Important announcement for the official servers - rebalance and rules

Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. Iluminator

    Iluminator Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    Why do not you go to some full PVP server ? I did not say that I'm not interested PVP but I want to develop normally and be strong enough that they can survive the way you play. I talked about the balance between PVE and PVP on the same server. The worst thing is when PVP-oriented players who play in the mix server talking about the beauty of PVP games.
    If this server would be the majority of PVP or full PVP then it is supposed to say that players like me, PVE, which will become a PVP, avoid this server. If it's really good to play PVP move to some that the only PVP or you want to be here as I want it. because until now there was a balance on the server, although it is pointless to nonstarter planet are limited to basic resourcesbut people always find their way and without going from the starter planets purchase what they need. This change will not bring anything for now will be even less out of the security or the server will not work better. Just missed a thing. It could be encouraged in different ways but the force is always what people first choice. (GT)
  2. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey all,

    I'm at vacation till Sunday but I make it quick: the vision of the official servers is a good balance between pvp and pve with the focus of exploration and adventures.
    That means no pvp server but also no minecraft single player server.

    You can't stay all the time on one planet and don't care about your surroundings because sooner or later you have to explore the universe for other resources.

    Now that means that I had the one way warps in mind since the beginning but really wanted to see first what people play on. Or so to speak: if it is different from HWS. It's not.

    So the starter planets are not your last hope. There are planets out there which are equal to them. Maybe not that easy but also PvE, with water (Venus for example).
    What you also don't know I guess is that only because you don't have lakes it doesn't mean you don't have water.
    Some mountains have snow and on snow you can place your water generator what is logical.

    That said prepare as good as possible for your adventure out there, take your time but starters are meant as starters and not as your permanent save game.

  3. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Thanks for the update @RexXxuS ! Hope you are enjoying your vacation. I also wanted to confirm that you are able to put Hydrogen generators on snow as well and will work fine. However, there's still the issue of water/snow not being found outside of the starter systems on PvE worlds.

    Any chance that we'll see a end game PvE planet for non-PvP players to strive toward? One with a very hostile environment and indestructible bases like the Alien PvP world? I know many would enjoy something like this.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
  4. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    @RexXxuS It's been pointed out, and I've verified this, that there are no lakes or snow on Venus. Is there another type of water source available that we're not aware of?

    EDIT: I have also confirmed there is no snow or water on the 3 other non-starter PVE planets (Mercury, Pluto, and Eris)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
  5. Iluminator

    Iluminator Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    If you do not have water or snow which is why there is this planet?

    Is admin aware that no one will go with starter planets if there are no conditions for normal development. If the 20 level that does not mean that they are strong to survive in PVP zone.

    In the end, the child began to walk when it wants to and not when the parents wanted.

    FRAGaLOT Captain

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Honestly RexXxuS your writing style is a bit hard to follow.
    "so we will implement due of these data some important changes..." WHAT?

    From what I've read so far, it starts off saying that user made structures will be kept...
    -- * ALL of your self built structures will stay
    But later after explaining one-way warps...
    -- Most of the structures will be wiped by the server setting because of people not able to "touch" the structures anymore.
    So which is it?

    Then you go on about rules, but all you talk about are punishments, and being ignorant of rules isn't an excuse, but you never explain what the rules are.

    So with no way back to starter planets, and bullying heavy handed alliances like twchris13579 has, who has lay down more "rules" if you just want to hang out at Pandora, there's no reason to play on this server anymore.

    Thanks for ruining it guys. I'll go back to single player, and other servers. I'll wait and see what Alpha 6 does for the official Eleon servers, but these changes are stupid and way too heavy handed, and thus makes this server no longer playable.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
    JBHitman and Iluminator like this.

    FRAGaLOT Captain

    Dec 28, 2015
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    All the levels mean is you've unlocked some technology, it doesn't mean you're a better player, and can survive better.
    GoldDragon likes this.

    FRAGaLOT Captain

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Very mob-like mentality here. If people join your alliance then there's no actual PvP. And if they don't join you'll get blasted away the moment you enter orbit since you have defenses all over the planet. Your initial post in this thread made it clear to me that I won't enjoy my self once I leave the starter planets, if I have to "live" under more rules, and I'm likely going to quit playing on this server.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
    JBHitman and Aurex like this.

    FRAGaLOT Captain

    Dec 28, 2015
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    That's basically how i saw it as well. You spend your time building your base, ships, and supplies on a PvE planet(s) then go out to PvP areas to take the risk of going there, exploring, plundering, etc, and then return to your PvE base of operations. But since now there will be no way back to those areas, why bother playing?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
  10. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Luckily, unlike what some people have said, you are still able to gain all the various resources outside of the starter worlds (zas and eres can be found in meteors on some of the non-starter PvE worlds), EXCEPT for water and Hydrogen at this point, and I'm not sure that was intended as Rex mentioned there should be water on Venus (although there isn't as far as I can tell).

    Anytime you have a PVP element to a game, especially one that has the option for alliances and teams, you're always going to come across players that, as you put it, that have a "mob-like mentality". The best option is to just ignore them and continue playing the game like you want, if you can.
  11. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    I'm not going to write a huge essay or anything, (ok, maybe I'm going to do just that, sorry...) I'm enjoying the relative peace and quiet of building and looking for resources on the official EU server, but I've had a lot of previous experiences (as a simple player, administrator and only once as server owner) with multiplayer "playfields" in many games, included Minecraft, Space Engineers and Reign of Kings. I've seen the same pattern emerging into ALL those games, and I'm starting to notice the same trend here as well. That said, I have some suggestions about the official servers.

    First of all, factions -while obviously fundamental when it comes to waging large pvp wars- are all about (I think someone stated it before) "having a head start". Now, you can all see how this could be a problem. A factions of three friends (just an example) that is trying to leave the starters' system a month after a server wipe will inevitably be faced with hostilities... but since the starters' system is so filled with player that resources are relatively rare and there's really not much to do (or to raid, POIs have obviously been looted by players who have left the starters' area long ago, hence giving them even more advantages) the three friends will be outgunned and outnumbered.

    One could say, well... facing those odds and coming out on top would be fun, wouldn't it? The problem is, a faction of 15 people will always: 1)Have more people online, able to strike with relative impunity 2)Have an almost endless supply of materials and ships 3)Possess a formidable planetary array of defenses - talking specifically about artillery turrets here. Even if the three friends are better players (just saying, they might even be newbies - the balance problem remains) they will NEVER be able to gain a foothold. Now, I've been reading about this initiative about having Pandora as a relatively "peaceful" PvP planet with a mutual defense pact against planetary invaders. That is not good. A planet actively defended by 25 players (with at least a couple online at every hour) and with a huge amount of resources and defenses will be untouchable. As FRAGaLOT said before me - it's mob mentality. There's the PvP "leader" or leaders who will build huge CVs and prey on the weaker players that are just starting out in a hostile environment and those beneath him or them, people who will basically mine for the resources and share a little part of the fun. This isn't good for either PvP player or PvE players. PvE players will live in a boring, untouchable "sandbox" while the PvP worlds will be filled with players who wield all the firepower and possess all the resources. It doesn't make sense to me, it isn't really fun (in the long run) for anyone wanting to leave the starters' planets. It can only be fun for those who like to have weaker opponents and "farm" them for sport.

    Now, for the suggestions. There's no simple way to solve this, that's clear. It's been like this since multiplayer was first used in survival/crafting games. Some servers simply apply more strict rules, sometimes those rules upset the balance even more. In this case, I would relegate the PvP part of the game (that's until there are PvE official servers, that's it, with a different approach to PvP) to mercenaries' and invaders' starting planet (for they're supposed to be bloodthirsty pirates, right?) then have Pandora and another, adjacent system as battlegrounds. Those planets would have abudant resources (I mean VERY abundant). To balance the fact that a mercenary or a invader will have a harder time starting out, it would also make sense giving their core planets an higher amount of resources as well. I see those two "contested" PvP systems as a good way to promote larger factions forming and fighting on equal (or almost equal) terms in order to gain the upper hand over the other factions. I know it's not a perfect solution, but it might help alleviate some of the stress I've been observing in people starting to explore the PvP systems. Every day I see someone in chat being killed over and over again and given no quarters - I agree that PvP is ruthless, but a person with a single CV won't survive long against a whole faction.

    I apologize if I wasn't very clear or very concise, but I have a terrible headache at the moment. Also, this wasn't intended as an aggression toward the PvP players - I do enjoy PvP under a lot of circumstances and I'm sure that most of you aren't cold-hearted (virtual) killers, but I simply don't find the balance between PvE and PvP we have on the official servers fair at the moment.
    JBHitman and Iluminator like this.
  12. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    The PVE entitlement in this thread is shocking. You guys are literally saying "I want everything that a PVP player gets without any of the risk or I'm leaving the server". That is not how this game was designed or intended to go. It's not meant to be a pure 100% PVE game and honestly if it was there would be about zero reason to keep playing once you build the base and CV you wanted. Removing PVP from the equation undoes alot of the features of this game and would overall harm the community on a larger scale. The game is meant to be a blend of PVP/PVE just like EVE online where I come from and this concept works. EVE has been running for more than a decade using the same model this game is. If there was nothing to burn resources on you would eventually have 100k of every ore in just a few days. My autominers are generating 56k iron ingots for me every 16-20 hours and I'm running out of things to spend it on.

    If you don't like the concept that, with great reward comes great risk, you should seek out a modded or private server that disables PVP. Or you could just live happily on the starter planets, build your little dream home, and never leave which is essentially what you guys are crying for, except you want to have everything literally handed to you and not work for it, thus the entitlement mentality.

    As for bullying, if you call playing the game the way it was designed bullying then you should really go find another game. If you come to a PVP planet anything goes aside from what Rex outlined in the post about the rules, so technically I don't even have to let ANYONE live on a planet I control, however, I was offering to do so to encourage people to quit being carebears and come enjoy the PVP aspect of the game.

    In fact, there is a large community of PVPers out there who all play on private servers, I however am not one of those players because I don't like player admins who can wipe the server or ban people just cause they don't like them, which is why I play official on all games like this (Ark for example).

    So please, stop trying to force Rex to change the game to suit your likes because you are not the entire player base, you don't speak for everyone. If you never want to PVP you shouldn't be on a server that offers that option, period.
  13. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Using this logic why would anyone ever live on a PVP world then? What would you have to plunder? You aren't thinking this through. You want other players to live on the PVP worlds so you can come along at your leisure, wipe them out and ruin their "fun", then steal all their stuff and take it to a place where they have no chance to recover it. How the hell is that not 1 sided gameplay advantage?
  14. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    And also, some (even on here, I've noticed) want nothing more than to totally wipe another out, which is why I stay away. I don't mind PvP, but many turn it PK (You even see it as "griefing" here), which I will NOT participate in.

    Add that to the general leaning to PvP arena only, and I'm begining to wonder why I even bought this game..... (this part is off-topic, so I will not respond furthur).
  15. Iluminator

    Iluminator Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    I repeat, if you're so good at PVP why are you on this server who wants to achieve a balance between PVP and PVE ?
    You tell me, how do i expensive resources that we need to be able one day to engage in battle with you ?!
    Every day I read in the chat to destroy lesser players than yourself an excuse, this is a PVP. Half the players are staying in the PvP zone and hungrily waiting for new victims to people tortured them who have no chance to get the necessary resources. The only chance for them to accept your rules. Is the owner of the server so conceived it, the violence of stronger over the weaker. I read the rules of servers that are only written because it is true that the admin, PVP would be fair and you're probably not more to this server. He probably would have found some new to be what you are, a bully.
    Aurex likes this.
  16. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    I would do nothing of the sort, believe me. My idea is more of an "organized PvP", something with rules, not something entirely up to the players. With some kind of... guidance by an admin or some kind of "game master", perhaps. Of course there should be rules making it impossible or highly risky for the PvE-oriented player to "wipe PvPers out and ruin their fun, then steal all their stuff".

    I thought that through, believe me, I really did. It would be rather simple, actually... use two planets as "battlegrounds, the only places where PvP is actually allowed aside from your own core systems (resource rich and less populated, seeing how the community is PvE-oriented). It would be up to you to fight the defenders. A PvE player would NOT be able to raid your stations or your systems, for a simple blocking mechanism that would not allow them to warp to your home systems and planets. You, on the other hand, could and probably would use your superior resources and (obviously) focused effort to capture and hold the battlegrounds. The defender could, obviously, strike back... but they would have to do so starting with less resources (since just your own core systems produce more, and the ownership of the contested systems would give you even more of that) and less players - for they definitely prefer PvE if they're not playing invaders or mercenaries, right?

    Also, please do remember that there are no official PvE servers, so... my only resort would be to find a smaller server, but those tend to be restricted to communities of friends, and I have few friends interested in computer games. Speaking of PvE-oriented players... they would rarely pick a fight: that's why most people avoid PvP altogether. There are people who love the thrill of risking their assets in battle. There are people who do not. I do, but I would never risk a week worth of resource gathering in a single skirmish. That's why I consider myself more of a PvE player. But I'd love, for example, to rally behind a faction of defenders and try to take one of the contested systems from you with you holding the advantage (and possibly having all kinds of stationary defenses around it). It would be a difficult fight, but it would give me fun, and it would give you fun as well. From how you speak, it seems like your fun should have priority over my fun... why is that? I mean, I'm not a bad person or player - I used to play in PvP servers in Space Engineers and never acted dishonorably. Never destroyed disabled ships. Never raided starters' bases on planets. Sure, not EVERY PvE player is like that in a PvP environment, and that's exactly why we need hard rules!

    Oh, a last minute addition. You came out rather rude, you know? I don't feel entitled to anything. And you realize that the official servers are completely stagnant if you're not into PvP? And that there's no rule as soon as you're in PvP space? I'm just expressing an opinion. If I'm trying to have the Devs change the game to make it more appealing to me? Of course I am. They are basically looking at us for guidance. To see where the playerbase stands. You are trying to have the Devs change the game to suit your needs and desires as well, that's completely acceptable and understandable. I don't play on private servers for the same reason you don't. Admins tend to be rude or easy to ban players who "cross" them. And thus I'm supposed to be relegated to, like... 4 out of 12 systems just because I'm PvE inclined? It would be so simple to make a playground that could be enjoyed by BOTH of us... the possibilities are endless. They need our feedback, not PvE VS PvP hatred. I never claimed to hate PvP and I never would play on a server that blatantly favors one over the other.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
  17. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Didn't read the whole thing here but I want to point out your first sentence. Assume this game sky rockets to 30 or 40 thousand average players, with only 50 to 100 per server. How can you possibly hire and pay enough GMs to manage your "organized" PVP? What you are suggesting has never been done in the history of gaming. The developers create the playerground, set the rules through the games coding, and then allow players to determine their own fate with what they have available.

    I can't believe how one sided you guys are. You literally want opportunistic PVP with no risk. If everyone could just live on PVE worlds and get everything they need why would they ever leave? Likewise, if there is a planet with every resource (pandora) and it wasn't a PVP zone then the entire server would live there and eventually cause whats happening on Earth.

    If you dont want to PVP, THEN DONT PVP. If you do then don't complain about it, it's really that simple. You also all act like my alliance controls the entire PVP area of the server when we simply control 1 planet and keep to ourselves. There are 8 other PVP planets and their orbits that we don't even touch or interfere with, but you can't expect to come to our home and not fight, or as you like to call it, get bullied.

    I believe if you decide to enter PVP zones you shouldn't be able to return to PVE period but I accept that is not the developers intention and thus I am not threatening to leave the game/server if they don't cater to my wishes. They have a specific direction they want to take this game and the model they are using has been proven to work over and over again, just look at games like EVE, Ark, Rust, Minecraft, 7DTD. For the majority of players the fun in those games comes from fighting for you land, taking what belongs to others, and the constant threat of losing your stuff if you arent prepared.

    If you want a game where you go planet to planet and just gather resources and build bases with no PVP element, might I suggest NMS, we all know how that turned out..
  18. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    If you had read the whole thing, you might have found out that I'm not one-sided at all. I don't want opportunistic PvP with no risk. I want that "risk" to be fair, and I actually endorse a stronger starting position for PvP core systems while the PvE side would have to grind more and organize better in order to control the central, contested systems. The "game master" idea is feasible, you don't need a hundred players per server to have it work. I've seen it implemented wonderfully in at least three Space Engineers servers and many Minecraft ones (all but one were PvP). I've played EVE as well, found it fun AS LONG as you could find yourself in a strong alliance. And even if you did, well... **** happened VERY frequently and you could lose 15 billion ISK worth of stuff in a matter of minutes. People might just want to play in small groups of two, three people... they should be allowed to have some PvP now and then. Again, if there WAS a PvE server I would probably play there, where the PvP rules were more strict. But there isn't, unless you're willing to settle for a 5-man private server with an Admin that will probably ban you as soon as you said a wrong word. As for other games, ARK has a toxic community, Rust is pretty much the same. Seven days to die is a little bit better, but still a bambi-killing fest.

    TL;DR=Poster only read the first three lines of my post.
  19. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    The gamemaster thing is a joke and I cant believe you are trying to use private space engineers servers as your example. Those are players doing that, we are talking about the official servers here which means those would need to be official paid employees of the company and they would need to be managed by the company as well. That costs time and money, something developers tend to not have alot of just laying around.

    Ark has a great community, at least on the official server I played on. It even got so much better when the server united when cross server transfers were about to become a thing. The 4 major groups literally stopped fighting each other and all joined up in an effort to protect our server. Sorry you had bad experiences, some people tend to get really salty when they lose fights or time because someone bested them in PVP. Im not one of those people, so even when I would get my ass handed to me I just learn from it, pick myself up and set out to get even. Its all fun, this is just a game.
  20. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    As I said, it was just a suggestion. I couldn't expect Eleon, a small company, to pay for someone just to babysit a server or two (or ten!) but the idea could always be adapted in some kind of ruleset, as I've said earlier. I've been kicked from a server once because I blew up the admin's space station (right after he asked players to attack him in order to "spice things up") and had even worse experiences on ARK. My fear is that EGS will eventually shift toward that kind of online playground. PvE players who are constantly unsatisfied because there's not enough to do on the starters' planets (a valid issue), and PvP players who are constantly unsatisfied because there's no challenge in blowing up the newbies coming out of warp (again, a valid issue). Another problem is the fact that PvP players tend to be a minority (in the EU official server, at least) and when you DO find one (or two, or three) they tend to be armed to the teeth and will probably annihilate you the moment you come out of warp. I would be perfectly fine in losing my CV (well, I might swear a little, but that's part of the experience), I can always build another. The problem is... this last rebalance patch will shut us out of the starters' system after our first jump, that will basically strand us on a single planet plus the trading system. A PvE only player will have to compete for space with a dozen other players, resources, and most of them won't be a threat for you - hence no fun for them (or you). That's the problem I see, when PvE players are restricted to smaller areas, it's PvP players as well who are deprived of space (or land) combat. And, boy, I'd love to see true faction VS faction combat, with Klendathu-like combat drops.

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