Share your Planets

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by Kaeser, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Dilli

    Dilli Lieutenant

    Jul 12, 2016
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    You Sir, are a true evil genius. I set up a custom server for myself yesterday, I've installed almost all of the custom planets on this thread, and removed most of the regular ones.

    Not only is Surtr one of the toughest places I've come across, the highlight of my day was crossing the green barrier on my motorcycle only to find a Xenu Fortress P1 just on the other side, you can guess how may day went then.....

    I cobbled together enough to build a ship and get up to the moons, and got yet another surprise, both moons also have a Xenu Fortress P1 on them!

    Sheer evil, I bet you have an underground base built inside a dormant volcano, where you sit and stroke your fluffy white cat. Ernest Blofeld has nothing on you!
    Skarnet, Celdorak and Kaeser like this.
  2. EliteSniper 524

    EliteSniper 524 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    hi guys having a little issue, since 4.4.2 0731 the planet type "vulca" that i got from here has an issue, the core of the planet has gone, the surface layer is there, but the lower planet core is missing, so then its just sunlight, has anyone come across this or is it just our server ??
  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Not sure I'm fallowing you, no planet has a core, the surface is in all cases just about 2 or 3 BA blocks thick for all planets.

    Either way I tested Vulca both in 4.4.1 729 and 4.4.2 731 and it works fine.
    EliteSniper 524 likes this.
  4. Jebblue

    Jebblue Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2016
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    Amazing, gorgeous.
  5. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Hello Everyone. Back again with another planet. This is actually the second planet I ever made but it took a while for me to get it "just right".

    Welcome to Njord. It's a planet that I modeled after Venus. It's a mineral rich end game planet designed to provide a little additional challenge by limiting visibility. The first thing you will notice is it's very dense fog and clouds.
    The atmospheric density is set just low enough that the POI can target you while just outside of your sensor range, this means keeping your head on a swivel to dodge unexpected incoming fire.

    The fog adds a bit of additional challenge to a dogfight as it means shooting at something you can't see and trying to trace fire back through the fog to hit your target. That or getting up close and personal.
    Visibility doesn't really get any better at night either.
    The fog starts up really high so visibility is near zero from the get go. Perfect for the daring soul looking to take a big risk for good rewards. POI and loot are similar to Masperon making it a good spot to find raw materials and top tier containers.
    As always the yaml and suggested sector configurations are attached.

    Attached Files:

    martian101, Skarnet, Lhetre and 2 others like this.
  6. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Chalenging and doesn't seem to have much space to land either...

    No where to run no where to hide, should be fun.... :)
    martian101 and Celdorak like this.
  7. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Hello Everyone. With the launch of 5.0 I've been preparing something to showcase Hover Vessels and their new drills. I honestly thought I'd have another day to work on it, but I managed to finish it up yesterday. I know I've been making a lot of barren worlds lately, so I figured I'd do something with more life this time.

    Welcome to Vidarr. It's a very high gravity bog world. I've designed it so be an exploration hazard. The environment itself isn't too dangerous and neither are the POI but with such a high gravity there is a real risk that the unwary explorer may find themselves stuck and require additional thrusters in order to get back out of the gravity well. The POI are mostly the crashed ships, as I kind of wanted to give an air of a ship graveyard and failed ventures. Fortunately, the planet has everything you need to make new ships. It could even be used as a starter planet, but it has not been tested or balance for that.
    Yaml and suggested sector configuration is attached.

    Warning: High gravity planet! Your ships may get stuck if landed. Add additional upward thrust or use runway techniques to leave surface. If you want easier gravity modify the gravity line in the yaml file on line 9 to "Gravity: -12.01" without the quotes. A hover vessel is recommend.

    Attached Files:

    martian101, Lhetre and Kaeser like this.
  8. djsvendee

    djsvendee Ensign

    Dec 9, 2016
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    anyone can share an water / ozeanic planet? Or did i just have to increase the water level?
    Kaeser likes this.
  9. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Mostly just increase the water level. However planets without any dry land can behave unexpectedly so I'd do a lot of testing.

    I'd start with Oscutune (Temperate2) make a new folder and copy all the files into it, then increase the water level to something like 120. Then add the new folder into your sectors file.

    If you leave some tiny islands it might behave a little better. Removing most of the POI and ore might help too if you don't want any land. Kind of depends on what you envision the planet to be.
    Lhetre, Kaeser and djsvendee like this.
  10. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Main problem with water planets is POI's and ore deposits are only rendered on land making them very bug prone, also drones tend to roam underwater...
    Lhetre likes this.
  11. djsvendee

    djsvendee Ensign

    Dec 9, 2016
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    I try to leave tiny islands, no mountains, no drones, no ores. orbit is working but cant get into the planet playfield. Edit: Works for now. Will give an update soon
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    Kaeser likes this.
  12. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I get the impression this may be your first planet, so I'll leave some unsolicited tips and tricks I use for rapid testing.

    The sector and teleport commands are your best fried. I tend to start a survival game then do a series of commands to make testing go fast. I'll use Njord in this example, but you'll want to use whatever sector and planet you use. You can type sector with no parameters and it will print a list of all of your sectors.

    Once the pod lands I do these there commands rapidly.
    sector Njord (Note: this is case sensitive. That means capitalization matters, so match it to what shows up in the list. Use single quotes ' ' if it uses more than one word.)
    teleport Njord (Note: also case sensitive)

    Those three commands will make you invincible and have you directly on the planet in a few seconds.

    Now you can fly around and see your handy work. Hold shift while moving to double your flying speed. Hold crtl to to move at 110 m/s. Hold shift and ctrl to double that :)

    Once you have an idea what your planet looks like, go back to orbit. You can do that with the sector command. You can even go back to a different sector to be safe.

    Now exit back to title. Alt + tab back to you text editor. I use Notepad ++. Make any adjustments.

    Open steam, go to your games library. Right click Emyprion - Galactic Survival and select properties in the drop down.

    Go to the local files tab. Click "Browse local files ... "

    open Saves\Games\Planet-Test (Note: Planet test is the name of the survival game I use for this, you'd open the name of the save you use)

    Go into Playfields. Delete the Njord folder. This will wipe the playfield.

    Go back up one folder level. Go into Templates. Delete the Custom-NjordPlanet folder. This will wipe the template and force the game to reload it with your latest round of changes.

    Alt+tab back into Emyprion. Resume game Planet-Test.

    Once back in teleport back to the planet. Repeat until it's how you want it.

    Hope that makes the process faster and more enjoyable for you.
  13. djsvendee

    djsvendee Ensign

    Dec 9, 2016
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    thanks but its my 9th planet ;). So i know the commands (not the new commands), but i never played that much with altitudes around. Hard to get a playfield with less mountains in it. that still have some islands. Flat areas are no problem, but there still mountains that looks so nasty.

    @ kaeser. Yip. Had that drone problem on my last try. they were moving around in the water.
    Kaeser and Celdorak like this.
  14. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    You should consider posting your planets :) I love to have new planets to play with.
    djsvendee likes this.
  15. djsvendee

    djsvendee Ensign

    Dec 9, 2016
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    i will soon. atm they are not complete or has custom POIs
    Celdorak likes this.
  16. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Yes the same happens in Ocustune.

    As for the mountains, unfortunately they are bound to the type of planet your're using, that is a lava planet has one type of mountains a desert planet has a different type of mountain and you can change the terrain used in any of it so a lava planet can be a green forest and will have the type of mountains associated with it.

    But unfortunately there is no way to create high mountains or plateaus or completely plain planets as we wish.... yet....
  17. djsvendee

    djsvendee Ensign

    Dec 9, 2016
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    No workaround yet on the ocean planets. But im having (with 5.1. experimental) problems with other planets.
    When i open the map, its saying Internal Error, when i hit continue all is fine. Dont know if the problem is on other versions of EGS.

    It happens on Surtr. Nothing changed. Texture or something? Or maybe the new Allow/Deny option?

    Edit: I guess something else is wrong
    Edit: Think i got it. The new version ist testing the Allow / Deny function with new coordinates. so i hit one they use :D
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
  18. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    In 5.1 I've had a lot of issues but after searching through 100's of lines of yaml in my custom planets, I believe 5.1 is just picky. I commented out every planet except Akua and added one planet one by one by removing the comment (# sign) till I could single out my problem planets. Will be linking a new creation I made in 5.1. "Myrion" no pic yet...
    Rocky dark planet with a cooler color plant theme... still tweaking with the lighting.

    Google drive link below:
  19. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Hi mate, problem is devs are changing planets to add new content like POI's, freighters and factions origin and yes allow and deny like @djsvendee, so new code is required for that and your custom planets are probably missing some of those.

    Try and compare one of the problematic ones with one of the vanilla ones to see whats missing.

    @djsvendee, this is probably the case with yours
  20. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    I have a small team working on the issues. We now have a stable expiramental server with allow/deny working great. Still working on custom origins.

    Change in content is great! It's forced me to update all of my custom content and improve it tremendously. Will be linking it once it's complete.
    Kaeser likes this.

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