
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. imnebuddy

    imnebuddy Lieutenant

    Nov 14, 2014
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    For me, I need the game to pause when I push escape on singleplayer. I would like to perform actions while the game is paused.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  2. Fellangel

    Fellangel Ensign

    Jun 29, 2015
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    ^ This guy gets it. ;) Yeah some PC's have it some have a combo, so just don't have it at all. On that note, the game should pause when the ESC menu is brought up, and especially when the options/setting menu is raised.
    Eviscerator and imnebuddy like this.
  3. Fellangel

    Fellangel Ensign

    Jun 29, 2015
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    I'll also note that you cannot go from Pause to the ESC menu directly, you have to drop out of pause first, and vice versa. I feel like this is a bug, but is probably just something overlooked.
    Eviscerator and imnebuddy like this.
  4. imnebuddy

    imnebuddy Lieutenant

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Yeah, this obstacle bugs me.
  5. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Something that has taken a little while to bother me. Planets seem very small. No, make that impossibly small. They also seem too close together to the point that it is breaking the immersion for me.

    Also it would be really nice to have the 3rd person camera stay where I leave it instead of snapping back as soon as I release ALT. Landing on a small pad is frustrating.
    grognon likes this.
  6. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    Planet size and distance from each other is a WIP. Next major update they plan to try and have a proper solar system placement where plants orbit the sun/star.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  7. grognon

    grognon Lieutenant

    May 1, 2015
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    Hello everyone !
    After playing the Alpha for a while, here many suggestions that I would like to experiment into Empyrion to improve the immersivity of this awesome game :

    -The game need bigger planet size, enough to have small ocean or sea, to this point we only have kind of lake . To be immersive a planet should at least been five to ten time bigger than the actual Omicron.
    -Distance between planets is too short (gravity field are really close actualy)
    -The day and night are really too much fast (due to small planets size ?) time scale should be higher inducing a slow drop time for stamina, food and oxygen because actualy the gameplay force the player to eat and recharging oxygen every 5 minutes !
    -Planets (like Omicron) should need biomes with many more elements to make us dream : trees and green zones, waterfalls, volcanos, weather (Rain, snow, storm, wind...) birds...
    -The water should be dynamic, for example if I dig on beach the water should fall into the hole, for now water is just a decorative plane mesh .

    In general way I really hope that the dev's could improve the realism and the immersivity by upscaling the size of planets and solar system, more close than the reality . I thrusth that players don't want an overcomplicated simulation but I'm sure we all want efevn more realism ;)

    Good job to you dev for this promising game !
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
    Shadefang likes this.
  8. grognon

    grognon Lieutenant

    May 1, 2015
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    This gun is awesome exept for the blue viewfinder, even when you try to aim it's pretty bad
    Geneticus likes this.
  9. Ray

    Ray Ensign

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Need to be able to delete old saves (aside from through the OS. I restarted several times and had quite the cluttered save folder.
    In creative, I can float up with the jetpack by hitting space, but to go back down the only way seems to be to toggle the jetpack off then back on.
    It's been mentioned elsewhere, but removing items from the constructor queue (shift-click, right-click, or something similar) would be a plus.
  10. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Use C to go down.
  11. Xakthos

    Xakthos Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I've left pointed comments in appropriate areas but in general I like the feel of the game. What I'd like more is to feel a reason to my building. I build a base to build ships but it needs to feel honestly threatened. I want signs of an enemy, then an enemy poking around, then one actively challenging me, then one chasing me from planet to planet and then off into the stars. Give me a villain. As it stands even the odd hostile creature and drone gives me a thrill.... take it to the next level and make me feel like I'm engaged in a conflict.
  12. Venom516

    Venom516 Ensign

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I'm crying because you took out the ability for a person to re-enter a planet from space. I lost my SV in space before this was implemented and I was able to (amazingly, I must add) fly back to Omnicron and crash land my body very close to my base, that way all wasn't lost. Well then I went and lost my new SV in space (because I'm an "expert" at this game) and when I tried to go back to Omnicron (because it was flipping sweet the first time I did it) I died. The game killed me. So basically my entire world was mothballed.

    And diving back into a planet without a space ship is not unrealistic! @FelixBaumgartner

    Please reintegrate re-entry without a SV, so that when a dummy like me loses their ship in space, all is not lost.
  13. grognon

    grognon Lieutenant

    May 1, 2015
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    The texture (or the meshing?) of Thruster reaction deserve something better, maybe something dynamic . Here when you are front of the output you just see a motionless picture. And when you are next to it you see a moving motionless picture.
  14. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Planetscale, Weather and Solarsystem (distancechange) will be done when the important ghamefunctions are working correctly (No need more for the Polbarriers, No need more (in Multiplayer) to be everyone in the same Playfield).
    This has now first priorety, than the work at the "Beautystuff" will begin.
  15. grognon

    grognon Lieutenant

    May 1, 2015
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    And sugar cane plant look likes reed !
  16. grognon

    grognon Lieutenant

    May 1, 2015
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    Apparently they said they will upscale planet, solar system... I'm impatient for these features
  17. grognon

    grognon Lieutenant

    May 1, 2015
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    Another thing, they have to improve the inventory system. Shift Click for quickly pick items from constructor (or anything else) to your character, and then in the other way, need another key for quickly put from character inventory into machine .
  18. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    You know you can edit posts, right? And..sugar canes do look like reeds:öhler–s_Medizinal-Pflanzen-125.jpg Of course, most assets are placeholders. The dinos are gone now, aren't they? Just be patient.
  19. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Seeing the newest update to Space Engineers (Jump drive) got me thinking about interstellar travel as well as travelling within systems.

    While I'm sure the current size is placeholder, systems seem pretty small. As in, quite a few times I'm confused Omicron Moon and Neugeus (ice planet) and headed to the wrong one (because I'm a dumb like that). Maybe in the future planets would be much further away. So here is what I was thinking.

    For interstellar travel, we have a 'hyperdrive' that can only be fitted to CV. For travelling within a system, we have 'warp drive' that allows us to travel much faster than normal (maybe 10x or so). This can be fitted to CV and SV. The way I would see about balancing this, is that your starter planet in Survival would have all of the basic minerals to build a SV to get into space. The ores needed to make a warp drive could be found on a moon and/or nearby asteroids. To get the minerals to build a CV, you'd need to go to other planets.

    As for how a warp drive would work, here is my idea.

    To activate, it would be a toggle found on your hotbar, like where your weapons are. Warp drives would have a charge meter, perhaps similar to the Boost meter for HV. A warp drive would use this power up faster for a larger ship, but adding more warp drives would increase your maximum 'warp power' thus allowing you to warp for longer. So just like how you need more thrusters to move a larger/heavier ship, you need more warp drives for larger/heavier ships. To prevent you from crashing into things, warp drive would automatically de-activate if you got too close to something. At least 3-4km from a planet, or at least a good distance outside of the gravity. And I imagine someone who is more knowledgeable in game design can maybe thing of how it would work for smaller object (asteroids, other ships/space bases etc).

    As for hyperdrive, I don't know what the devs already had in mind for travelling between systems, but here is what I was thinking.

    If systems are separate instances like how planets/space are at the moment, then a hyperdrive would act as a ship teleport between these instances. If the galaxy is essentially an enourmous map with huge amounts of empty space in between the systems, then perhaps hyperdrive could work essentially as a beefed up warp drive. IE you move 100x normal speed, or even faster depending on the distance and game balance. Likewise for thrusters and warp drive, you'd need more hyperdrives to keep moving a heavier ship for longer.
    Hummel-o-War likes this.
  20. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    128km It's apples to oranges, what you're comparing to Felix's jump. He may have been in 'space' according to popular definition, but he wasn't moving at orbital velocities or completely out of atmosphere. (Protip: If a balloon can still give you lift, there's still atmosphere.)

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