
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Would just like to add something I noticed while on the EU server regarding Pentaxid deposits. I don't know if you're already aware of it, but I'm just making sure to point it out in case you missed it. Sometimes (apparently at random) when picking up Pentaxid crystals from the sources on the ground, the deposit will yield the crystal(s) but it will completely vanish. I saw the same cluster of deposits going from 7-8 crystals to 2 in a matter of hours. That means an inevitable scarcity of the mineral itself. The same thing happens in single player as well. It's more like a bug report instead of a suggestion, but since I noticed it first in MP, I thought I'd post it here.

    Also, in more than one occasion my CV "warped out" while I was taking her out of the atmosphere and I found myself stranded at 12km from it. The HV and SV parked there had somehow been "transported" to the planet below, all in second or two.

    As a suggestion, I'd love to see some kind of safe area (for the aliens, I mean) being created a certain number of hours after the core has been destroyed/replaced. Right now, even after the restart and the balancing patch, I've found that most if not all POIs on Earth/Mars/Moon have not, in fact, been replaced by new ones. Those claimed and used as bases from players (there's a lovely crashed titan that's still under someone's occupation) are still what they used to be before the partial wipe. There should be a reason to fear them(I mean the aliens), or else the starter PvE worlds will continue to be a cakewalk. I'm not saying something extreme, but a full respawn of the hardest POIs including the drone base should occur at least once every three hours. Loot in there should be more rare to compensate and maybe the turrets a little more tough to take down.

    Oh, and... the AU distance (and relative cost) should be lower from the starter systems to the adjacent ones, in my opinion.
  2. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    I support this for the most part except I believe that drone attacks should ALWAYS be a thing. And the number of drones in the attack should scale based on the class size of the player base. This is gonna keep it interesting.
  3. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Noticed on euro server water on Venus was added. Didn't work exactly completely.
    I mean there's water but ... see pictures .

    Eleon EU_2017-03-13_14-23-28.png Eleon EU_2017-03-13_14-23-39.png Eleon EU_2017-03-13_14-23-50.png
  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    This is my Venus:


    Maybe a texture cache wipe helps. (but NOT the blueprint folder)

  5. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    I have the same issue. Water looks like it's ALIVE. Mostly clipping issues, and sometimes my HV miner will give me the warning: "Can't use that weapon underwater" when I'm nowhere near water.
  6. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Have you guys tried deleting the Cache Folder that ReX mentioned above? If so, did it help?
  7. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    I tried, was looking for the screenshot folder and finally found it. This is what water looks like for me on EU server Venus

    Attached Files:

  8. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    So is this before or after you deleted the cache folder?
  9. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    I've just tried deleting Venus cache first, didn't work.
    Then tried the whole playfield folder, didn't work either.
    Don't know if it has something to do with it, but in the main body of water around rados missilebase i've noticed critters being stuck in the clipped paterns. Another observation is that from a distance it all looks completed, yet when you come closer the clipping/missing patches of water appear. Funny thing is you can be in 1 clipped part and shoot critters in the other, they go in attack mode and can not pass the edge of their clipped part. Similarly you can stand in front of the edge of your clipped part and 1 step forward your fully submerged in the water.
    I've made an example 2 pictures in front and submerged. Notice the exact same plant in the foreground on the left.
    Eleon EU_2017-03-13_20-20-20.png Eleon EU_2017-03-13_20-20-24.png
    I've brightened the pictures a bit because it was nighttime.
    The clipping ssems to be both on the little small puddles and the larger body of water.
    Perhaps the critter spawns interfere ?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
  10. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Oh, sorry, I'm absent-minded today. After :)
  11. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hmm ok. I did some tests and it worked for me after clearing cache at least.
    The safest way would be a terrain reset which - as far as I see - wouldn't hurt almost anyone.
    Then the .area files should download exactly again to the clients.
    Aurex, Bigfeet and JBHitman like this.
  12. Kazzam33

    Kazzam33 Ensign

    Feb 18, 2017
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    sorry if this is the wrong section, i have a few idea's

    1 some kind of terraforming / building device that work's along side the bp factory (tier 3 tech)
    2 ghost image when placing a base or ship (so u can adjust the direction or depth it is ( like when u place a block)
    3 combine some of the devices i.e the texture and colour things
    4 siesmic sensors (so u know if someone is tunneling under your base)
    5 more ability to adjust the flare light's (light the normal light's
  13. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Well, i had some short & shitty experience two nights ago on EU server when I tried new MP game on EU server waiting on 'big A6'... started on Kelt, played for like 45 min., then server went to restart... I returned few minutes later and my Survival Constructor with all my ore ingots & stuff inside disappeared into ground :eek:
    Other players, of course, very supportive with comments 'RIP Lol', 'Don't cry for 2 ores', etc... :D
    ... so if you are solo in EGS like me, it's game over (i did find out yesterday console command to restart myself).

    Do you (Official Eleon) maybe have plans for new PVE oriented survival servers for Alpha 6 experimental, for solo/co-op testing? ...or there will be only current one (experimental server)? I'm willing to help out on exp. branch when it goes public but I'm solo & don't have 'crew' for serious PvP or ship-bashing pew-pew-die-die :)
    Aurex and rainyday like this.
  14. Aurex

    Aurex Commander

    Feb 27, 2017
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    I was online at the time and I remember the RIP lol thing, it struck me as VERY rude and uncalled for. You were very unlucky, starting out 45 minutes before a wipe. I would have helped but I was on the other side of the galaxy. I can sympathize and I definitely feel like we need some kind of dividing line between PVE-oriented and PVP-oriented servers. The multiplayer is very much (as the rest of the game) a work in progress, and it's getting better so... well, I have faith it will eventually cater to both "audiences" :)
  15. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Servers are made by MP veterans for MP veterans (from other big server and they already knew thing or two :)), so there is not a lot of basic information for newcomers in this EGS-MP world - here, or on server. I found out what is correct console command latter how to proper restart yourself, because with landing again you still can't do much (you get basic constructor, but you don't have any starting ores). BTW, yesterday when I had proper command I tried first with 'help' to list all of them - and some online players responded to help me, so it is all ok it's all just for fun :)

    I'm there again, and this planet looks empty of players but it is ok now after wipe - ores are back so you can play & test, like me.

    Who is also 'solo player' and wants to try official EU server can join me, plenty of room on Kelt, we can share resources and explore, until Alpha 6 hits us all on the head :cool:
  16. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    So after a couple weeks on the server here's some feedback:

    Lack of Pentaxid crystals is frustrating. I've been floating around in the asteroids in the Space location for 2 days hoping someone will list them on the trading station there. But since there's such a huge lack of crystals I would imagine most people would just hoard them.

    With the ability to have resources in asteroids, why do most systems still just have Sathium? A mix of other resources in space, especially Iron and some Pentaxid would help.

    All POI's are cleaned out. Everywhere I go they're scavenged and most have player cores in them. On PVE planets this just leaves empty shells.

    I haven't really been able to access the PVP worlds because a lack of resources has made it extremely difficult to upgrade my starter CV.

    I'm more of a casual solo player, and spend about 4-8 hours a week playing, and this is mostly on the weekend. Some of the points I bring may just be simply the way I play the game, and maybe they aren't relevant to the way the server is run, but hopefully they help.

    Oh, not all the Admin POI's are public I think. I was a space trading station and I couldn't access the O2 station, fridges, or food constructors.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2017
  17. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Thanks for the Feedback!

    A few points.

    • Pentaxid can be found on any planet. The starter planets may not have them in great quantities, but they are there. Be sure you are looking in deep lakes, tops of mountains and in flat valleys. Each planet or moon has them in different locations. You should be able to gather enough over a short while so you can warp to systems where it's much more abundant. Some of the PVP planets have a lot of Pentaxid crystals on them, and some systems even have Pentaxid asteroids.
    • POI refreshing is currently a weak point in server platform for the game at the moment. There is no simple command to run to refresh them, however, we have done refreshes of to starter planets in the past, and hopefully when the devs make refreshing POI's more efficient we will most certainly do it more often.
    • As stated in the Information Buildings (if you're on the US server) all ores can be found in PVE systems, except for Zascosium. This is only generated in PvP systems. But that doesn't mean you have to stay in those systems...go out explore, take what you need then head back to PvE space if that's your desire. Also, there's often times Zas on the Marketplace (US server).
    • If you are talking about trading stations on the US Server, let me know which one you encountered the issues with and I'll take a look at them.

    Thanks again for the feedback!

  18. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    I can find the Pentaxid, but not in large quantities. Considering every planet needs 25 to travel between it gets annoying trying to gather that much on each planet. I spent 2 days (about 4 hours) logging on and off while on Pluto to gather enough crystals to make it to the Space PVE playfield. That does not equal fun gameplay.

    I don't think the POI's refreshed on the starter planets last Sunday. I got on about 5 hours after the refresh and all the POI's were beaten/scavenged on all 3 planets in the M32 system. Maybe people beat them all in that amount of time, so I'm not 100% sure. If players put their own cores in them do they still reset?

    I know all the sysytems have resources on the planets, but it would be nice to see a larger variety in the asteroid fields. Glad to know Erestrum is on a PVE planet! Now when I have enough crystals I can try to find it.

    It's the trading station on the Space playing field. Can't access anything except the actual trading machines.
  19. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Ok, first I wrote a bit longer post how MP is really broken for early gameplay, and what could be better & simpler starting solution for server planetary system but I'm skipping that - don't want to start another 'flamewar' :D
    I will wait for Alpha 6 (or whatever it will be called because test servers are now running "Unknown 6.0.0" version :D) to see big changes!

    I'm now going with a serious problem I had yesterday, and that could be some kind of bug on server :)

    I did a lot of flying yesterday between starter planets to hunt meat & collect alien plants for medkits, and to try to scavenge anything valuable on empty & destroyed planets that we have to play on. So, I went to M32 and landed on Admin TS Omicron, then jumped down inside to check it out - and in there O2 Station didn't work (wrong fraction), as it did in others I visited! When I walk back outside couple of minutes later my SV disappeared! I activated 'waypoint' for it, and it showed my SV 'Fatboi' is now 3.5km away... so, my long run & jump at night on desert planet full of bugs started... when I manage to get there alive, waypoint marker then switched back on Admin TS... on my way back Scorpions & Spiders did catch me, and I died. Because it was impossible to reach my 'deadman backpack' I run to TS and got there literally on my last drop of breath - and my SV was parked right where I left him!

    'Teleporting' of my SV was a bug, maybe this TS is buggy just as was @frank walls above on US server, and admins could look at it here - I survived running around and had some 'dark fun' (ok, I did died once) but real problem with all of this is - I can not see & find my Backpack white flag (or package itself visualy)! I was flying in patterns around for a long time, and even got back to M32 today to check course yellow empty Space Pods (and lonely motorcycles) are everywhere... and that is game breaking in early game, to lose that little things you manage to collect... Backpack must be always visible, anywhere on planet! We don't have POIs to attack & loot, ore nods are disappearing in a day or two by 'older' players with HV miners, TS market is always empty, even animals on Kelt are scarce...

    BTW, with all that flying around I had on three system planets, couldn't see a single piece of Warp fuel! Not a single one...
  20. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    First off thanks for your input!

    The ship teleporting bug is a very well known issue. It happens to us all unfortunately. The best advice I can give is, as is stated in the Admin Information Building on all starter planets, when you pass through a green wall, simply stop your vehicle, exit it, and reenter the cockpit. Yes, it's slightly inconvenient, but not more than a 5k run back to the green wall, then 5k run back to your original location.

    As far as the other issues, like you said the game is still in Alpha and there aren't many tools for server owners/admin available to easily regenerate new resources and POI's besides a complete refreshes of the systems. Also, perhaps an easier way of identifying your items on the map will be put in place as the game develops. It sounds like you're in a faction and that is why your personal items are white. If you absolutely can't find your items on the map due to all the other white icons, you can drop from the faction and your items will then become green icons. Hopefully, the devs will make personal items a different color other than white or green if you are in a faction in the future.

    The devices in most Admin buildings are purely for decoration and are not meant to be utilized by players, aside from the Trading Terminals and doors.

    Again, thanks for the feedback!


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