Gotcha beat, due to my own stupidity. Lesson learned, don't mix up too many of your game controls with each other. Got in my first SV I worked hard to build. Lifted off, but soon realized I forgot to face any of my downward thrusters (It gets better) Go to shut off power and figure I'd just let it drop. Here's where that whole "mixing up controls" comes into play. I ended up exiting the vehicle while it was still going up...
I customized another planet. Made a all water planet , well 95% water planet . Some of the mountains that have drone bases are poking out. lol Empyrion really gives you a lot of freedom and I love it. Took the desert planet and Dump a Ocean on top of it. lol Of Course I had to do this. Stargate fans know Exactly what Im talking about. lol
painstakingly rebuilding the titan/talos block by block only to later find the finished version in the gamefiles... oh well. otoh it was interesting to compare the rebuild to the official version and where my assumptions were right. and it's made out of solid steel, not alpha blocks so an upgrade should be easy - I'm wondering how heavy a full combat steel version would be... you sure it's gone? it might still be drifting around in space or landed somewhere on the planet.
Built a greenhouse. Intended to make it larger, but after having my geodesic dome collapse on me twice, I settled for a smaller version
I used a starter base blueprint for a farm and grow lights ready to go. saw some crops already planted in it. realized that seeds don't have to be hunted or looted, but picked from a base that already has crops. ahh, blueprint exploits!
To each their own, I can't help myself... I think like a Militaristic Dwarf Warrior. Solid & Sturdy FTW.
So while playing mostly on hard, beside enemy hp(which is a bit much and constructor speed), i managed to build my first CV. A small frigate named LWCV-01 Maximus. Special thanks to Abandoned Mine who donated around 800 hard steel plates.
Today I went sight seeing to the Omicron north pole.... Took my bike and placed it behind the barrier.... Hop on it and ride into the sunset.... The day became night and night became day as expected.... And the views were glorious..... And finally I arrived.... Only then I realized the compass was screwed, but also expected Enjoyed the view for a while and realized something a bit worst.... The pole is a bit like hotel California, you can get in but you won't get out... Basically you won't find the barrier again to leave and you will not be able to load that game again Ho well I guess I live here now....
Still working on my HV hangar area of my desert base but have all my ground vehicles parked. I have a SV hangar on the second level but still working on a new SV to put there.
Today, flying my ship in EvE Online from jumpgate to jumpgate, because normal ships don't have warp drive builded in, I realise something that set the new rule for my future ship designs in Empyrion. Warp drive is not just another device that you can place in whatever corner of the ship like a coffee machine, it's the most powerful piece of equipment onboard! Entire capital-size ships designs should be based on wrapping ship around that subsystems, not placing it somewhere and forget about it. Inspired by this thought, I go through pictures of all my previous warp designs and went into orbital shipyard for first testing of new-standard warp drive engine. From now on all my ships will have this installed inside the belly, it can be covered with armor on outside, but no bulkheads or rooms are allowed between segments. Space below, above and on sides will be possible to exploit for rooms, hangars, cargo holds etc, but I can't decide what about directly in front and behind. I'm tempted to allow using that space as well, but from the other hand it may be interesting if everything placed on a direct path of field generated by working warp drive will be shredded to pieces...
what did i do in empyrion today? not much due to the constant crashes and ejections from ships think its time to give this game up for a while hope they actually fix the bugs and lag problems instead of just making it pretty
Had an awesome time on a multiplayer game, just my daughter and I. We raided the abandoned mine, which amusingly was 220m away from the drone base which lead to some exciting moments, and I built her a little HV just for fun. Oh and realised that my motorcycle which I left outside had been stolen. By the Zirax ? Mmmmmm
I built the vast majority of a CV's outer hull, and have depressingly come to the realisation that it's rather phallic. Spoiler: Images Thereof
Went ore gathering on homeworld in the server empyrion-life... Was mining neodyme and got jumped by 2 guys in their SVs. Killed me quick. Spawned back at me CV and headed back to try to recover my backpack. Turrets really didn't do much and I started taking damage so I ran for space and warped out. Lost 3 thrusters, 2 turrets, 3 blocks and 1 window on the CV. Lost 999 of each material brick, over 1000 gold ore, starter base supplies, and more in my backpack...... Not to mention the loss of my sv. That was a great payday for those guys! This was all yesterday. Today, I'm arming to the teeth and headed back. I don't mind loosing stuff and getting killed, it was PvP....but that doesn't mean I won't be back. Not for revevge, but I'll be better defended.
I really like that idea. I think I am going to do this now. I am going to design a really nice warp drive for my self and it will be the focal point of every cv I build. It will just be the warp drive blueprinted. No core or anything else just warp and decoration. Make it my core cv blueprint!