMT as a whole is responsible, but rather a sub-set or another faction entirely are more likely to be the culprits. As a whole, GMT has proven a valuable asset in the system, and we wish to support the legitimate traders in any way possible. We wish to support GMT in finding the culprits that are causing havoc in the system at large. However...

    Due to the nature of these crimes, we are hereby banning ALL GMT VESSELS from entering Pyrite Orbit, its Moon, or the planet itself. If you are on GMT, you are strictly forbidden from entering our space until such time as the culprits of the above crimes are found. We hope you understand why we feel this step is necessary.

    Again, we harbor no ill will against GMT. We are simply securing our borders from the chaos that seems to be occurring beyond them. At this time, we are still willing to do business with GMT, however we will meet them in neutral space to avoid issues.

    We are willing and able to help secure and defend any GMT facilities that may come under attack during this time.
    If any GMT feels threatened by opposing forces, let us know and we will arrive to defend our allies at the earliest possible time.

    We will not be actively pursuing the suspects at this time, as we have no leads yet. However, to prevent undue circumstances, this decree is in effect from now until such time that I declare the crisis resolved. If you help us, we will help you.

    Again, to reiterate, we are not upset with GMT. We wish to find a peaceful resolution to this crisis, and safely deal with the offending parties as soon as possible so that we may live again in peace.
    Again, if you are on GMT and feel threatened, please speak with an RGC representative and we will work with you to resolve the issue.

    Let us work together to solve this crisis, and restore order to our glorious solar system.

    Thank you,
    Slam Jones
    Chief Executive Officer, and
    Grand Crusader of the Red Giant Conglomerate
    Tyrax Lightning and Furian like this.
  7. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    IPR from the GMT Corperate HQ.

    Grey Market Trader's Intergalactic Press Release

    RE: Random attacks on GMT bases, Threats from the BNS organization, Blockade of Pyrite.

    We will not stand for this.

    Unanimous vote by the Board of Directors, approved by GMT CEO.

    End transmission.


    Leaked communications between Field Officer Warmachine and HQ

    HQ: The Execs are getting their panties in a bunch again.

    FO-WM: Whats new?

    HQ: The loss of revenue from the blockade and traders fearful of going to Jotunhiem.

    FO-WM: So? We knew we'd break a few eggs making this omlete. The traders are fearful and just want to get the trade network up. They should start seeing profits soon.

    HQ: Speaking of which, you have mined most of the planets. Why have we not seen resources or money yet?

    FO-WM: Because, we're restarting the operations, it ain't cheap.

    HQ: We don't have the resources at HQ to send to you, your on your own out there. You may have to look to the enemy of BNS for support. Use those resources you saved up, may be buy an army, or maybe they would be willing to shoot at them for free, seeing as they hate each other.

    FO-WM: I'm in contact with the CEO, I know what's on the line. Tell those pencil necked dino humpers I'll take care of it.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Heheh now that i'm Playing the Red vs Blue Server when I can, I find that my keeping up on the Foruming has gotten a bit less diligent, so stuff can really build up while i'm away from the Forums. :D

    Also, many thanks! :)

    It definitely wasn't me. I'm no coward, plus i've not gotten a SV or CV ready yet so I haven't even left Danube Alpha even once yet. Only recently got my HV finished. I hope it was not any of my Clan Buds... it'd be a shame if some of them turned out to be cowards. FYI there ARE other potential suspects... Us GMTs have been seeing activity on our World from strange third parties... plus one of our own, Coop, got hit by such an attack as well.

    I'm glad ya Reds don't think us cowards. I see no problem with your Restriction, I myself also being a fan of Caution. Fortunately I have no business on your turf anyway, i'm not yet even equipped to leave my own.

    I'm still working on powering up, but as I do, i'll see what I can do about getting more Resources Mined up when i'm able. My Tyrax Hover War Tank i've completed sadly turns out it's not well suitable for running around Danube, but I plan to make a smaller more modest dude that'll be dedicated to the task of aiding my Danube Mining work. (& hopefully simultaneously knock out the damn PDA Chapter 3 Tutorial tripe that keeps grating my OCD.)

    As for myself, Dad's here this Weekend so sadly not lookin like i'll get to do anything MP-wise this weekend. Won't be available next weekend either cause then my fav Aunt & Uncle are comin to my house for a Holiday Visit. I can't miss out on them. At this rate I think I may have to play like a sort of Lone Wolfish Freelance Merc to ever get to do anything PvP related, & on top of that, quite a bit down the road as i'm a slow dude & I still have quite a bit more powering up to do as I also try to maintain contribution to my GMT Clan. (Especially Mining-wise. Workin on trying to mine up enough storm for self & Clan alike. Especially the reason I feel I need to get this new Mining HV built & ready so I can actually run around Danube between Mining Points at a bit better a clip & make myself more useful.)
    Slam Jones likes this.
  9. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    Trax, this is a new GMT, go to Danube Corporate HQ and use the facilities. Get yourself started, you can't bring in revenue if your still trying to power your base. We need you out mining and hunting! Gotta be careful though its starting to get a little dangerous out there for us, and with only a small escort ship for back up. So remember to come home before you log out (seeing as PvP protection may be broken).
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I figured the other Clanners needed the GMT Base Resources. I'm supposed to bolster them, not eat them...

    Edit: Oh, also, W10 FINALLY Installed on my New Computer Build. After all that damn Trolling... W7 kept finding Updates once in awhile, then after one of them a Pop Up appeared offering to 'Schedule W10 Installation', & I gave it a try at having it do so late last night. To my surprise it actually finally worked & I have W10 & its decrepit De-Evolution of a Interface back. NOW I have a Graphics Card that will surely be able to run that Windows Integrated Video Recorder I heard of before... but... where the hell in this worthless Interface IS the damn thing? :confused:

    Edit 2: Also, in the future, will the 3 Main Factions have their own Dedicated Faction Symbols? (After this kinda Modding gets Implemented?)
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
  11. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    He has been on a few days before the alpha dropped, and started building a BA with someone else. It doesn't appear he's in the loop of GMT
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    No wonder his Marbles would be a bit scrambled after what he's been through. Maybe this Base Building & such will help Clear the dude's head.
  13. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    God damn leeks
  14. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    One hour til event start!

    Here are the rules: (We will make sure everyone on the server is aware of them)

    - No rocket launchers allowed.
    - Blue is providing itself 2 light HVs. Red will not have HVs, but they will have some turrets.
    - Respawns are allowed and encouraged. When you die, spawn at the nearest medic station or clone chamber. There should be a box of weapons nearby your spawns. Don't take all of them, please.

    Blue Team needs to retrieve the item from the Ultra Rare Alien Capsule, buried deep within the base. Red wants to delay Blue for as long as possible. There are three bases (or if something goes wrong, two bases) which need to be taken in a set amount of time, to be determined by the event organizers at the beginning of the match.
  15. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Thanks to everyone who showed up to the PvP event!

    The event was really, really confusing. Lesson learned, events in the future will be much more simple, at least until we can have server modifications to automate any sort of regulation of such modes.
    Also, in the future, events will be planned granting GMT status as a full faction. Prior to today's event, GMT was considered a neutral pool of players who could mercenary out to either Red or Blue, who were meant to be the combatants. However today it has become clear that GMT is more of a full-fledged faction and is not willing to hire out its members. Again, GMT will be considered to have entire sovereignty of its own members in future events.
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  16. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Well, I just hope they have some well-armed warships ;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    You can hire them, just don't expect more then one or two. You can't expect them to be just filler for your teams, why don't you just pull your head out of your fifth point of contact and recruit? Its funny, when I was blue I would go run and help out a blue, he'd be all by himself. I have rarely seen a GMT solo, they are their with their buddies, mining away. We seriously build all of our ships in a giant factory HQ, where as a group we collectively attribute to each other. They would rather do monotonous mining with a buddy then join in a server event. This was the way it was when I joined, they had team work already. I just made sure all GMT have access to it.

    Hopefully todays bugs didn't ruin it for them. After the first battle Nav was an ace, 82nd was chasing BNS off with a stick "Get off my yard", and I got a message from two more GMT ready to join in (running a little late). Pheo was behind enemy lines causing confusion And then the crap hit the fan. A BNS HV some how lodged under ground and was destroying all our ships, and our base. Me and Nav got hit with disconnects. And everyone respawning inside BNS facilities. I don't know what happened to my CV, and I'm still ticked off about it. You'd think the two monkey's shooting it up would figure out it just floating in the air with its thrusters off, not moving, not shooting back, that something must be wrong, and still didn't even after I said something.

    Slam taught me an important lesson last time I hosted an event, just have fun. After I unbunched my panties I releised he was right, and that's exactly what GMT is now, fun.

    *Sigh* You apparently didn't see it today. I'll just give you the polite corporate response. Today was a bad day, I fielded 4 people, with two more available late, three more that joined my ranks during the battle, my last good day I had 7 ready for an event. IF you touch a GMT merchant, anywhere, anytime, I will start a crusade that will wipe the galaxy of your colors all the way to your doorstep. This has been the Free Trade Revolution, we wish to remain neutral, no longer the target of investigations and all blockades removed. Think of it kind of like a nuclear deterrent, or would you rather rebuild the solar system every day?;)
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  18. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Well RGC and BNS were, in no uncertain terms, told to funnel recruits into GMT, sooo can ya really blame us for low numbers? ;)

    Given the new status of GMT as a legitimate power, we will temporarily remove the blockade. This will be for a one week trial period, which, if there are no issues, will be lifted permanently.

    However, we will require GMT ships to pay 10% of any resources gathered from our territory to be paid as a tithe to RGC. We feel this is a fair compromise, as allowing foreign powers into our territory raises security issues. If you feel this is unfair, well, there's the rest of the solar system to mine from, but I am willing to discuss terms.

    If the GMT prove trustworthy and avoids war-mongering, we will lift the tithe entirely.

    We will not be firing on GMT ships unless they give us reason to do so.

    Reasons to do so are as follow:
    - We have been directly fired upon by a GMT ship, or
    - GMT ships are actively involved in stealing RGC resources (this applies to loot, as well as deposits and meteors in the Pyrite system that are mined without leaving a tithe)

    We prefer to keep GMT neutral and fight our real opponents: the BNS. We have no ill will against GMT, but we will absolutely NOT stand idly by if they wish to take what is rightfully ours.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    When did that start? I was only away for two weeks. I shifted everyone looking to join a team to us or you, only suggest GMT if they wanted to just be neutral. Then I do owe you guys an apology if that's what broken wanted. But I got a bunch of players on a team that's wants to be a team. At any given time there can be 4+ GMT on, I literally recruited another in the time I was writing this post, and guess what, he joined in with a group of guys scrapping the ship.

    Deal. 10% is fair. We'll pay up on the weekends as long as our deal lasts, or would you rather run customs?.
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  20. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I don't see any need to set up a checkpoint or anything, just pay it at your convenience. We are not trying to be aggressive: merely cautious.

    Also, yeah Shakles told us when the server came up for Alpha to direct new players to GMT. But that was a few weeks ago, so things may have changed. Forgive me if I missed it. And no worries if you were out of the loop, I'll try to figure out a better way to keep the admins all on the same page. Our own forum will be a good step in the right direction, but I think that's a ways off still (unless anyone is willing/able to set us up a forum! :D ).

    Lastly, I think Danube popping up first in the starting planet list may contribute to larger numbers there, but I can't think of a different way to do it that is more fair.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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