Why is it, all these ship images I see... no one is using all the plethora of neon color choices that fill up the color choice window? I mean, there are far more neon colors than useful colors... why is everyone just using the only 6 good colors there are? /rhetorical sarcasm
I play on the Red vs Blue Server as a Grey Market Trader, so I have to answer to Color Dress Code. If I ever have a reason to play SP ever again, i'll be hitting the multiple Blues available with possible occasional use of Orange.
My T4 CV WIP. It's an even-numbered build, meaning, that the width of the ship, is even numbered, not, odd numbered. some sneak peaks, from the inside.... Spoiler: Pictures These images might look dark, but, lots more vibrant, when walking about on the build... more, will follow as i progress
hehe, thanks .... Guess it's not hard to know, what the "center piece" is LOL But, building in this fashion, is soooo annoying :S and, i havent even begun on the exterior yet :S .... Bridge, is WIP.... Docking bay is WIP.... externals are WIP... weapons... uhm... WIP LOL One major issue i have, is what to put on there for guns.... this giant, is meant to land at a large.. LARGE, station on a planet, and i want it to be part of the local planetary defense system, aswell as being a usefull platform out in space, when mining them asteroids :-/ all those ideas... *sighs* LOL ♥
heh nope quite easy actually offline protection!!! (naahh just kiddin but it has the same measurements ) what ya mean when you say "WIP" if it's supposed to be able to help with planetary defences you only can place sentry guns, minigun turrets and cannon turrets. they are the only ones that will fire when on a planet.
Have all, exept sentry guns LOL "WIP" = Work In Progress" Off-line protection, is kinda irrelevant, as this thing, is meant for Single Player survival :-/ .... huge, given the terms ? ... yap... but... woooooooow o.o can't wait to go fly that thing, as opposed to the one im flying in survival right now LOL
Sorry for the bad image formatting :S I really wonder, whre the game thinks i stuffed in woodplanks ? theyre from shelfes, benches or ?
know u haven't done the exterior yet, but so far it doesn't look that big... yeah the wood thing looks kinda weird since you shouldn't be able to put wooden blocks in the ships... but maybe it's some of the deco interior
not big ? O.O holy mambas, skittlez and space suits..... to me, it's a massive giant... GIANT LOL ..... then again, im normally content with making HV's :S (Last creation, was the T1A :-/ .... but.... "Not that big" ..... then, i dun wanna kno, wut "big" is, in terms of SP mode :S
well yeah in SP mode it might be big. I'm playing MP and most of my CVs are a lot bigger. mostly because I go for the exterior look
I'd say its borderline medium to large for SP Survival. My brother n I put one together, and its 'tight' inside for all the stuff, but its roughly that size (taller though due to the bridge). One thing I did notice is an inconsistency in stats they show. In one window (blueprints) they show WxDxH as BLOCKS, while in another they show it as METERS (like everyone is supposed to know 1 block = 2m3). At first I was like "90 blocks long W T F?!" ... but oh, thats METERS... grrr.
since there's a 10 pic limit pr. post I'll just give 1 pic of each. most of them are already posted in this section (and some of them are actually smaller than I would let on, since I'm tryin to make them smaller)