What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. HippiePeaceLove

    HippiePeaceLove Ensign

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Scoob, great read, thanks!

    What did you do to enable permanent drone attacks on your base? In my game it ended after three waves. Did you edit any files? What settings did you use to start the game? Thanks!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks :)

    You need to tweak the playfield.yaml files. Basically every planet, moon or orbital location is a "Play Field" and has a file defining certain properties. One of these properties is the difficulty level. 0 is no drone base attacks, 1 is Easy and 4 is hard but with finite waves. Values 5, 6 and 7 are Easy, Medium, Hard but with infinite waves. I've only ever played Medium or Hard previously, which gave me 1 to 3 drones per attack. At level 7 I've had as many as 7 drones attack my base on Omicron - the harder starting planet.

    Note: these files need to be tweaked before you first visit the playfield. So, if starting on Akua, you'd need to make the changes to Akua before starting a new game. If however, you've already started on Akua but have not yet warped to Omicron, you could edit the Omicron playfield, load your game, warp there and have your settings in effect.

    From memory, I'm not in game or at a gaming PC currently, in your Empyrion game folder is a "Content" folder, within this are the folders containing each playfield. Akua is "Temperate", Omicron is "Desert". You need to edit the contained "Playfield.yaml" with something like Notepad++, other editors can break the file. Note: there are TWO difficulty settings, one near the top is what's displayed on the map for difficulty and influences XP gain. One further down, tied to the Drone Base, is the one you set to 5 to 7 for infinite drone waves.

    If you tweak anything, please backup the file first, it's possible to break the game so it won't launch properly - I've had my server not start up when I've gotten things wrong in the past.

    Sorry if not 100% clear, me doing anything "from memory" is subject to errors lol.

    Tyrax Lightning and Fractalite like this.
  3. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    That is a great feeling; when you cobble together your first hovercraft and the whole planet suddenly opens up to you in a new way. Even if, during a new playthrough, I attain both level and material for and Small Vessel such that I would not need an HV, I still go through the process of building an HV because I love them so much.

    Your newness to the game also reminds me of being scared to build my first small vessel and taking it into space. I mean, IT IS SPACE! What could be out there?!

    I say, go man! Adventure! Explore! Perish and respawn, and then explore some more!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    We are no longer allowed to park Space Bases onto Asteroids & make them a Foundation for Space Bases, but the Enemy gets to shoot through them? How irksome... :(
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Heh, I delayed my first venture out of the atmosphere for quite a few game days. I remember checking and double-checking systems etc.
    Can we not? I just assumed the decorative asteroids were maybe treated differently to the Sathium ones - I've hidden behind those successfully before!

    Tyrax Lightning and Fractalite like this.
  6. Fienyx

    Fienyx Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Came from NMS. Not a bad game per-se, but too much was removed that was shown in trailers. I don't fully blame HG for that as Sony had their greedy fingers in there and need to get it so DLC will be needed. :mad:

    This, Empyrion, true survival, true customize-it-up-ability. :) Used to be a regular RPG player (ie: TES games), but got sick of doing what NPC's said. (think about it, every rpg, you call yourself the hero, but in reality, you're everybodys bitch ) :eek::eek: Finding I really like the survival aspect, discovered this when I installed all sorts of realism/survival mods for TES Oblivion. Like how crafting is handled in this game, and, even though they are just virtual, there is something satisfying about using massive power tools. :p:D:D

    Now, to find the last section of the MS Titan, set up outposts at each section and continue excevation/salvage operations.
  7. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I still play skyrim every now and again. I also cannot wait for the next elders scrolls game, but even the mighty Morrowind and Skyrim can get a bit... well, familiar.

    And that is an intregral part of being a hero that nobody really talks about; service. ;):cool:

    In addition; wow did you join the game at JUST the right time. They(the developers) are about to boost/increase the content for survival(which includes boosting the price,) so you get to enjoy what the game has now, and then BAM, a whole bunch of new stuff. Another thing you will notice is this game is constantly being updated; which is a great feeling.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I too played and loved Skyrim, heavily modified, and will likely return to it again in the future - I still have the Enderal mod to try, having loved Nehrim for Oblivion before it. I'm also a Fallout 4 fan and, a testament to the strength of Empyrion, I'm yet to play the Nuka Cola World DLC that's been installed for some time now. FO4 had been my almost daily go-to game before that.

    Somewhat of an rarity for me, but I got Empyrion in a half-price Steam sale not so long ago, and there have already been a fair few changes, the next few updates look to be somewhat more extensive.

    Oh, someone had the cheek to Skype Call me - took an entire hour out of my gaming time...this social life thing is...inconvenient at times lol.

  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Well that was an interesting start to my play session this evening.

    As planned, I popped out to gather Silicon, Copper and Cobalt, but I returned with nothing! Not sure what's happened, but upon arrival at the first resource point on my trip, Copper, the area was patrolled by three drones. I hovered in my SV, preparing to shoot the nearest, when my SV did it's wobbly-fall thing again *sigh*, this took me off target. I emptied a clip into the drone, but it was within weapon range now (rockets) and it got a solid couple of hits on my SV - nothing terminal, but close.

    I turn and there's another drone incoming, Rocket once more, I move in to attack and it gets a rocket off too. I take it down. I start heading back to my SV, which has rolled over now lol, only to hear a plant monster near by - did I mention I'd gone far enough West for it to get dark? No? Well it had, and I couldn't see the thing!

    I jump into my rolled over SV, luckily it's over-powered so can fly in any direction, regardless of orientation. Just as I'm moving backwards a little, having righted the SV, a Rocket flies across in front of me! Yet another rocket drone is attacking! I dodge just in time to avoid another rocket, this one passing behind me. I exit the cockpit and shoot this drone down. Damn!

    I inspect my SV once more, it's actually a bit more banged up than I first thought, one more hit in any number of places has the potential to cripple it. Plus there's a lot of red on my Radar and most of it is still moving. I elect to retreat back to my base at this time...I think I left a tap on anyway...

    As my base comes into sight, I notice the small explosions going on all around it. An attack, lovely! Luckily my excessive turrets take care of things, but being away allowed the drones to get close. Only minor damage to one turret later inspection shows. Phew.

    I land my SV, undertake a few repairs and... "Drone are coming to attack your base" What? Already? As I'm present, my Turrets make short work of the drones and I get free loot.

    So, that's it so far, I'm gonna play a bit more but thought I'd share :)

    Siege Inc. and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    We used to be able to, but peeps found ways to Glitch stuff into the Asteroids so Bases loaded with tons of Fuel & Ammo & some Guns could have those Guns shoot out & kill people while it was completely impossible for people to fight back against those Guns cause the Invincible Asteroid would protect them from everything. Eleon's Solution: Building Blocks are no longer allowed in any Space in a certain proximity of closeness to the Asteroids. :(

    & people wonder why I prefer my Vehicles Brawny instead of Fragile Speedster... :p


    Woohoo! Finally got to watch the Vid! A couple laggy parts, but overall pretty good. :)

    I'd say the Ogre won with a damage level of Fierce vs the Leviathan having a damage level of nigh-destroyed. Leviathan Maker, stacking all your Fuel Tanks together with NO separation... you fool! :D (Sorry, just had to get that out.)

    The Fireworks was a fun watch. How the Ships were firing at each other like in this Vid, I wonder if somehow the Devs for some weird reason expected us to fight like that... instead of exactly like SVs... :rolleyes: Wonder if they're seeing how we REALLY fight with our CVs & if it feels like a cold bucket of water in their Face? Somehow they never expected us to follow the advice of Great Fighter Piccolo of the Dragon Ball Z Universe: "DOOOOOOOOOODGE!!!" :p
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
  11. XeroTerragoth

    XeroTerragoth Captain

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Dude, I'm playing the Enderal mod right now (I have a few videos of it up on my channel if you want to see).




    Seriously just take a few minutes to play through the introduction sequence, the mod is like a completely new game for free (they even modded the entire skill and leveling system).
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. XeroTerragoth

    XeroTerragoth Captain

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Ok time for me to contribute some love to this thread. Today, I managed to get not only my SV BP, but my CV BP as well (completed and, as of last night) into my SP game. So I uploaded some pics to imgur if you want to see the whole post.

    My current SV masterpiece. I couldn't think of a better name, and since I was going with a dragon theme and a latin naming convention, allow me to introduce the Draconis Ex Ore (trans - "Out of the mouth of the dragon"):
    A shot of the access panel, where one can easily get to the ship's cargo containers(2), refrigerators(2), ammo boxes(2), fuel tanks(2), or O2 containers(2) (there's even a small constructor tucked in there :cool:). There are also 3 generators and 3 RCS units hidden inside, but I figure you don't need to access those, so they are covered with a few layers of hardened steel plating on the ship's undercarriage.[​IMG]

    I should mention here that the ship currently boasts 4 Rocket Launchers and 4 15mm Gatling Guns on it, and does a pretty decent job of mauling bases on accident if I'm not careful taking out turrets. I usually replace these with rail guns and plasma cannons or the like later in the game.

    The SV in flight (Akua atmosphere):

    The tricky part here was that the new SV was too big for my "Anathema" CV and there was no place to fit bigger doors (I actually hated that ship anyway, it looked like something from space invaders on the atari). So I ripped it apart and rebuilt it with a larger scale in mind and the end result was the Cauda Draconis (trans - "The Dragon's Tail"):

    This was designed to be an assault and transport vessel that could double as a mobile base between warp jumps, while also being capable of supporting multiple people's food, storage, and habitat needs.

    Bio Lab/Food Processing Wing:
    Engineering Wing:
    Bridge (2 cockpits and 2 passenger seats, complete with access consoles for turrets and status reports - and by that I mean hitting the "P" button ;)):
    And what would a CV be without an array of large boom sticks strapped to it? There are actually 2 more minigun turrets on the sides of the ship, 2 plasma cannons in the wings (if you can see them poking out), and 4 sentry turrets inside guarding the pivotal access points of the ship's interior:

    I've built quite a few SVs and CVs, but I actually took my time on these and tried to make them something more than flying shoeboxes with guns attached this time. :D

    Parting shot of the CV in mobile base mode with the SV docked and the ramps down.
    This was actually quite amusing because the minigun turrets fire in atmosphere, but they have a range of 800 meters. This meant when I first began my descent after plunging into the atmosphere, they began firing randomly at various hostiles and drones that weren't even rendering on my screen (or radar even) and did not stop firing until a while after I landed and took a spin in the SV to help clear out the area. There was much looting of burned corpses and ruined drone wreckages today.

    That, was my day today in Empyrion. :cool:
  13. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I've been stumped my building projects they last couple days, so I too have been playing Skyrim. Didn't realize how many other folks were doing the same. xD. Morrowind had a lot of good memories for me. Lately I came back to Skyrim because I finally got around to getting all the expansions.

    Anyway, meanwhile in Empyrion I still haven't decided how I want to build an "early warp ship era" Sv. Choices, choices.... I suck at choices.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Today I made some major renovations to one of my HPOD's, debating on uploading it as a separate ship.

    Maxim 37: There is no "overkill." There is only "open fire" and "time to reload."
    - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

  15. Fienyx

    Fienyx Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2016
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    MS Titan crash Back and Mid parts excavated and salvaged. Now, just to find the front part.

    Back Part - whole hole

    Back Part - so much grinding
    Back Part - so deep
    Middle Part - Went quick

    :) Found the front part, but forgot to save some of the other 2 parts and the mission to find all the crash parts couldn't complete .... :oops::oops: ..... I also forgot to make backups, and it's so easy with this game :(:eek::(

    Time for another go around, lol. Love learning a new game. :D:D
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning and Frigidman like this.
  16. HippiePeaceLove

    HippiePeaceLove Ensign

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. Since I am pretty far on Akua, I will do this with the next planet I will get from there.

    Question to the devs:
    Wouldn't it be possible to make the endless attacks...
    1. a feature selectable from the beginning through the interface, and
    2. a feature to toggle even after a game has been started / a playfield created?

    The tower defense aspekt of this game was one of the main reasons I bought it.
  17. XeroTerragoth

    XeroTerragoth Captain

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Unfortunately, there's not so much tower or defense to the game at the moment (especially if you start on Akua). I really hope they do something about that too, I'm still waiting for giant robots and whatnot to attack the base instead of the same old drone wave combinations.

    Honestly, there are quite a few features present in the original launch trailer that I'm still waiting on now that I watch it again after all this time (like crouching for example).
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    If anyone hasn't seen it yet you should check out the Barcelona base by Savinwraith. It's an incredibly elegant design. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out this guy is an architect or something in real life. Puts my meager creations to shame.

    I've been working on another castle base. It's sitting on a pillar of crumbling rock. One tower has collapsed and left wreckage. There's a waterfall coming off it and I've surrounded the thing with a hedge maze.

  19. spag

    spag Lieutenant

    Aug 18, 2016
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    Got up this morning,did my regular tasks,made me a coffee and sat down to play Empyrion.Decided to put wings on my SV and everything was going well UNTIL THIS: Spag1-161004-2235_2016-10-06_10-58-02.png Put my wings the wrong way.Instead of being angry I started laughing and still am.Will post finish product at a later date.:oops:
  20. XeroTerragoth

    XeroTerragoth Captain

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Wow. Seriously, that Barcelona base is some epic 3d design work. Also love the hedge-maze at the base of your crumbling castle, that's unique (and I love mazes).

    Just had a thought: I love corn mazes in real life, I made it a tradition in my family to visit one every October, maybe I could design one in Empyrion to share the joy with others. :D
    Tyrax Lightning and Siege Inc. like this.

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