
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Trayk

    Trayk Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Can we get flippin helmet lights for crying out loud. What kind of half assed space suit does not have built on lighting of some kind.
  2. Psy_Commando

    Psy_Commando Ensign

    Aug 17, 2015
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    So I came back to the game after a pretty long hiatus since before 1.0.

    I just wanted to say, the game really improved a lot in terms of exploration and making the planets more interesting!

    And there are a lot of little improvements like making all building blocks that were basically the same simply an option when placing them!
    Though, I was hoping that in the same vein, vessel components could be shared between vessel types. For instance, RCS and thrusters are really all the same thing between HV, SV and CV, its just their power output that vary in the end.(Well some are bigger, because in part CV blocks are larger for instance)
    So I'd have assumed that vessel components would have been compatible between most vessel types by now, with varying degrees of success.
    Like you could place the tiny SV/HV thrusters on a CV, but it would take a ton of them and guzzle fuel like crazy compared to the appropriate (say Tier 2) larger thrusters with better fuel to thrust ratio. This way, it would be possible in a pinch to use parts between all vessels, with the expected downsides and upsides of being inefficient and saving on exotic materials/sophistication.
    And of course the unlock tree would have served to unlock the higher tier/more powerful version of those basic low-power/generic blocks.
    That's just how I thought the whole tech tree thing would have evolved into IMO.

    Speaking of the tech tree, I don't really like it a lot. It feels like its pretty useless/meaningless. I got to lvl 20 before even having enough resources to build a SV by simply digging long tunnels and destroying alien POIs.
    And well, the unlocks aren't really worth it, or really logical IMO. For instance, unlock one more light that's a different shape, or if you unlocked the pilot seat, you have to unlock a passenger seat, even though its sort of an implicit part to the pilot seat?? Or well having to unlock thrusters and directional thrusters separately. And well, most of those redundant similar unlocks offer barely any benefit unless they're an obligatory part of a vessel. Like for example, the cockpits for the SV. They're all pretty much identical in durability and usage, but they all have to be unlocked separately.

    Then, I feel like most craftables would need some sort of review of the materials they requires and their worth. Food is especially a problem, since, most food gives around 150, but canned vegetables can be kept for so long and are so cheap that its nearly all I end up doing. Giving some kind of perk/advantage to some of the food that can be prepared might help in this case I guess.
    And well, when you look at things like turrets and you realize that a rocket launcher for a CV is more expensive in terms of rare materials than a rocket launcher turret for a CV, you can't help but wonder why.

    And I feel like wood is vastly useless right now. You should be able to turn wood into fibers or even burn it for energy early on or something. And biofuel is an interesting resource, but making seaweed the only source for it is kind of a letdown. Seaweed is pretty hard to come by, meanwhile prometeum is plentiful and its easy to get a ton of it. Why not allow us to use sugar cane and fruits/vegetable to make alcohol/biofuel, or just fruits themselves.

    And speaking of wood, the harvester on the HV is pretty much useless, afaik.. By the time I had the harvester module and a HV, I was already 100% using steel and concrete and had no use for wood. And its called a harvester, but it seems the only thing it can harvest is wood, anything else is just destroyed along with its potential loot. Except for creatures/npcs which just take damages from it. And well, you can't take structures apart(except the rare wooden hut) or dig with it.

    And, well, I feel like besides the need for ammo, vessels are essentially the same they were back in pre-1.0. They still feels like floating shoeboxes and feel very stiff and wobbly. And there's still no feedback on when you take damage or inflict damage beyond the generic block destruction sound, which often makes it hard to tell if the noise came from your own ship. And well, sometimes its hard to tell when something damaged you so much you lost you rcs and some of your directional thrusters or etc, without having to look at the menu or move around a few seconds to confirm in the middle of battle. A sort of integrity indicator, with some audio/visual feedback would be nice. (warning lights? Not just text popups, because those are hard to see when you're in a battle. )

    Also, adding some dynamism to vessel is something I feel would really add to the game. Right now, ships don't have any moving parts, just the same few pre-made moving components. They don't have custom built turrets, just the pre-made turrets. vessels also seems to fly the same in atmosphere and space, minus the lack of friction. And well enormous ship with enough thrusters/RCS feels nearly exactly like smaller ones. There doesn't seems to be as much inertia and drag as there should be. And they feel very "on-rails"/"constrained" in a way, as if they were moved around by someone with a stick, like a puppet.
    And, as much as I don't want to do comparisons and etc, I feel that one thing empyrion could take from space engineers would be the destruction/collision physics its ships/vehicles/structures have. Not necessarily the whole block deformation thing(its pretty annoying anyways), but just the way collision damage propagates through adjacent blocks and sort of crunches everything, and how if you split a ship in parts, those parts are now independent physical entities. Otherwise, I feel space engineer doesn't have all that much on empyrion. Though, Starmade, and From the Depths have more interesting building mechanics and capabilities than empyrion right now, especially weapon and combat wise.

    Anyways, I'll cut this here since I didn't want to go too in-depth, and probably most of this has been brought up, but I got carried away.. ^^;;

    But overall, I really like the game a lot more these days!

    And I absolutely adore the motorbike! Even if the sound should vary a bit so its not looping constantly at the same pitch, and even if has a few friction and handling issues (mainly when going up and down hills and trying to brake or triggering the boost. And its unclear when the boost is ready for its next use.). Because, exploring with a early HV was a pain in the butt. Its a literal bullet magnet, and any turrets barely in range will try to blow you up, and all you'll hear is the impacts of the shots hitting you or near you. That, and you keep hitting the side of hills, bumps, slopes and etc. Its more fun in plains an on lakes really..
    But the motorbike makes exploration in general so much more convenient early on! And its a much smaller target than a HV. And I'm excited because that shows that wheeled vehicles could work in this game!

    That's pretty much it for my impressions in general right now! I'm looking forward to all the new features and interesting ideas coming!

    I guess it was the budget model :p But yeah, it would really help, and the flashlights on tools and weapons are all over the place in terms of usefulness from useless to sufficient. That would probably make things easier for development as well. Often, I have to wait until dawn to do most things, especially involving building(the drone flashlight is a bit too concentrated in one point, it would be better if it was more diffuse with a wider field), when I don't want to place a bunch of lights around and end up making things a bit laggy.
    Befreiung and ItsKriller like this.
  3. Work22

    Work22 Ensign

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Hi, first i love the game, and after 20 hours playing i had some feedback i hope is helpful:

    1. Troop transporters aren’t getting shot down. I was frustrated because I scouted out a POI with my SV and troop transports kept spam attacking. I felt like I couldn’t “clear” an area and achieve a goal for myself.

    2. More textures and colors etc for the texturing tool. That’s good fun. Its fun to customize a base.

    3. Storyline possibility: Your scout ship crash lands on the random planet, but your mission remains: create homing beacon for Earth colonists desparate for a new home. Clear the solar system of bad guys and set up a few template bases (requires a lot of items, resources) for the colonists, achieving your goal. Set up a communications beacon ultimately with Earth . This could keep players motivated throughout to both survive for themselves but also have a good reason to keep going once survival was "easy."

    4. After 20 hours and dealing with the ever spawning bad guys I wondered if I would ever really make progress or just be playing “whack-a-mole” with bad guys. It should be possible to “control” a planet etc. Or at least clear it out for a while until a CV arrives with more bad guys.

    5. Please allow single player campaigns without multiplayer in the final version. I’ve got a job and family and don’t have the time available to deal with random people attacking my base when I’m offline.

    6. Keep the creativity open-- can i tunnel under an enemy base with the drill and collapse it with explosives from below? that would be fun.

    thanks guys, keep up the good work!

    Tyrax Lightning and ItsKriller like this.
  4. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    So I finally bought Empyrion after eyeing it for some time and, what a pleasant surprise awaited me! I should have bought it long ago! As someone who enjoys playing Space Engineers and Planet Explorers, this game is basically a combination of the two so it’s right up my alley. What’s more, the dev’s vision for the game is directly in line with my own, or so it seems initially at least. Everything they want to put/have put into the game is the stuff I want in a game like this. I hope there are many others who feel the same.

    I bought the game on Friday and it consumed my weekend like a black hole, I easily kept at it for about 30 hours already in a single weekend. By Monday my apartment was a case of dirty dishes, piled-up laundry and lots of coffee at work to keep me awake, there was no time over the weekend for anything else but Empyrion!

    The first thing I noticed early on is that Eleon is really trying to create a living game world able to sustain itself throughout the course of gameplay, meaning you can play endlessly without the constraint of the game world eventually “drying up”. All too often games like this are advertised as open-world freeroam games with limitless lasting appeal, only to eventually find yourself in a situation like: “Oh no! I’ve killed off all the AI and mined out all the resources, what do I do now?” It seems Eleon is really trying to avoid this happening in Empyrion, and create a true open-world freeroaming experience with no limits, something that’s pretty rare these days (God bless them for that!).

    I was pleasantly surprised to find out about things like meteorites reseeding resources, AI spawners and roadmap ideas like NPCs reclaiming and rebuilding lost POIs, to name a few. What this means is that the game world will always be active, brimming with life and there’ll always be resources to be found. There’s no forced end-game, we will never be forced to start a new game due to an empty game world or forced along a specific path of progression due to areas being “cleared” like levels in a linear game. Finally, a dev that thinks about long-term gaming!

    Of course constantly respawning stuff at the same spot can become annoying but, at least Eleon tries to add some dynamics to it. Some other devs would simply take the lazy exit and just prevent anything from respawning at all!

    The second thing I am really grateful for is the continued focus on singleplayer gameplay alongside multiplayer. Another problem with games of this type is that they usually go for multiplayer almost exclusively whilst neglecting offline players (Planet Explorers being another exception). This is understandable though, half the gaming community is still without permanent internet access so online market research will obviously show a predominantly multiplayer-driven gaming community. But the fact that Eleon actually take offline gamers without a voice on the internet into consideration is a display of good moral value. Something that earns them a lot of respect from many.

    I also appreciate that Eleon didn’t get all obsessed and carried away with stuff like realism and balance, instead opting for gameplay enjoyment, diversity and content. There’s so much more fun to be had when a game tries to be an actual game instead of a restrictive simulation of real-life, or with content being so pathologically balanced toward each other that they all end up being the same thing.

    All in all, Empyrion is a game that brought back the age-old excitement of looking forward to how the final release will be. A game you cannot wait for. Like the old times when you bought a gaming magazine with a demo disc, played the demo and completely falling in love with the game, eagerly anticipating the day you can play the full release. It’s great to experience this again after all the moons past. Let’s hope everything works out well through the course of development but, I’m sure it will.

    Keep it up!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Troop Transports used to take a hell of a lot of damage & ammo to defeat even if it was parked on a Landing Pad doing nothing. The Devs decided they were Underpowered for reasons i'll be damned if I can understand & buffed the Transports greatly. I can only wonder if the Devs intentionally don't want us to be capable of defeating them for reasons i'll be damned if I can understand. :(
  6. Marty

    Marty Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    your dev speed is too slow, and instead of focusing on mechanics, mission, ai, and killing long reported bugs you loose yourself in feature creeping things like motorcycles.
    With a deep sigh and a grim face I look to what happened to No Man's Sky. I turn my face back to you and I hope the best....
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    To be fair some of the Bugs are affecting Band Aid Fixes that are intentionally not meant to be permanent. It's debatable how worth it it would REALLY be to put a Band Aid on a Band Aid.
  8. Psy_Commando

    Psy_Commando Ensign

    Aug 17, 2015
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    I just want to add, I don't know if its a bug or not, but I took my pretty heavy and long CV and went near a drone station on akua. And then each times the turrets shot at me and hit, while I was pretty high in the sky with no obstacles, the ship would get stuck in the air, instantly stopping, and refusing to keep moving. And/or it would just jolt in a direction each times it got hit by one of the rapid-firing turret, and prevent me from heading in a specific way..

    I could understand if that was a tiny SV or HV, but this thing weight several hundreds of tons and is flying at 40 meters per seconds. The inertia of the projectile of one of those turrets can't possibly cancel the inertia of something that big ^^; Plus it made me completely helpless, and my canon and rocket turrets wouldn't actually shoot at the other turrets, just some random enemy npc or block. Eventually the enemy turrets just dug through most of the front end of the ship and killed me while I couldn't escape or do anything whatsoever. It was a bit disappointing..

    Better fill out the survey the devs posted to ask what they should do next then. It was linked on the front page:

    Anyways, I doubt motorcycles are feature creep in this case. More like a prototype/proof of concept for wheeled vehicles, which are listed as a possible feature to work on in the survey. Implementing friction and wheels in general is not something you want to do in a single step and piss everyone off with all the bugs that comes from retrofitting part of the game to work with that. Then again, I don't know the specifics in this particular case.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    I love the new door speed!!!!!
    Befreiung and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Well I would love to tell you that 3.3 was a success however we have a situation.

    The Planet: modified Omnicron with gold meteorites
    Server: HWS NA
    Sorry seed unknown

    Problem: A player had a large CV with around 280 turrets instead of the normal unbearable lag we received internal errors. My faction mate was actually able to shoot the cv down and cored with an arty HV. However internal errors were still present even after the server removed uncored cv from playfield. These errors would only happen when you came within view of the CV or the area where the CV was last positioned at before removal by server. Playfield was unplayable for the rest of the evening most likely a server restart was needed.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    4,112 ;)
  12. clackus

    clackus Ensign

    Aug 9, 2016
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    I'm an old geeser (read as retired), but my youngest son introduced me to computer games as a pleasant way to spend long winter days. I've have since tried over 100 various video games of all types. My favorites have been Civilization series, Fallout series, Jagged Alliance 3, Witcher series, Dune, and many others. BUT, so far, Empyrion rates right up there with them. If the developers can get the game smoothed out before release it will be a sure fire hit. Keep up the great work guys!!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. gabtrat

    gabtrat Ensign

    Nov 29, 2015
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    My general feedback:
    Overall all the negative comments seem to be something like "once you manage to survive, it does get dull quickly", "motivation drops to zero after 20 hours" . It's exciting to try to survive and try to build a capital ship. After that you can just explore more, but there isn't really a point.

    I would like to see more of an "Ender's Game" scenario where you not only have to survive but prepare to defend against a invasion. Another race will come in more and more force and you must build up your defenses to survive. Eventually you could find their homeworld; build up a presence in their system, and attack them - all in order for you to survive. This would require extensive infrastructure to support your ships.

    It could easily take 30 hours to complete one of these campaigns and with enough variation and multiple tactics to try it would make the game extremely replayable.
    Siege Inc. and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    A few things:

    It takes a ridiculous amount of RCS and thrusters to move anything larger than a VW beetle. We could use some upgraded versions. Perhaps something we could unlock in the tech tree.

    Structural Integrity needs work but you probably know that. It's hard to build structures with large, open areas because it doesn't seem to take into account things like arches and transferring point load.

    Handling in zero g or underwater while inside a vessel is atrocious. The slightest bump into something and suddenly you're flailing around all over the place. Also noticed I could not change my orientation underwater while inside a vessel. The door out of the room I was in was sideways but I was standing upright and couldn't change my orientation underwater to fit through the door. Had to demolish it to escape.

    Player drone handles poorly. Too sensitive. Similar to handling in zero g or underwater issue.

    Ship handling using kbam could use some work. Not sensitive enough.

    SVs could use a small gravity generator.

    Motorcycle: could also use some refinement of it's handling.

    Also, that thing that happens where you're using the jetpack and you bump into a structure and the jetpack stops working and drops you? Not a fan. Mostly notice it in creative mode when I'm hovering while trying to build something and need to get in close.

    Tossing someone out the airlock because they're not seated when the ship is moving is ridiculous. Trying to find them again is also ridiculous.

    I'd really like some electronic/computer console textures. Also some fishtank/aquarium decorations amd a single block bathroom vanity deco item.

    And a partridge in a pear tree.

    I think that about covers it.

    Edit: Also some camo pattern textures would be nice.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Now wonders what Partridge & Pear Pie would taste like* :p

    I agree with much of the Control Issues, would be nice if I could Jetpack around in 0 Gravity in Space & accidentally slightly bump my feet on the ground & not suddenly have my dude flop over & his Jetting Forward motion suddenly causing him to slide & scrape along the ground... followed by hitting his head on some Wall or other. I also would not say no to a T2 RCS for SVs... a T2 RCS for CVs helped tons.

    Also know what ya mean when it comes to Internal Rooms of a HV or SV sitting on a diagonal or such.

    In regards to the Jetpack 'dropping', not sure what ya mean on that, but then again I build HVs on the Planet & all else in Space. (I wish I could build HVs in Space too even if I would need a Space Base with active Gravity Generators for it.)
  16. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    When I'm using the jetpack to hover while building something in creative if I get close enough to touch the object it's like the jetpack just cuts off and gravity takes over at that point. It takes a couple seconds to reestablish control and quit sliding/falling away.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Weird... wonder if this is something recent. Does this happen on a Planet or in Space, or both?
  18. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I've only noticed it while on a planet which is where I do most of my construction work. I tried moving operations to space but had some weird bug where I'd add a block and the object I was building would shift over one space. Also had the object next to the one was I building shift a space when I added a block to the thing I was constructing once.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ok, this sounds VERY Bug Report worthy in the Bug Report Thread... O_0
  20. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I started playing Multiplayer. Up to this point I had played single player for several hundred hours. I'm typically able to play every other day, and sometimes every 3-4 days. For the sake of discussion, four hours of play time is followed by 44 hours of time away. We can just say its a 1:10 ratio of in-game to out-of-game time.

    (1) Electricity

    I kind of suspected that my equipment would continue to draw power even when I was offline. This appears to be true. That makes for an interesting dynamic in that I don't really want to be blowing through my fuel when I'm not there. From my perspective, I'd spend my play time mining and refining fuel so that it would disappear while I was away.

    So I can choose to turn off my equipment before I leave. Of course that works for saving power, but makes that equipment vulnerable to attack while I'm away. I can counter that by parking in a PvE area far from Drones.

    (2) Food

    But an interesting side effect of powering off all my stuff is that now my food spoils when I'm away. I can kind of counter this by growing food and not harvesting it, since it doesn't spoil while its still 'on the vine', even if the plant growth lights are off. Taking that approach means I need to have to plan out some significant number of growing pots and be willing to begin every play session harvesting and preparing food.


    Clearly time cannot stop on the server.

    Clearly some of the appeal to the game is PvP where my equipment is fair game for raids, so it cannot disappear when I'm away even though my character does.

    Is it interesting and intentional game play to be recovering from a loss of resources related to non-play time passing? I doubt it.

    Of course the game isn't complete. Potential new features, like solar power, could change current conditions.

    I'm hopeful.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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