
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Emperor Johnny

    Emperor Johnny Commander

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Definitely Tyrax. I completely agree that bases should be much harder to defeat.

    Also, who wouldn't want an additional bonus to guard their base overnight? Most people play on servers in their time zone. So 75 percent of players usually play around the same 3-4 hour period of the day.

    Its great to have a persistent Universe, but why not have one that also meshes with peoples real life obligations? Give people a bonus overnight. Also give defenders a bonus in general. If 2 factions have 10 people each the faction that attacks first will always have the advantage because they will just tell all their members to show up at a certain time for the attack. The defender just has to hope they have enough ppl on when the attack comes. Its probably not going to work out for the defenders.

    Defenders should be given an explicit bonus in persistent PVP games. Otherwise you end up with chaos where the server always belongs to whichever faction just attacks everyone else as fast as possible. That's an okay way to do things if you're into that. But its the way nearly every other persistent PVP game works and there is no reason to keep doing things the same way.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    When I think of Epic Space Battles, I keep thinking of those Epic Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Episodes that pitted Deep Space 9 + the Defiant + a couple Runabouts vs an entire Battlegroup of joint Dominion & Cardassian Warships & their Armada of smaller Ships... so Translated into Empyrion Terms it was like 1 Space Base, 1 CV, & 3 SVs (I think DS9 tended to average having 3 Runabouts at a time if my Memory's not failing me again...) VS a Battlegroup of 30-40 CVs & an army of SVs. DS9 had to survive for a time until Reinforcements could arrive & force the Invaders to flee or be annihilated. I wonder if Empyrion will ever manage PvP of that kinda Battle Scale successfully? No way in hell if Bases can't compensate for being immobile & completely devoid of Evasion Stat...
  3. Emperor Johnny

    Emperor Johnny Commander

    Dec 27, 2015
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    OMG, I know, Empyrion needs epic battles like that. Make CVs slower. Make them fall apart slower. Make them flee slower. Make bases stronger.

    Also make it so that ppl have the proper motivation to attack each other during prime time hours, rather than over night. Variable armor strengths depending on time of day! Its the new thing! Devs should make it happen.

    Also, let ppl build shield generators on planets or in space and get a 100% (or something else) armor bonus, thus allowing a faction to own a playfield and be "dug in" so that a coordinated effort is required to defeat them. This will vastly increase the stability of PVP so that servers are not dominated by one super aggressive faction that wins by blowing up everything in sight.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Honestly... instead of 'Variable Armor Strengths', i'd much prefer it for PvP Peeps to actually bother to deign to actually have a Spine. :p
  5. Mysh

    Mysh Captain

    Nov 30, 2015
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    I wouldn't want artifical bonuses or armor increases. See, if you integrate a "computergamey" thing, that doesn't link smoothly with the other mechanics, you're starting a chain reaction of other non-organic dependencies. For example: I'm also not a fan of the size class / turret limiting at the moment. That's just artificial and non-organic. Just increase energy usage of the weapons, so you can't mount too many of them on a smaller CV. But I'm sure the devs already thought about this problem more than I did and the solution isn't that easy. Just used the example to point out what I mean.

    One Solution for base defense at night could be solar flares or other interference. Activity could be 5-6 times higher during low-population times. It affects the shields and weapon systems of ships or just decreases reactor output by a significant amount. Bases can build a fortified shield, which requires a large, planet based reactor maybe even with special fuel (Adds another PvP aspect, but is irrelevant in PvE) Make the outbursts random, but more frequent at night. So you still CAN raid a base with just few players in it, but the risk gets much higher and is also unpredictable due to its randomness. This would also add a new layer of gameplay mechanic to the whole game, instead of artificially fixing a problem but creating "hard" dependencies and other balancing problems in the long run.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Emperor Johnny

    Emperor Johnny Commander

    Dec 27, 2015
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    It doesn't matter how its done and in my original idea admins can always opt out by making the bonuses 0%. No matter how it is accomplished making midnight, early morning , or even early afternoon raids harder would make PVP a lot more enjoyable for all parties involved. Other sandbox, persistent PVP games are already doing this. The way Of Kings and Men is handling PVP is a great example.

    What is the point of playing a persistent PVP game when you have a job that requires you to sleep all night and work most of the day? Of course ppl still do it and its lots of fun, but how about making it even more fun?! :O

    Something that evens the playing field for the majority of players would probably be a good thing.
  7. Mysh

    Mysh Captain

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Yes. Nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to fit in the idea in a more organic way.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. rich.beastmode.bev

    rich.beastmode.bev Ensign

    Dec 23, 2016
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    Can you make it work on Mac? I just bought the game and it doesn't work
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    It's usually a good idea to check to see if a Game is compatible with your Rig & Operating System BEFORE you buy it. :rolleyes:

    With that said, if it's feasible for Empyrion to work on more Operating Systems, then Empyrion being able to Proliferate more can only be a good thing. :)
  10. Segas Wolf

    Segas Wolf Ensign

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Dear empyrion programmers:

    I find your game great, it has brought me many hours of fun. But in the last patch, on which to create auto miners, we must have a core mining, I found a step too early.

    I am on a relatively small server (maximum 64 players but there is a lot of movement), and I could rest easy with the fact that auto miners could maintain resource extraction even though other people with manual miners would destroy all mineral sources.

    Currently, there is a galactic crisis in the server, by resources. All kill each other and we are reaching a deadlock.

    Unfortunately, as other players destroy the miners while one is not in the game (since there are no offline guards for miners), and have already destroyed all alien bases (since they do not regenerate), we are all sensibly condemned to fly over akua or omicron And do almost nothing.

    If enemy bases or coffers exist or there are enemies that attack bases, they will exist. I think that there would be more "justified" the cores of miners. There are many new players, who enter our server, but already most bases are looted and many things are left with (Adm) XXX. And of course, they can play or make all the thinks.

    Obviously there are still space wars, but with the scarcity of resources that the lack of minds have generated, because we can no longer play practically.

    The other thing, I would like to urge that the oxygen stacks increase or that there is a hydrogen generator. Soon, I finish selling and / or selling oxygen tonedalas for about 200 of hydrogen to produce the fussion fuel.
  11. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    +1. No really. +1
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. carlos.deleon1

    carlos.deleon1 Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    It will be fantastic if the Devs release the game for Mac. Then I could play with my sons :D
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. huntercrom

    huntercrom Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Correct me if I am wrong here Carlos, but, can't you dual boot your Mac and put Win 10 on it as well? If that's the case, then you should be able to play the game if you put the Windows Operating system on there. Yeah, takes away from the Apple OS, but still. You have more options available to you.
    zaphodikus and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    In a recent feedback on Bethesdas Fallout 4 i called em "learn resitant". Now i thumbed Emp down for the first time and in a couple updates i think i will use the same term for Eleon wenn updating my review. Well done!

    Eleon continuously manages to not adress basic gameplay issues which makes you not playing the game because it hinders you doing what you like ingame.

    Resources and Progression
    Thats the title of all the mess. Like me and others said numerous times...

    Full wipe necessary after 5.0 which results again in resource problems:

    - Meteoroid mining was boring and now it takes even longer doing it manually; you also need more steelplates for certain blocks which multiplies the problem

    - HV rendered pointless over several updates. Now it seems you have decided to give it at least a function - it became the new drill. I still dont like em because the purpose/need for em is still missing. Bring that in instead of forcing the use of em to drill. Currently its only interesting for roleplay or to enjoy water rides.

    - If your not 24h on after a wipe your f....d. The still existing pointless level system hinders you to use your blueprints and progress along the tech/strategy you choose. You cant even get xp fast enough because all alien bases have been blown away and your literally cut off from combat xp. Which also is nice for the FEATURE ?!?! to not being able producing mining cores. So i cant build miner straight away and have to dig out resources - taking away the spots for mining devices and rendering them pointless for others. If i need res i use all 8 cores for t1 devices with no ability to produce more and seized Structures around.... how do i get more? HOW DID U NOT ADRESS THIS ISSUE IN YOUR DESIGN MEETINGS? HOW? THE FUCK HOW? Its EA and starting from 0 is something you have to accept but one dont has to render it so pointless like it currently is. I dont see the advantage of having things like they currently are. Oh yea i forgot i can use my fancy new mining turret for the roids. - Assuming i managed to get the xp for building it and assuming i dont care driving over the whole surface to get to the drop locations instead of using my sv. Especially nice since i cant see those locations other players already spotted. Thats team spirit! Good luck on a starter planet, good luck for grinding and progressing! And beside that whers the logic in using a core and not being able to reproduce it?! I really feel like FACEPALM! DOUBLE FP!

    - Also still there - the click orgy with t1 drill. Why no auto pick up? It still makes no sense to slam the pickup key. Also to refine ores by clicking like hell. Even if i "just" process 1 k ore its a lot of clicking. And with the higher material costs i ended up with blueprints have 80k+ iron costs. If i want to grind the whole time instead of trying new game elements like the ai fleets then i buy "life is feudal" and devote my life to chopping 0 and 1's. And i dont want to click a bazillion times to load the constructor. It the most basic feature which would have a hughe impact on the ui and physical stress to you fingers and audio stress (clicking) to your fellow room mates and family.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
  15. Nauttdog (naut-T-dog)

    Nauttdog (naut-T-dog) Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2016
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    In multiplayer the lag is very very bad. If you watch the video below you might think your internet connection is bad and youtube isn't loading properly. I can assure you it is the game. Also I edited out some of the worst parts because who would watch a video of a still frame? Please, please, please get this worked out so multiplayer fights can be fun and not lag fest. People rage quit over this sort of thing.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    The HV does address the drill problem and starts to make the game more realistic, which ultimately will ensure it scales better. I dunno about you, but I have to meet the woman who cam extract 999 kilograms of iron solo in just one day.

    Yes, the game is a bit annoying in the way many basic issues are not addressed at the cost of adding new features. But it is what product development velocity is all about and people want to see velocity.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    You sir might want to try the marketplace .
    1. Send a server moderator to each local market (starter planets)
    2. mod spawns in autominer cores and puts them up for sale as say 50 credits each
    3. mod adds 5000 credits to own account
    4. mod then adds a "wanted" to buy 999 crushed stone and buys it for say 200 credits
    Send messages to tell people there is cool stuff in the trade stations.
    garath and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  18. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Hand weapons are unable to damage blocks.
    This means you need a plasma cannon to be able to get to the Core on some of the AI freighters when the core is behind something. Which is a bit crazy because it causes a lot of peripheral damage. Can we rethink the hand weapons do no damage to CV/BA blocks thing a little?
    garath and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    To be fair, some kinds of Bugs can be viciously elusive & hard to find to squash. I'm sure the Devs are doing their best with the limited info they're getting from us Players who ARE doing their best to help with stuff like specific details & .logs submission & such.

    On the WASD Games Server I was able to shoot through a POI Base's Doors with my Assault Rifle, though understandably & fairly it took a lot of Bullets each. Also have ya tried Explosive Devices? (Though I admit the Plasma Cannon is much more my cup of tea. :D)

    If this is acting different on the new AI CV Freighters, this might be Bug Report worthy.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  20. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Placeables and doors are destructible, in 4.3 or a nearby an update, change was made to handheld damage that means placing a core with blocks or windows around it makes it invulnerable to anything that does not do AOE damage. In this case I got stopped by a simple pane of normal glass.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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