BLG | ROLEPLAY - Emperyion's #1 Server | Join the fun!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by IcyyMike, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. IcyyMike

    IcyyMike Ensign

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Hi there fellow Emperyion Players!

    Are you looking for a bit of extra content to make this game even more interesting?
    Venture no further! Emperyion's top server adds an entire new experience to the game, making every session unique, fun, and most importantly...engaging.

    -------------------------------------------------SERVER INFO --------------------------------------------

    - Find us by searching "BLG" in the search box.

    Name: BLG | Roleplay | Large Universe | Active Admins | PVP/PVE Start

    ----------------------------------------------SERVER FEATURES--------------------------------------------

    - SUPER SERVER - Fully dedicated box with top of the line server specs! We are able to support high numbers of players and high numbers of planets.

    -High population - Our server is open 24/7 and is normally the #1 server which means you will never be bored. Also with our high slot count, you will never be locked out of the game.

    - ROLE PLAY - This is our bread and butter. Come to our server to experience and entirely different game. Declare wars, create alliances, form governments, or create tyrannies! The world is yours for the taking. Also with our role-play rules, offline raiding is a thing in the past. War declaration is necessary for you to be raided which can only be declared if you are online.

    - New Player Protection - When you join the server you will spawn on a protected (PVE) planet. You will have some time to get your bearings but beware, every Sunday and Thursday at 10am CST these planets will wipe, so you will need to move into the unsafe galaxy (PVP) or risk being wiped.

    - Large Universe -
    I think we have one of the larger universes out there; With our high end server we have the ability to provide our players with a unique experience of tons of customized planets and systems to add to the game play.

    - Active Admins - Our Admin team is one of the best. We have someone on almost around the clock ready to help you when you encounter one of those nasty alpha bugs. Also they are there to regulate game play to ensure everyone has a fun time on our server. With our older and mature admin team you can be assured our rulings are fair, balanced, and in the best interest of the community.

    - Admin Events- Our admins usually will run an event often to add to the experience on our server

    -Admin Tools - 10 minute backups to every play field so progress is never lost; Player tracking; Resource and ship spawning, anti cheat, regular restarts, and more!

    - Active TeamSpeak - With private faction rooms you and your faction can communicate easier. Also you have direct access to admins and will be able to meet other players here too!

    - Website/Community -
    We have a full functioning website where players can post their reports, feedback, and other things. This in combination with our tTeamSpeak makes our server feel like a community and we welcome anyone to join.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
    piddlefoot and BillyBadAss like this.
  2. BillyBadAss

    BillyBadAss Ensign

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Best server hands down in the current Empyrion server list. I have played on many. You have 24/7 online help with Admins who are friendly. They keep us busy with Admin Events that are always different. Best of all they ask what we like and they value our opinions as they apply them.
    IcyyMike likes this.
  3. IcyyMike

    IcyyMike Ensign

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Announcement Post:
  4. IcyyMike

    IcyyMike Ensign

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Updated to Alpha. Come join the fun. Awesome stuff coming to our server in the near future. See more at
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Can we not do rollbacks on the fly with no notice, what seems like a simple 10 minute roll back to the admin in fact can really mess other peoples games up if there not prepared, like loosing 2 days of mining ore in an SV that vanished in the rollback.
    If a playfield needs resetting then the server needs re-starting, or synchronicity in the games files will be lost and peoples stuff will be missing or re-located.
    Its not likely everyone who has stuff in that playfield will be in the server at the time even if it were announced on the fly, so I see it as a little inconsiderate to do rollbacks in that manner, on the fly with one play field.

    Its really disappointing to spend two days mining to leave a starter planet to have that happen, and although Im not a financial backer of the server, to allow that to happen repeatedly to people , which it will, doing rollbacks in that fashion, can only lead to a loss of players from the server.
    Your server is one of the most populated, and the servers performance is outright awesome at 90 odd people and no lag yesterday for me, so Im still hoping for a solution to the immediate problem of the SV, maybe its in the game files still and can be re-imported with its inventory , its marked 'pid' faction, but more so I hope you look at a proper solution to the problem and just outright stop all ingame on the fly rollbacks, do a proper re-start if any play fields need re-setting please.

    The PLY file being deleted on the fly doesnt effect others at all , but a whole playfield is a problem.

    10;10 am Australian time roughly 20 minutes before this post.
  6. IcyyMike

    IcyyMike Ensign

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Rollbacks are only done if restarts have not fixed the issue. We take backups almost every 10 minutes so the damage should not be much. We understand where you are coming from. Unfortunately ALPHA still has not fixed a lot of corruption issues that force rollbacks on our part.

    However, with that said I do agree notice should be given before hand and this will be the procedure going forward. Please get with me on Steam and I will be happy to recover what I can and hand you a refund for the lost materials. We appreciate you playing on our server and will do our best to make it the best experience possible.

  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Cheers mate, all good, I can just start a new game if you delete my PLY file, I think I would rather that champ so it doesnt create an unfair situation for others, might look like special treatment, could be detrimental to the server in the longer run, so just terminate my PLY file if you can and I will start over.

    The main thing is you get a better understanding of how your server is running on a daily basis, good on you for being a gentleman and trying your best to fix it. I appreciate it Im sure others do also.
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Thanks for the PLY file fix, I should have just asked for that in the first place but frustration got the better of me, which is rare and I apologize for maybe coming across slightly hostile.
    Moving on.
    Your server spec's is outstanding in its performance, I was really impressed to see 90 people in there and be at 60 fps everywhere I went on multiple playfields.
    I dont see up the top of the thread any actual server spec's ?
    Any chance you could share those specs with us ?

    The other thing I have noticed with your server is that it seems to suffer from alot less bugs.
    Ships disappearing and characters falling through the ground and playfield changes by a player and stuff disappearing, my hunch is your server has faster RAM than alot of other servers and alot of RAM also.

    It is good to see what the potential of the game is on really high end equipment, good on you guys for taking the chance and forking out alot of money on a high end server system.

    I think alot of the players of Empyrion rotate between half a dozen of the top servers , I see many of the same players on different servers at different times, which is great to see, Empyrion seems to have a much better community than alot of other games Ive been involved with.

    As the game gets more and more players, which I expect to happen for the rest of this year and well into next and beyond, servers with high population limits are going to really come into a class of there own, so the average now for the top servers is 'roughly' 30 to 40 players population most of the day, but I see that sneaking up to 60 over the next few months and server spec then is going to make all the difference, the fact you guys have had over 90 in that server and running smooth will no doubt make many other people happy knowing whats possible.
  9. TheRiddick

    TheRiddick Ensign

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Might grab this game and try this server? worth the trouble? AM Australian
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    My ping is 270 ish and I have not had a bug on the server yet thats stopped me doing anything and Im from Australia, hence the ping to this server.
  11. TheRiddick

    TheRiddick Ensign

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Well the server has frozen now. Not sure if it will come back up. No one can connect.
  12. IcyyMike

    IcyyMike Ensign

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Updated to 1.5.3; New features coming to our server very soon. Stay tuned
  13. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    My guild, the 47th Legion, and I just moved over from the ROLL CALL server and we couldn't be happier to call this place home. Awesome customization, cool theme, active admins., and a huge player base.

    We'll definitely be playing here for a long time :)
  14. Scruffy

    Scruffy Ensign

    May 30, 2016
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    Hmm.. I just went to this server. First day played an hour or so, starter planet was very laggy, could hardly mine, so logged out to play another server.

    Second day logged in and was greeted by a few asshole players in chat. two of whom were determined to convince me not to play the server... Then said it was 'roleplay'. lol Given it had nothing at all todo with any roleplay, or starwars, I concluded they were straight up asshole trolls. Not a great impression of the server so far at all. (At least on this second time playing the planet wasn't lagging.. shame about the asshole players).
  15. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    Darn, Scruffy. My guild has been playing it a ton lately and we haven't run into any jerks yet. Any idea what faction they belonged to?

    On another note, a member of [AoD] proclaimed that offline protectors were removed. Could someone shed light on this? He also claimed it was tested to work for some and not others. I'd like to know the testing methodology.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that people don't understand the offline protection generators only protect stuff in radius around them just like gravity generators. I have a feeling people had parts of their base/CV exposed beyond it's range and weren't aware. Most people don't know the offline protection generators work this way.
  16. Scruffy

    Scruffy Ensign

    May 30, 2016
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    I didn't bother checking what clan no. Can't even remember the names lol.. When stuff like that happens, i just log off and go play somewhere else.

    As for the OP. It's broken atm, you can bypass it(exploit). It's also abusable by people combat logging for instant OP shield. OP just doesn't work as it should atm.
    Cavadus likes this.
  17. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I can confirm Rexxus of HWS has made similar statements regarding OP; it is not currently working as intended.
  18. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    On this stardate, let it be known that "Emperor" Scorpy-something was Officially Butthurt™ over another Imperial faction, the utterly loyal and steadfast 47th Legion, constructing a peaceful embassy on Imperial Center (aka Coruscant, they refuse to use it's proper name out of sheer ignorance) while the 47th Legion had zero qualms about IXT building on the 47th's planet, Iridonia, WITHOUT permission.

    Unforutnately, the 47th Legion naturally assumed that our allies in the Empire were dependable, honorable citizens.

    They were not.

    After suffering egregious losses at the hands of the 47th Legion's point defenses and TIE Fighters IXT was eventually able to breach the defenses of Outpost Fel. Luckily, the legionaries of the 47th were able to slaughter enough of the completely untrained and ill discplined IXT forces and made their escape aboard the I.S.S. Tarkin.

    The IXT pretenders weren't even flying true Imperial vessels. It was no matter as a single 47th TIE FIghter easily downed three of their who-knows-what fighters and then killed one of their ejected pilots in single combat on the planet's surface.

    Let this be a lesson to all loyal Imperial forces; never trust the Sith. Never trust this Scorpius pretender. Never trust IXT, the back stabbers of the Empire.

    Let it be known that the 47th Legion will never again allow these foolish religious fanatics to dominate the Empire.

    The 47th Legion will be establishing the Empire-In-Exile and we call on all loyal Imperial forces to rally to our cause, purge all Sith from its ranks, and retake our Empire from treacherous Sith forces!

    Below is a glorious 47th Legion TIE Fighter which survived the battle and splashed three of the true Empire's enemies!

    Attached Files:

  19. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    Well, the server is dead and they removed all of the Star Wars elements from it. It's just a generic PvP server now. So long, BLGSW, was good while it lasted.

    Emperor Gaius Cavadus
    Galactic Empire
    47th Legion
  20. Robert Shores

    Robert Shores Ensign

    Apr 7, 2016
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    The server died because it couldnt handle out hardcore pvp group. We left because the 47th weren't a worthy opponent.

    Regards, The last true emperor.
    Lord Scorpius

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