What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    True survivor, under fire still finds time to grab some corndogs! ;)
    Tyrax Lightning and Wild_XIII like this.
  2. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Take a look at this EPIC base. I think three or four players built it but wow
  3. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    That's some great stuff. I have just been watching videos from these creators. Their Olympus space station is mind boggling too - I recommend checking it out:
  4. Wild_XIII

    Wild_XIII Captain

    Aug 10, 2016
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    A man's gotta eat! :)
    Tyrax Lightning and rainyday like this.
  5. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    The crazy part is they're not building any of this stuff in creative mode. They are mining all these resources for these bases. The olympus space station is right at the game's size limit. I can't imagine mining that much iron and other resources to build that thing.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. SleepyTeddy

    SleepyTeddy Ensign

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Today i built my first HV and ran into some problems xD i got stuck in a hole i drilled so i had to disassemble my HV and rebuild it with my blueprint. When i got back to my base i was greeted by 3 mini gun drones and took them down to loot them, so i checked on my base and my turret was gone! It was at this moment that i realized that i deactivated my base on accident before going on my journey
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Here here & very seconded. IMHO the logical natural Weapon to use against POI Turrets while on foot would be the Plasma Cannon, but in practice their Range is too short for this & you'll never survive the attempt to get into Plasma Cannon Range of the POI Laser Turrets before they've turned you into Swiss Cheese anytime the POI is not in a retarded location, like hugging the Base of a Mountainside.

    Suggestion: Place O2 Tanks on the HV then fill those Tanks with Oxygen, then try again at Breathing with your Helmet off while in the Open Cockpit. ;)

    For the Topic: On my WASD Games Server Play, I took my Temp CV to the XvX Homeworld on Invite from XvX Member SirRecksAlot & got some Resources from him to begin Factory Construction of a Big Jack (SV). While there he gave me a Tour of a major XvX Facility & a CV there that made for a interesting & inspiring time. :D

    Eventually I returned to Mios & upon Re-Entry & suddenly realized I was under attack from a couple Drones from a POI that I failed to be careful enough with cause I had mistakenly thought that past Visitors to Mios had blown up & all the POI Turrets by now cause I figured how could they not have yet when I had seen them having done some of them... As I was descending to bring the Drones into Minigun Turret range so they'd be Demolitioned, I realized too late this POI I was flying right over was AT FULL TURRET POWER!!! :eek:

    This Temp CV was NEVER meant to ever be brought ANYWHERE near ANY POI that still had any active defense remaining... it was promptly shot down & I promptly exterminated... thus my stuff I was carrying on me at the time, especially my Minigun, Epic Plasma Cannon, Epic Rocket Launcher, & Epic Sniper Rifle... (At first I never meant to keep this dude cause i'm no Sniper, but then I found out it's a REALLY efficient Lizard Mule Brains popper, thus Meat Hunting Weapon... Lizard Mules are the dominant food animal on Mios.) Worse yet, the nearest Hill to hide behind was far out of Player Drone Range so no go on that strategy, even taking into account Player Drones being valid targets for Enemy Fire now. Lo & Behold, SirRecksAlot made a Big Damn Hero of himself & actually came in a CV & lend a hand! After many Deaths on my part & a few times grabbing the Backpack Contents then dying before I could get anywhere with them but at least I gained a Fresh Backpack Duration Timer, & after it took 2 Assaults from Sir to finally defeat the Turrets through the vicious pummeling they gave him, I finally got my stuff & full Bugged out! The Stuff was saved! :D (I hate Item Loss on Death systems... :()

    I died a couple more times from Suffocation hoofin it back to my House cause it & this Incident were on opposite sides of the Planet, but eventually I made it back to my House then realized I kinda sorta needed the stuff in my Temp CV Crafting Constructor (That blessfully hadn't gotten destroyed before the Temp CV Core had, though the other Constructor had fallen that was being used to process Mass Amounts of Rock into Concrete Blocks.) Thankfully my House also had my Temp SV at it, so I used it to Transit between my Base & CV to go to the CV to get the stuffs to make a new Core, then hauled it to my House, then made a new Core & some Salami outta some Arachnids that had tried to do me in during my prior Trek, so then I also was gtg on food & Oxygen now, (Temp SV has Oxygen Dispenser & Small O2 Tank. Also a Mobile Constructor... why the hell did that get its Salami making Power Nerfed outta it...? :() so I kicked the stuff outta the Survival Constructor Queue, which at this time was Crafting a crapton of Rock Dust into Cement, then gave it the Emergency Mission of Crafting a new Core & Salami, then put the Queueing of Cement back into it & flew back to my CV & popped the new Core in & also went ahead & T2 Multitool Repaired surviving Blocks on it, then hopped in & realized I couldn't turn it on. Dammit, the Generator it had on was a casualty as well... Back to House, kick Queue out, Craft a Small Generator, back to the CV, stick the damn thing on, Dock the SV to the CV, fly both home.

    Once everything was safely back home, I felt like I had had a day's Adventure & answered the call of my Bed. Holy hell do I excel at embarrassing myself... :oops:

    P.S. Damn I can be a real dumbass at times... funny story, during my Tour with Sir before the 'Mios Incident', Sir was talking about how he figured I should seriously consider starting a Faction of my own & Leading it... raise your hand if ya read the above Story then judge me Mentally Qualified to lead jack squat... >_< *Does not raise hand*
    Senator Mendoza and binhthuy71 like this.
  8. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Tyrax In my old WOW days we had a guild who's motto was "We wipe on smoke". You would have fit right in.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Phoneus

    Phoneus Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2016
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    How did you come up with that? I'd seen "We Wipe On Trash" all over the place, but smoke? I don't remember any scary smoke.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    One of the Liche king dungeons had damaging smoke or fog....
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    LOL! Guilty. I suck at surviving & not getting my own stupid ass killed that's for sure. :D

    For the Topic: FINALLY got a REAL SV Spawned in & have Ammo'd & Fueled it up however much I could. Now I may finally get to see what Big Jack can do. :)
    Phoneus likes this.
  12. Phoneus

    Phoneus Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Oh yeah. Course I can't remember which one now...

    edit: There was the dogs. They had a harmful cloud. Aww... Precious.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Alwayssleepy

    Alwayssleepy Lieutenant

    Dec 19, 2016
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    I went Masperon moon, raided Xenu Drone port, made homebase at there.
    Xenu fortress? I experienced several times with another save, but me too lazy to do raid.
    Set autominer on Promethium, Zascosium and set 10x H/O gen in puddle.
    Ore collection was finished. Lets return to home of Ningues.
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Just went through a Xenu fortress on Masperon. They are huge and loaded with hostility. Lots of loot though. My conclusion is that I would have been just as well off leaving it alone after I found the Epic Weapon - unless I was doing a Masperon start.
    Alwayssleepy likes this.
  15. Alwayssleepy

    Alwayssleepy Lieutenant

    Dec 19, 2016
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    I really think so too.
    And I think that Epic weapons are enough with Sniper-Rifle and Pistol.
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Hey! Don't try to take my Epic Minigun, Epic Plasma Cannon, & Epic Rocket Launcher away from me! :mad:
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  17. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Yes but, have you found the Epic Can Opener? That baby makes short work of armored golems.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Epic Can Opener to make short work of Armored Golems = Epic Minigun + landing every shot on their big fat slow heads. :p
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  19. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Let there be light!

    Im gonna go back Akua for epic mining trip. Being in Oscutune I have realised just how good deposits are in Akua - so Im gonna go and rip every possible resources out of that planet until its a hollow shell! You know, Im gonna mine. A lot. I need build up my ore reserves so I can continue building. Might pop on few planets/asteroids on the way there.

    Will also be building a greenhouse and a hydrogen farm there. Once you go Fusion fuel, you can't go back. Its just so good!

    But my CV doesn't have proper lights for asteroid mining, I needed to fix that.

    I have this. I've been using this as a base for a turret - using it basically as a mobile turret platform. Pop it in place, engines off, you have a turret protecting you.

    Well, I made it into this! Thats 9 lights pointing forwards.

    It does whats it supposed to do...

    ... little bit too good. Too bright for building purposes, luckily you can switch the lights off one by one. Just one or two is enough for building purposes, maybe on couple sides.

    Here it is docked into a CV!

    Still room to spare in the SXV hangar. Thats my new heavy mining rig btw. Still untested - but I went with lots of thrusters & rcs plan. All thrusters are of the more powerful sort. So what could possibly go wrong?

    Thunderbolt docked to the landing pad, gathering last resources for my trip from my (still unfinished) Carrier. Re-designed the SXV cockpit too btw. It's still not beautiful - as its not supposed to be - but I guess it looks more fitting. We're ready to go!

    Hitting the first asteroids on the way. The light is good! But for my setup its bit low. I need to do a SV version of my platform so I can dock it anywhere I want.
  20. Marbod

    Marbod Commander

    Jan 24, 2017
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    i really like the idea of a docked lightsource! really nice

    i also need more resources, thats why i build my first mininghover


    complete made from hardend steel with two minigunturrets.

    I visit for the first time the abandoned mine, no problem because the turrets kill the core, but what a spooky place.

    then visit the dronebase, here i come :rolleyes:

    Back at home

    and for now i will start digging out the ship on Akua Moon, need some help.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017

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