The Ship Sharing Thread

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by WolfAmaril, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    @SoCalExile Lovin all those Guns on it & its lookin good while it's at it. ^_^
    SoCalExile likes this.
  2. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    the turrets makes it all fit together nicely
    Tyrax Lightning and SoCalExile like this.
  3. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Is there a limit though on how many of those turrets will fire at one time?

    And would it lag a server to death?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. wreznor

    wreznor Ensign

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Last I heard trying to get a large number of Turrets to actually Fire is still quite a problem with no known solution that I remember hearing about, & it used to be a bit lagtastic but Eleon has gotten that resolved pretty well thus far. I'd say the biggest Lagger ya can do in MP atm is building stuff like CVs with excessive amounts of Glass.
  6. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Updated an old design with some new flair: (currently named the SlamTek Serpent Mk2)


    (More pics behind the spoiler)


    Same gun layout (5x Rail Gun, 2x Plasma Cannon), but with a redesigned inner cockpit area (changed old Cockpit style to the Open Cockpit, added extra blocks, changed windows to Armored versions), as well as changed up the innards so to speak: RCS, thrusters, fuel tanks, and O2 tanks were added or moved. Decently improved in all aspects, though likely far from the quickest, or most durable, or hardest hitting, or anything like that.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2016
    Nookriot and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Aww... so cute. :p

    With that said, "SlamTek" has a nice ring to it. :)

    P.S. That dude might not wanna cross Iji, let alone my Grey Dragon. On the bright side, it can probably scram from Iji & (Grey Dragon) Sorka easy peasy. :p
  8. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Ty :)

    "SlamTek" is sorta my "company" name for a lot of my ships.

    Against Iji, yeah, I dunno. No offense or anything of the sort, but I think it's a little funny how you self-identify as a Warrior, yet I would classify Iji as a Rogue... Small, swift, prefers to dodge attacks than reflect them, intended to get in, deal lots of damage quickly, then get out before Big Bad can get its claws into the little guy. I would figure a Warrior-Archetype ship would be big, bulky, able to take as many hits as it can dish out. :D

    But that's just my observation. :p
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Iji's a oldish build now, but she was my biggest baddest Gal of all my Creations at that time in the past. She is now kinda Brawn Outclassed by Sorka now. :)

    Plus, Iji has 12 Rail Guns... I can't remember any other peeps on the RvB Server yet having any SV with more then 6 Rail Guns tops thus far & their Ships tending to seem more like 'Roguish Light Cavalry' to me. (I swear I think one of Star Viper's SV Models literally only has a couple Gatling Guns & Rocket Launchers on it... it's practically a Scout Ship!)
  10. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Can't speak for the others, but I have a RABID distaste for gun-spam. And thruster-spam. (At least in regards to our Red vs Blue server... In SP and other servers, I really have no opinion :) )

    Which is why I try to keep my ships a little closer to realistic.

    It's not something I really wanted to bring up, as I don't like squashing others creativity (or making anyone feel bad or anything like that), but I always considered the Iji to be a cheater ship. You've got thrusters that would melt your own ship, and you've got more guns that it should be able to carry for its size.

    This is why I prefer not to fight it: it's not built to the same standards as my own ships. I suppose this may be more to fault with our procedures: we never completely decided upon a metric to balance all our ships to. I've tried to, but mostly been met with indifference, which is why I haven't gone too much further with it. I've got plenty of ideas, though, mainly based on ship mass (1 consecutively-firing gun per 3 tons or something along those lines). But that's neither here nor there yet.

    I mean how would we really decide what fair ratios even are and such? I don't really know how to approach that subject.

    Personally, I'm not going to build what I would consider a cheater ship. It just isn't my style. As it stands, though, I certainly can't tell you not to either.

    But yeah, that's more or less why I avoided battling or discussing Iji. No offense intended, and don't let me stop you from building things that make you happy, but yeah. That's how I feel about that.

    But to reiterate: never let anyone stifle your creativity, least of all me. Always do what makes you happy :)
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Yeah, I was still much a Novice at the time of Iji's Build, & convinced myself that the Side Thrusters in the hole where my Access Doors were could exhaust out the front & back holes out. Also I think the Build mighta been Pre-Learning from BrokenShakles about the fact that Heat can't Transmit without something to go through so my figuring that I didn't have to worry about my Blocks the Thrusters pointed to as long as there was Exhaust Vent Avenues for the Thrust cause Space itself would act as a giant Heatsink for those Blocks was actually an error. More reason why it might be a good thing Iji's goin out-of-date, which was Inevitable for both the fact that this is Alpha & the fact that sooner or later I find myself ready to think about Experimenting with Design some more. I appreciate your concern for my feelings though. :)

    My Grey Dragon Model might be a LOT more Reasonable Thrust-wise which might make ya happy, but on the other hand its having 21 Rail Guns might make ya Facepalm even though the Ship is REAL heavy... how heavy, I forget exactly... remind me to look at its BP Info for its Weight then let ya know... but she's a REAL big girl for a SV & is also slower then Iji in exchange for its being so much brawnier in addition to being a pretty darn big target to aim for. She's still awaiting Live Combat Testing too so I dunno yet how well she's gonna work in practice & if any unforseen Design Oopses (I think that's the Official Technical Term... :p) may be in the Design.

    It also makes me wonder if making another attempt at designing a Ship Building Metric spearheaded by Broke as the Impartial Neutral Party + Server God is worth a try since this is a good time for it while the new Server Redesign is needing so much time, might give our RvB Server Website something to do with the wait... especially along with Grey Dragon being Examined. If we created a Metric that could work i'd be willing to do my damn best to follow it. I wouldn't worry about if I ended up having to go back to the Drawing Board for my Server SV Design, after I get my CV Transport Redesign done I was already gonna start a new SV anyway to Integrate into it the new power of Butt Parking! :p Also pondering the idea of Front Mounted SV Heavy Landing Gear T2 serving as Blunt Ramming Melee Weapons! :D (Pseudo Dragon Claws! :p)
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
    Slam Jones likes this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    My apologies for this Double Post, but i've got my next SV Build done:

    Tyrax's Violent Taxi!!!

    Front View:

    Right Side View:

    Rear View:
    Here ya can see the 2 Closed Passenger Seats... Mounted Sideways! Screw 2D thinking! This is the Space Age baby! Viva La 3D! :p

    Left Side View:

    Top View:

    Bottom View:

    Factory Spawn Resource Cost:
    Oh yeah... I guess I kinda don't need those SV Checkpoint BPs anymore... Umm... those are a side effect of my CV Loss Heartbreak... >_<
    I've discovered to my liking that with the Rail Gun mounted so & a Plasma Cannon mounted right below, despite the Plasma Cannon being a bit less long then the Rail Gun, it passed all 'check for any combo of Flying Directions, Raising/Lowering, Spinning, & Top Speed that can cause accidental Self Friendly Fire Damage' Tests! & looks kinda cool imho & both fire only a tad below the Cockpit Crosshairs & is not too bad in regards to aim adjustment need for hitting your Target! :D (My break from the Cockpit 2 usage for SVs is proving interesting thus far!)

    Also, during this Morning as of the time of this Post before getting the Taxi done, I built me a little Vehicle Building Tool inspired by LiftPizzas's Scaffolding Ship... I call it... the Spotlight Ship! (aka the dude lighting up my Taxi for the Screenies above! All Screenies except the Front View Pic were taken with the Spotlight Ship set at exactly 85.0 Meters from the Taxi.) Useful for lighting up dark sides of a Space Build for Building, Tweaking, Painting, Screenie Taking, blinding your Peers just to be a jerk, & many more things that can be imagined! Perhaps my first successful use of the Open Cockpit! :D
    banksman45, Slam Jones and Furian like this.
  13. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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  14. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    As for me personally it's a cool build. Creativity in game such as this is what drives it, If everyone built the same thing or something that isn't for a lack of a better words EPIC most people would not play this game. EPIC creative build is what draws people to games like this .
    Now as for the the whole realistic ship vs over the top ship debate? I've had this debate with people in space Engineers and Starmade and I always ask them one question . how can anybody possible know what is realistic in the future when it comes to space space ships? IN the year 3016 there might be ships with 35 railguns or guns that make anything we seen in SCIFI movies look like toys and if there is an American Space fleet then trust me we are going to have the BIGGEST most over powered guns on our ship that we can find. lol America won't have planet Killers like Star wars, they will have Solar system killers. lol
    If you want to be honest when it comes to the real military its not about having the weapons that make sense, it's about having the biggest weapon that is soo over powered that your enemies are scared to make you use it. lol
    Technically all of these Space Ships are unrealistic in 2016. All of this is fantasy and the Science to create anything close to these ships do not exist yet. I always say when it comes to these Space games like this have fun. Build whatever comes to mind because the whole point of these games is FUN. I haven't have made a ship that i think is too over powered yet but I'm pretty sure one day I will . lol I don't mind balance in a game but the most fun I've ever had in my life is when someone builds a over the top super ship and I have to think of a ship design that can beat it. That is more Entertaining than the Space Survival games themselves in my opinion.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Bottom line is that warfare is an evolution. Every "overpowered" tactic/vehicle/weapon eventually gets countered prompting a new tactic/weapon and so on.

    It would be nice to have a game where the devs realized this and instead of nerfing every new development via player innovation, they let players continue innovating, and maybe throw in a new development (I.e new weapon, device, etc) to spice things up.

    I reallt think what the devs should concentrate on is environment and mechanics and let players develop the story themselves. That way you could potentially get a different flavor of game with each server or group of players.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Fair enough, all good points. Just so you know what I was talking about had to do with the Red vs Blue server, in which I am leader of the Red Team (and one of two founding members, as it were). We like to keep things balanced on the server, but naturally don't want to restrict people from building what they want, but at the same time we don't want one team always stomping the other, because one team builds by a set of rules and the other doesn't. That doesn't sound fun or fair to me.

    As for how we would know whats realistic? We don't. But we can tell what seems overpowered, and what works from a balance perspective. I know that personally, I prefer a dogfight where both ships can land multiple hits on the other without one or both ships exploding immediately. I prefer that ships are balanced around a metric that allows piloting skill and clever building to be useful, rather than stacks and stacks of thrusters and an ungodly amount of guns. I mean, to each their own, but if you can one-shot your enemy, then that just doesn't seem like good gameplay.

    But our server is just one of many, and there will always be free-for-all-no-rules-build-whatever servers, since that's basically what people default to. But that's not my kind of server. RvB is. Because RvB is different.

    What it really comes down to, for me at least, is two things:
    - Ships of the same relative type (Fighter, Interceptor, etc) will perform relatively the same within the bounds of their type, and
    - Make sure we don't have any Flying Boxes cruising around.

    I guess I prefer to see beautiful, well-designed ships getting scarred, ruined, and wrecked, rather than an already-ugly but well-designed ship getting uglier. But maybe that's just me.


    Edit: Since it seems like I'm pushing the thread off-track, have some pics of SVs.

    SlamTek Sparrow Mk2 (

    SlamTek Sparrow Mk2, Interior



    Semi-current photo of my SV fleet, missing a few new variations and some minor detail work here and there.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *CoughPrettyBoyCough* :p

    With that said, Slam & I are discussing on it between each other & i'm honestly surprised no other RvB Server Peep has truthfully, but anyway, we're discussing Metrics & I may get to still have my lots of Guns because we're pondering a Metric of '2 Tons of Ship Weight per Gun of the same type able to fire simultaneously' which would mean for 21 Rail Guns the Minimum Ship Weight would be about 42 Tons... & my Builds rarely weigh less then 50 Tons to be honest. Some of my Builds would be heavy enough to get to legally pack 21 Rail Guns even if the Metric increased the Weight per Gun to 3 Tons per gun. XD

    & naturally I can live with being slow & not zippy just fine cause I follow the path of Brawn... & cause frankly I can't handle fast ships real well anyway. Also my Ships don't need to be Super Models, they're Warriors, not Ballerinas. Plus how the hell are ya supposed to move a big ship trying to look good without lots of Thrusters anyway? Plus even with 21 Rail Guns I still don't think they will 1 shot everything considering they can't focus all their hits on one single spot, they just cover more Space to increase the chance that ya GET the hits landed imho... something very useful in Space Combat where your Target always has LOTS of literal Space to dodge in. Ya Rogues can play with your Daggers, some of us are 2-Handed Axe kinda dudes. :cool:

    Edit: Oh, also sadly Iji doesn't really fly as a concept anymore, for she was built under the premise that those inner Side Thrusters would exhaust out the front & back holes that also allow access to the Door Hatches & Space would Heatsink like a bawss & prevent Heat Trouble with the Blocks... & during Atmo Flight the Ship couldn't go fast enough for the Thrusters to output enough Heat to threaten the Blocks. In the former Case, I learned later from BrokenShakles that I was in error, that Heat can't actually transmit or transfer without something to transfer through or into, so the vast emptiness of Space can NOT act as a mega Heatsink. :(

    Plus to be fair I knew Iji couldn't last forever & she was gonna go out of date no matter what anyway... both this being Alpha & that I was gonna keep on experimenting in the future.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
    Slam Jones likes this.
  18. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Hey, if anything my ships are either Hunter/Ranger (between Rogue and Warrior) or Paladin/BattleMage (between Mage and Warrior)...

    I guess among them, Paladin has the best chance of being a "pretty boy." Which may make sense, trying to be righteous and making sure everyone plays by the rules and all (to the point of being a bit annoying >.>)... hmm... Plus I did Main a Paladin in WoW...

    As for moving a big ship with lots of thrusters, I'd recommend just spreading em out a bit, rather than clumped all right next to each other. Naturally, you can do it however you like, but that's usually my tactic there. That, plus appendages and such to stick the extra thrusters onto... even if they're little stick-like insect-type legs, it'll still put them further from the center mass, and, if the enemy is shooting for the specifically, there is a lesser chance for all the hits to land, being 1 or 2 blocks wide.

    But, again, this is just how I do. Everyone has their own style.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Heh. The Man-O-War CV I'm working on is about 100kt in full combat armor, with 21 Pulse Lasers. I'd love to be able to slap in more.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Oh ... I understand now I thought you were speaking in general. My apologies good sir. those are some awesome looking SVs. I completely understand on certain Servers that their are rules that fit a certain playing style. I only caught the tail end of your conversation .lol I like playing on Servers with restrictions as well because restrictions also forces you to be creative
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.

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