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Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by Kaeser, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Please do mate, devs are scouting the community for planet candidates to include in game, you never know....
    Celdorak likes this.
  2. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Here is my next creation... I named the planet Srisaringka. Its swampy and overgrown but does have a few clearings just big enough to land a CV or build a base. I have it placed in the far regions of my server as it contains rare resources. Pictures and Link Below. Looking forward to some criticism or ideas on making the biomes more diverse (or better naming than "Plains")

    Attached Files:

  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Great work mate, like the swampy areas.

    It's a shame colors and textures are still so blunt, makes everything look like a cartoon in this game....

    Like NMS lol....

    What is your frame rate in this one?
  4. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    I'm using a RX470 in my machine and the server is on the same network. I don't worry about FPS too much. I do have it on my server and I am concerned for players with bad connections. I have an admin that was only getting 21 FPS on that planet after teleporting in.
  5. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Hello Everyone. With the launch of the expanded space mining I got to wondering if it was possible to do a space survival start. I've put something together that seems to work. It's not all that difficult and can be thought of as more of a experimental project than anything.

    Welcome to Ginnungagap. It's a planet where asteroids are nudged into orbit of the planet for easy mineral extraction. Due to the nature of the experiment the space area is more of the showcase than the planet, but there is a water planet with seaweed, crystals, and the stuff you'd expect to find at the bottom of the water on Akua. Be careful teleporting around the water planet map. I've noticed it sometimes crashes. I haven't seen any issues with normal play but water planets in general can be buggy.

    The screenshots in space don't look like much, but I think the experience is more than the visuals this time.
    I put together a starting station that's on Admin because a constructor is required and you can't use the survival constructor in space. The station itself is a gravity generator experiment I threw together a while back. Essentially the gravity flips in the middle. There is also free air and grow plots to ensure basic needs are met. All the major resource asteroids are right near by too, so basic survival will not be a challenge on this starter.

    Once you get your SV and/or CV going there is a whole sector out there.

    As I mentioned before I threw together a water planet. The intent was to have a source of O2, seaweed, and blue crystals. It will mostly just do that.
    As always Yaml and suggested sector configuration is attached. I've also included the prefab this time.

    Original design posted 20170130.

    Update 20170131.
    -Moved Copper and Silicon asteroids a little farther out to be outside of the anti-grief zone of the base.
    -Added more O2 stations for more free air and made the O2 tank public.
    -Crops on station now start fully grown.
    -Changed difficulty level to 5 for both space and planet to speed up experience gain so it takes less time to reach level 7 for the basic SV.
    -Added a little more explanation to some of the LCD signs.
    -Added plant fiber to the decorations on for the ocean so it is now possible to make grow plots.
    -Halved the grass density on the planet. It should be slightly easier to locate resources and possibly a little easier on the client.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
  6. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Interesting mate, but how exactly do you start in this planet?
    Celdorak likes this.
  7. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    The normal way. You should have a T1 drill. The asteroids have all the materials you need to make a ship. The Admin base has a public constructor so you can refine to ingots and make a ship. Has food and O2 station that are public too. You should start with building a very minimal SV so you can get to the water planet and get more seaweed so you can drill more and get a few O2 bottles.
    Then drill until you have a CV, gather some crystals and you're ready to explore or go to warp. Whichever you prefer.

    It's a fixed start so you should start right next to the base and asteroids, so you can bail out of the escape pod right away and just float on over.

    Edit: If I'm being honest I probably didn't do enough play testing yesterday. Was very tired and kind of excited to release it. I put out an update that fixed a problem or two I found and make a few quality of life tweaks.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
    Lhetre likes this.
  8. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    If anyone has played on Destiny server during 4.0, you'll know we were very active and had a full server for weeks straight. After the wipe for 5.1 the server has about 3-5 people on here and there. Its a lot of content for only a few people to enjoy so I'm releasing it publicly to the community. Since 5.0 I've added several custom planets, POI's, and a couple AI CV's on the server. I'm providing a link to all the playfeilds, a simple version of the servers sector yaml and the complete prefabs folder. It's a dedicated server in one zip folder with 84 playfeilds (80% of it is customized or altered in someway and stable)


    Note: Serinity and Ziraxia require the custom prefabs. If it's commented out in the yaml... leave it commented out.

    Note2: The playfeilds are designed to have both Rescource difficulty settings in the dedicated.yaml to be set on Normal.

    Note3: The sector yaml provided is from 5.1 EXP... If you import it into the free program "EMP playfeild generator" and make a subtle change and save it, the program will remove the comments and fix the "allow/deny" syntax.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2017
    Celdorak and Kaeser like this.
  9. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Yes, a common problem to most servers, in the end we're all testers here and some people just get burn out by having to do the same stuff over and again whenever a new patch forces a wipe....

    I'll drop by one of these days....
    Lhetre likes this.
  10. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    I've added a new custom planet that will be soon introduced on Destiny... "Harmony"
    --A Calm planet with vivid blue skies, a mild fog grazing valleys and lakes, grassy fields, and colorful rolling hills flourishing in edible plant life.

    ---Only use this planet for single player game play as use on a server will cause some players to have a massive cache resulting in internal errors or worse.

    This is a very simple Yaml for a temperate planet derived from the moon yaml but using the temperate2b.

    Only 1 Biome is utilized, 1 Rescource, 1 POI besides the trading post. It targets these specific sections of the yaml to mass generate across the playfeild.

    Enjoy - On Single Player Only (for time being)

    Planet Authors: TimotiaGilmorious and River Tam

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
    martian101, Celdorak and Kaeser like this.
  11. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Yes, heavily forested planets specially grassy planets are a problem FPS wise, better culling optimization may be required still....
    martian101 and Javarox87 like this.
  12. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    I was reading through the forums and found that this method was used before (singular Biome)... Basicslly there are "max" values to certain types of deco not due to it rendering or not but what the game can handle client end. The solution! Split the Biome into as many biomes as possible with increments of "10" on the altitude range and lower deco values to below 1. Will be working on this slowly but surely to provide an equally visually attractive planet without overloading / taxing the game.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
    Celdorak and Captain Jack II like this.
  13. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    In the link below is a planet that is very similar to Harmony designed for Multiplayer. It uses the same deco but split into several Biomes and the values are decreased. Not as forested as thr original Harmony and the fog has been omitted. Best thing is that it will not cause the "Utillist:Full" error on multiplayer.

    If anyone is able to fix "Harmony" (posted a few comments above) up for multiplayer please link!

    Note: This file has been altered for our St.Patricks day event. If you want to remove the "green" effect change the values below where the template "snow" is to the same values as the original Snow playfeild.yaml. (Do not change the value for "Pole")
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
    Celdorak and Kaeser like this.
  14. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Challenge Accepted.

    I took a stab at it but it's hard to understand what about the current configuration is worse than the one you posted. For the record I can't get the original yaml file to load even in single player right now. It doesn't matter single or multi I get the "ArgumentException: Overflow : UtilList is full" error. It seems like it's reaching some kind of global object cap.

    Reducing the density of all objects down to a quarter (object count x 0.25) seems to allow things to load. I also changed it so that instead of having lots of clusters it's just one single global biome (cluster size and cluster number changed to 0 ) so all of the decorations are distributed evenly across the entire map space.

    I could try another method. It might work to have fewer small, more tightly packed biomes. You'd have more empty space between points though and that doesn't seem to be what you are going for.

    Another thing I could try to experiment with is whether or not there is a difference in accounting between decorations that are intractable or not intractable. I have no idea how the influences global object count. I may experiment with it anyway just to get a better understanding of what breaks the game :)

    Screenshot of the outcome:

    Yaml file attached. Let me know what you think or if it's up to your expectations.

    Attached Files:

    martian101, Kaeser and Javarox87 like this.
  15. Javarox87

    Javarox87 Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    I'm going to test this out tomorrow and I can't wait. The screen shot looks awesome. Thank you for solving my mystery!

    This version looks like it will be a comfortable place for my PVE casual players to build on. Thank you for your time, effort, and I'm looking forward to studying the yaml.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
    Kaeser and Celdorak like this.
  16. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    No problem. Glad I can help. If you require help fine tuning it, feel free to PM me or reply and I'll do what I can.

    I noticed in the original you had the oaks commented out. If you want to put them back in reduce the number the same way as the rest by multiplying by 0.25. Example:
    - [ WhiteOak, 1.15 ]
    - [ WhiteOak, 0.2875 ]

    You can keep messing with the numbers this way until you reach the optimal balance you're looking for. The overall pattern should stay the same as long as the cluster and size stay zero. If you get too many objects again just keep adjusting things down. I didn't touch the grass densities so that's another thing you can adjust down to improve performance. I'd start by halving the densities and adjust from there but I don't think grass counts in the global object count that was causing you to crash. It can take a bit of trail and error and I'm not 100% sure on how grass is treated.

    Here is what it looks like with the modifications I suggested. I'll let you see if you can replicate it :)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
    martian101 and Kaeser like this.
  17. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Nice one, quite colorful.....

    As for grass it also weights on the system as it needs to be rendered, taking out processor time.

    As a test create a planet with only grass and you'll see even though it's rendered only in view range from the player to lower processor load

    The taller it is the worst it gets to render, even underwater grass...

    As for biomes what I have experienced is, the number of deco on a specific biome depends on the size of it, so a small biome like mountains for ex will only be able to render 2 or 3 of the deco plants you put there, if the list comprises 5 or more it's very likely you'll never see the last ones on the planet

    The same applies to creatures, if you have 5 different creatures spawning in a small biome only the 2 firsts will show up on the planet.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
    martian101 and Javarox87 like this.
  18. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Hello Everyone. A little while back I ran into a thread on the Emyprion Steam forum by posted by Wuulfe lamenting a lack of moon choices in the game link here. And it reminded me that a long while back I wanted to try to make a Gas Giant with a major moon system but then never found it feasible. Today I decided it was and did it anyway even though I know it's totally not. At any rate feedback is welcome.

    Welcome to Odin. I did my best to make the main system look gas giant like. Don't land there. Lots of fog, water, and gravity. There isn't anything down there anyway but stranding and eventual death. I mean who willingly flies into a gas giant anyway? :)
    The real showcase is the moons. I tied to model them after real moons around the solar system. The first one, Odin Moon Alpha, looks as much like Io as I could make it.
    Odin Moon Beta is modeled after Europa. I always try to do something unique when I build these, this one even comes with subsurface ocean.


    This is the water under the ice.

    And inside the water under the ice.

    Odin Moon Gamma is modeled after Titan. I couldn't make the water any bluer though. I really really wish I could have made it look like the real thing. Those blue hydrocarbon lakes just look too awesome.

    As always, yaml and suggested sector configuration are attached.

    Attached Files:

    martian101 and Kaeser like this.
  19. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    These look awesome mate, nice work.

    By the way if you really into building a gas giant you can somewhat mess a bit with planet sizes in the yaml file.

    At the beginning of the file where you have.....

    ### Playfield Characteristics

    # General Information
    RealRadius: 1303.797294 # Please don't change <---------- Planet size - can increase until 1400 without map distortion
    ScaledRadius: 1300 # Please don't change <------------- Planet scale - can increase until 1400 without map distortion
    Gravity: -9.81 # Gravity on planet
    AtmosphereDensity: 1.217 # Please don't change

    The thing is, the map is roughly based in the map.raw file in each playfield folder and that can not stretch currently, which means if you go above 1600, features in the terrain won't match with the ones in the map, but if you´re building a gas giant with fog everywhere I suppose that is of little help anyway....
    martian101 and Celdorak like this.
  20. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    I would also like to call your attention to this thread here....

    Empyrion Playfield Designer

    This is going to be a handy tool no doubt...
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
    martian101, Javarox87 and Celdorak like this.

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