The Omega Corp POI is ready for testing. I just need some guinea pigs, er volunteers to run through it. As big as it is it's probably best taken on by a small team. One small hitch....I can't figure out how to publish it to the workshop. The button is greyed out. In the meantime I'm attaching the file here and posting it in the Share with Empyrion thread. Group name is customPOI.
I like the idea of a carrier variant. Maybe 4 nacelles with a large center hangar and side fighter bays launching between the nacelles.
I'll rather leave the Raumkreuzer to its science mission profile. I added more thrusters to the nacelles (you can't see it on the screenshots i posted), but i left the rest of the ship as it was. (If you or anyone else have some suggestions for improvements, i'd be glad to hear.) But i have already plans for a dedicated combat ship in mind, extra armor (since we won't get energy shields anytime soon ) and more sturdy and compact design. But since it will be made for one person only it won't have to be a massive hulk of a ship anyways. Something like a pocket Battlestar.
That's the reason I made so many different HPOD's and Arrowheads. I realized that not everyone would like the changes I made, and might prefer the earlier version. So, every time I made a major change I uploaded it as a new blueprint. For the topic, I spent my day updating and uploading blueprints for version 5.4.
The continuing adventures of COP on the Minions of Survival Server: Having established a PVP base with the materials we acquired from ENT, we made another FlakBeetle and went looking for another space base so we could expand. We found one and went to work, little did we know ENT was stalking us:
I can respect that. If I got more than 6-10 hours a week to play the game I would try my hand at design. When I was playing Space Engineers a lot, everything I build looked like a flying turd but I really like the blocks in Empyrion. I would love to try to build a Batttlestar.
I re-escaped the Hell Hole Omicron-R again, though this time with help from fellow Server Player, WARPIG(Dammit what was the Number Digits after the name again?), who saved my ass after my barebones SV got blown to hell by a Homer Launcher on Omicron Moon no one knew about before it was too late for me, that later turned out to be owned by the RAT Faction & was set there to guard an Auto-Miner while toting a retardedly bad warning. (Note to RAT Faction: YOU CAN'T FREAKING SEE THE BASE NAME OF "StayAway" FROM ANYWHERE OUTSIDE THE DAMN HOMER RANGE!!! YOU HAVE TO SURVIVE A TON OF DAMN MISSILE HELL & DESTROY THE DAMN HOMER BEFORE YOU HAVE A RAT TAIL'S CHANCE IN HELL OF GETTING ANYWHERE NEAR THAT DAMN WARNING TO READ IT!!! ) *Sigh* & to think before that I thought they were cool dudes... earlier a couple days ago they had gifted me a free T2 Drill. Anyway, Warpig took significant losses to the same Homer Launcher before it was defeated, then had to pop out a Factory Emergency Escape CV & still managed to save both of our asses, then took me back to my Omicron-R Temp Base & epicly gave me a lift to Sorka so I could escape the Hell Hole & Colonize my Home. I repaid his epic kindness with 2 full stacks of Sathium.
Zascosium. Where art thou? Planet, moon, orbit, station and none to find. Ugh. Wish I'd remembered to get that seed #. One to avoid.
Found out the hard way that you cannot pirate a freighter. I found the core, blew it, replaced a few engines I had trashed, then put a player core in. Wait, what? Come baaaccckkkk...... Don't go boom...... Pretty please?
Speaking of Battlestar I was poking around with a google image search the other day and discovered there are a lot of fan created Battlestar variants and many of them are pretty darn cool. I'm going to have to make one in game at some point. It makes a pirate very sad when they activate their self destruct.
I was on Akua. Needing Zascosium to actually GET to Masperon ORBIT was the problem. But with the release of 5.4, I started over. It will be some time before I get to that point (ready to go to another planet).
It took several hours, but I built a CV above Ningues AND I got most of the build on video. Took a good couple hours too...
??? for a simple beginner CV you don´t need Zascosium, you only need Sathium and Neodynium. Both you can find on Akua Moon. rainyday build one really small and cheap beginner´s is cheaper than my first SV. you need 10 erestrum and zascosium for the mining turret (maybe rainyday can give us a blueprint without the Turret? ) Edit: found it, he made one if you want to have the more advanced stuff you can find some rare ore in Poi´s or you can kill the spacedrones in Akua Orbit they drop power Coils. Today i start a new Game...i think i found the easiest Seed for Akua 966682 you come down next to a civilian Poi. I can make veggie can on day one. i found a type 1 multitool, 2x type 2 drill , t2 pistol, t2 sniperrifle, pulserifle, minigun, 2x Laserpistol and enough rare ore to build a advanced constructor.
Heh... sometimes I'm sorely tempted to start a new game. On Ningues again, of course. I find that planet to be the right amount of challenge for me. Especially while I'm waiting for an upload to complete (I don't know what uploading and recording at the same time will do to my machine and I don't think I want to find out the hard way). You know? I think I'll do that now. I'll just set the name so I know it's not something I'm recording.
The continuing adventures of COP on the Minions of Survival server: What happens when you attack a faction and take their stuff? In our case ENT destroyed a CV, an SV, and killed a member. Could it be the start of a war? Animosity? Maybe just some rivalry? Nah, instead we all went on safari. If you have ever wondered just how good a laser rifle can be or if an epic weapon is truly epic, watch on my friends.