Hallo, habt ihr noch Platz? Und wenn ja wo started man, bzw. wo started man am besten (will keinem auf die Füße treten). Sind auch genug Resourcen vorhanden oder muss man sich seine Resourcen durch Sklavendienste erarbeiten? Ich bin wirklich mal neugierig auf ein bisschen Multiplayer.
Hallo Arrclyde , Platz ist jede Menge vorhanden. Ich habe mehrere Planeten zu Starterplaneten ernannt. Rohstoffe sind noch reichlich vorhanden. Ansonsten kommen ja die Materialien via Asteroid auf die Planetenoberfläche. Gruß DragoonTT
Servicetool for EmpyVerse - Fixed bugs (connections to telnet) - Added ingamemessages for users if an update is availabe.
Just asked if there is a place for another player on their server...... in German, cause that is where i come from ;-)
- Reduced number of orbit - Orbits positioned differently. Each jump will now consumes 25 pentaxitcrystals. - Earth is no longer a starterplanet. Earth had the wrong biome without plants. - Using Emp Admin Helper Lite now
Moin Moin, hier auch mein Antrag auf einen Sektor: Fraktion:APFP Orbitname:Alpha Centauri Planetenname: Alderaan Planetentyp: Temperate Danke schonmal im vorraus
The Furian Collective have joined EmpyVerse current members: Furian and Decrypter from the Red VS Blue server
And in which system is/are the Starterplanets? Just would like to know as i would like to start as a factionless player.... at least for the start.
Planets to start on this server: Dragoonar System: Imar & Markader Shavic System: Omicron Nibero System: Akua Ownly in this systems are a moon (+ Pluto in SOL System). Take care if u are juming around.
Jumping seems to become an issue. From my experience you get some crystals on akua moon and find em rarely on Akua. I thought about farming some on Oscutune. But the last time i checked the distance it told me ~50AU so you need 100 crystals just for the jump and coming back to Akua. And if you wanna make some profit you need to stay a while for farming the jump fuel. Or is there any other way farming crystals around starter planets? Currently the new jump system feels very restrictive. Of course its plausible but its not like in earlier versions where i had no prob with picking someone up and bring him to his friend on another planet.
-actually i have issues with the connection to my ISP. At this time the server is offline. Sorry for this.
Maximum jumpway is 25AU with a CV. If you want to reach an orbit that's rather away, you had to jump over other Orbit. Look at the starmap in these thread. Only connected lines are for the traveling.
So far me and my crew farmed quite a lot chrystals on pluto We even found a few on our planet. If someone needs some we are willing to trade.