I can't believe that it took me so long to find this game! I have been searching and searching for a game like this ever since Minecraft was introduced! Why? Well although the Minecraft concept is one of the best ever created I just couldn't get into it. I am a gamer who loves his graphics. I didn't take out a loan and remortgage my house to build me a one of a kind super computer/gaming rig so that I can play games with pixilated graphics and square people! Please do not misunderstand me... If you are one of the millions of gamers who enjoy Minecraft that is awesome! Don't get me wrong... Minecraft is an excellent game! In it you can basically do everything and anything. I am just not a fan of dumb downed graphics. I tried (God knows I tried) to get past it, but I couldn't. I couldn't justify spending the money and the time to build my rig and use it to play a game that is the exact opposite of what my rig is used for. I wanted to... I wanted to bad and I mean REALLY BAD! Which is why I have been patiently waiting for someone to take everything that Minecraft does and bring it to the next level. There have been attempts at doing this but in my eyes all have so far failed. The ones that came close couldn't handle the 4K set-up and are now uninstalled and waiting for upgrades from their developers. Now I have finally gotten the game I have always wanted... Minecraft times 1,000,000,000! I knew that someone was gonna eventually do this and I am so glad that someone was you guys! I really appreciate this game more than you will ever know. For years now I have been watching gamers enjoy Minecraft while I sat in the corner pouting. From the moment I laid eyes on the trailer I knew that this was it! Now I can build my dreams... BUILD MY DREAMS!!! I literally can not believe it, This is everything that I wanted and sooo much more! I got this game last night and I couldn't sleep cause I was too busy thinking about what I was gonna build when I got home from work. Now that I am home although I want to play the game I want to thank you guys even more. My name is Billy Worth. I am 38 years old and currently in the middle of getting a masters degree in graphics design. I already have a bachelors degree in retail management but because I want to eventually design athletic apparel such as football, baseball, basketball and soccer uniforms for companies such as ADIDAS, Nike or Under Armor I wanted to go for broke and take my education all the way! I know that at 38 years old I am starting late in the game, but I am extremely good at what I do and I KNOW I can hang with the younger crowd when it comes to designing anything from logos for clothes to logos for advertising! I already have my own local t-shirt company dubbed 502TRUE (502 is the are code fior my hometown of Louisville, KY) and I am doing extremely well with it, SO well that I could probably quit school and go with just running mt company, but I want a challenge! I never started gaming on computers until about 3 years ago when I could finally afford to do so. I have always been able to game on a computer but not the right way. If I'm gonna do something I am gonna do it the best that I can and the right way and the only way to game on a PC is to build your own gaming rig! So I took out a loan and remortgaged my house so that I could build the biggest and baddest gaming rig possible! I did and now here I am! I thought that the PC gaming community was gonna be more mature and sensible than console gamers... WRONG... In a lot of ways the PC gaming community is worse than the console gamers! I have seen some of the most nasty, prejudice gaming reviews and comments that I have ever seen in my life on Steam and I am wondering if all of this foolish nonsense will ever stop? Thanks againg for this game! I can't wait to see what gamers are building and I can not wait to build my dreams!
That was my reaction too when I found this gem buried on steam. Exactly Steam... well THERES the problem. You need to walk silently in the steam community area, and read everything while drunk. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy that in Steam forums