What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Zuleica

    Zuleica Rear Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
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  2. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I updated most of my blueprints today. Just had to remove a turret here and there so that was simple enough to fix. I'm still working on my pirate ship because I'm finally giving it sails.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Updated most of my SVs to server-friendly versions (most just involved removing a gun or two), but ran into a problem updating a CV. For some reason, a BP that was Orange to start with, after having a few turrets removed, became Red. Not sure what happened there, as I didn't add any blocks... Also they apparently changed the name for the Combat blocks as HullCombatFull no longer works...

    Anyway I also updated the Mammoth HV with the new Hover engines, a fair number of extra RCS, and more forward thrust to help it tackle hills, which it can now take with (what can almost be called) ease. Also, I posted a server-friendly (non-Orange) version of it on the Workshop, which was neutered quite badly to fit their criteria, despite being Size Class 4. The Mark 1-F only features 1 Artillery Turret, as well as 4 of each: Rocket, Plasma, and Minigun Turrets, as this seemed to be the maximum.
  4. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Working on upgrading all my blueprints to 4.0 and making my hovers fly again.

    I also experimented with the SV wings and built a small fighter.


    Kieve, CocoCincinnati, Kaeser and 2 others like this.
  5. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I had the same issue upgrading my CV's.
    It was the windows and shutter blocks, for some reason the game did not covert them.

    Look here for a list of block names.
  6. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Maybe ya could try HullCombatFullLarge?

    Also HV Minigun Turret Max is 6.

    For the Topic: First 4.0.0 HV Hover War Tank is complete! ... It ended up a pretty weird dude. :p

    I'll stick'em in the Ship Sharing Thread. :)
    Siege Inc. and Slam Jones like this.
  8. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Well the Erelim is officially on hold, indefinitely - as is anything else I had planned for the "Starhaven" lineup.
    Thanks to the godawful texture change, it's gone from this:
    KCV Erelim P2 (3).jpg To this:
    KCV Erelim Proto 4.jpg
    Just, no. Screw this neon-lemon crap.
  9. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Yeah the textures and colors are just.....off. Everything is way too bright now. It probably had something to do with the lighting changes they made. Hopefully they'll tweak the values and get it looking better. I was updating some of my older blueprints and was not happy with the way some of them look now.

    So I totally got sidetracked from working on the Dark Tower or a Millennium Falcon CV or the billion other projects on my list. Sometimes I have all the attention span of a ferret on adderall. Anyways I figured I would try my hand at building an HV. I want to build an HV truck and maybe a car to go with the Autoshop I built.

    Building my first experimental HV as a test case to learn the ins and outs. I needed to do some work on the underside and oh hey, I just happen to have this nifty shop with a lift handy.

    It's a bit on the small side. I'm going to have to scale it up.

    Finished product. It works!
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  10. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I am still curious about it; I do note the separation between the wings....
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Keep making more HV's Slam. Your designs are inspiring!
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  12. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Updated the Sparrow Mk3 with a few minor tweaks to better make use of the space inside, as well as fitting in a few more RCS and a bit of extra texturing in the cockpit.

    Went on to update the Bandicoot Mk2 a bit with more completed textures in the cockpit area, as well as adding an O2 tank because I always forget those.

    Also updated the remainder of my current HVs, as well as starting a new small racer HV project, called the Furetta. Currently I have it to a pretty good, low profile, and near perfect weight distribution. I set up 3 of the T1 Hover Engines with two in front and one in the rear, which is much more stable than going vice versa. Due to this it can take most any corner on flat ground at full speed and not flip over, and instead auto-corrects itself for the most part.

    At first, I left it without plating, figuring that I could use the bare components put together in this way as a template to build different performing, or different looking, HVs. So far I've done one design on that base, which I call the Furetta Ricco.

    (Weighing in at about 9.75tons, the SlamTek Furetta Mk0 is still a fully-functioning HV. All that's missing is armor plating.)

    (Due to this, you can put whatever body you can imagine on it, so long as it doesn't weigh it down too much or affect performance)

    (SlamTek Furetta Ricco. A posh vehicle for a more civilized world. Total Mass: 10 tons)

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  13. Covsas

    Covsas Ensign

    Jun 6, 2016
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    [​IMG] So what did i do today? Well i decided to finally start posting on here after god knows how long of lurking and share with you guys 1 of my older projects so missing some of the newer features which needs either tweaking or starting over with the good parts.


    This is my baby, not your usual CV i know but i liked the option of being able to move from orbit to orbit with everything (it may take a while to get the speed required to warp so take a long run up :) ). Now it never really got finished due to other projects that opened up to me with the ability to move everything at once but with some free time i decided i would let the world have a look to see what they think. Far too large to be used on pvp servers but worked well for the community i am in with the multiple landing bays, could probably remove the lower half from it. Anyway this is what i've done today so hello everyone, enjoy!

    P.S this is my first attempt at posting and editing on the forums and workshop in regards to my station so forgive me if there are any errors
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Nice, I also wanted to make a small HV, but I used 3 hover engines instead of 4. Hover Bike
    I just need to figure out a way to get the back less boxy looking W/O sacrificing power.


    A triangle configuration seems to work for the hover engines as well, it leans to the sides sometimes, but it normally does not roll over.

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  15. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Is it set to public? Trying to check it out, but getting "file does not exist" errors.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    So I think I understand how to lay out hover engines but do HVs need more than one booster? Does it depend on the size of the HV? And should they be spread out? I just used one for my towtruck HV and placed it roughly below the center of mass.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    ATM the amount of push we get from Hover Boosters is a bit on the weak side, & there's bugage with it where it'll boost straight up just fine but flunk hard if ya try to boost & go in a direction at the same time, making them temporarily have only a single useful job they can do... boosting a HV stuck a bit under a Water Surface back up to the top of it to re-seat back onto the top of the Water Surface, & the rest of its usual jobs are currently a no go.

    For the Topic: Workin on a GMT SV that is my hugest SV yet already weighing in at over 200 Tons & it's being a hell of a problem trying to get enough RCSs into it to enable it to spin enough... I dunno if i'll even manage to succeed at this or if this dude will end up like my Violent Taxi. Plus I just can't seem to let go of Rail Guns & am using 4 Rail Guns, & 1 Rocket Launcher (for Dead Vehicle Demolition mostly) & I couldn't even devise a way to stick 4 Pulse Lasers for Spray & Praying in any way that'd look viable. :/

    I honestly dunno if this SV Build is even gonna succeed or if it's just gonna end up a big joke for ya'all to laugh at... Makes me worry that the Devs might honestly seriously NOT want us to ever go big with SVs. :(
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  18. Covsas

    Covsas Ensign

    Jun 6, 2016
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    it was set to hidden I do appologise, i have set it to public so hopefully it is visible, again sorry this is my first time :)
    Siege Inc., Kieve and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. Gray

    Gray Commander

    Aug 18, 2016
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    that looks familiar...

    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  20. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    That looks nothing like a capital vessel, but it's pretty awesome just the same. :) Left my thoughts on the comments section. No sub from me, as it's nothing I'd ever use in my own games, but gave it a thumbs-up anyway.
    Tyrax Lightning and Covsas like this.

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