As-of-yet-to-have-a-real-title Emyprion Original Content Roleplay Thread.

Discussion in 'Role-playing' started by Brokenshakles, May 21, 2015.

  1. Xerxeth

    Xerxeth Ensign

    Aug 6, 2015
    Likes Received:

    ”Does anyone copy? This is Xerxeth of--”

    *the voice is overpowered by the sounds of heavy gunfire*

    Xerxeth: "--e running low on munitions. Requesting immediate support!"

    *another voice is heard over the gun fire*

    Panicked Voice: "Sergeant! The-they massacred the recon team, they're advancing quickly. We saw another light like the others.. It looks like.. A larger variant of what we're up against. If we save what ammo we have left we can fall b--"

    *a crackled static was heard, it muffled what sounded like an explosion*

    *the sound of a minigun spinning up was heard, along with blades\propellers kicking up dirt*

    Distorted Voice: ”MOTHER FU-- *the sounds of rapid assault fire and the minigun exchanged, followed by an explosion that cut off the transmission*

    [//Attempting to restore transmission.... Failed.]
    [//Transmission could not be found after 4 retries.]
    [//Saving transmission as audio log.... Saved.]
    [//Transmission coordinate origin saved to logs.]
  2. SkyMonster93

    SkyMonster93 Ensign

    Aug 10, 2015
    Likes Received:
    .... Systems Online...
    ...Power levels stable...
    [UTA Aribeth - Commander Log #1]:
    [5 days after Red Giant Explosion]

    Commander SkyMonster's personal log. Entry one, date - well who really knows anymore...
    We have come adrift in an unknown galaxy. My long range sensors are trying to determine if there is any life I could potentially communicate with, but they are still scanning in shorter intervals to conserve power on the ship. Power is limited, and only one Fusion reactor is working out of the 4 on board that are meant to be functioning. They are working but the computers just dont seem them as active! Sub-light engines are non-responsive, any efforts to get them to work from the inside of the ship have failed... anything short of a space walk to repair the external capacitors.

    After leaving the core world of Corello, set in the Alpha Centauri System, some weeks ago tasked with discovering new life in outer systems, we had a new type of long range Hyperdrive tacked onto the Aribeth, to get us this far.

    The eggheads in the ISS science division should have tested it further, the damn drive overloaded and set us off course... straight into the path of a red giant going through a phase 2 expansion. My navigator plotted for home to get us away from the damned solar eruption but that new damn drive overloaded, this time sending us to god knows where.

    Between the drive overloading, and the solar eruption, our shields quickly failed. Leaving nothing but our Hull to protect us from the ensuing radiation, it seems its killed most of the crew. According to our lifesign detectors, the only crew members left are myself, two members of our engineering team, 3 squads of marines in the lower barracks & the 3 members of the night shift crew flying the ship when we landed near the red giant. Everyone else was incinerated.

    All gone... Lifetime friends, colleagues... we were like a family on this ship. I have had command of the Aribeth for 8 years since she was first commission by the United Trade Alliance. We have beaten a number of enemies, and lost a few people in between but none so quick.

    My focus has been getting our men broken into small teams, anyone with engineering experience have been tasked to cleanse the Engineering deck of Radiation and try to get our engines back online. The rest of us are either working on getting our communications back online, or trying to inventory what we have in the cargo hold.

    Its been 5 days since we have left our original course & I guess there seems to be some good news so far. With a severely reduced crew number, our food supply is set to last us up to 2 years. 2 years! God I hope we arent out here for too long.

    *muffled voice comes in through speakers*
    "Commander it's Hages. We need you at the bridge... there something here you should see"

    I guess its time for me to get up and see what the fuss is about, maybe the scanners have found some life signs afterall
  3. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [AMS Supervisor Jay's LOG]
    [Date *^&%&$&$ *ERROR*]
    Log-*&*%^%$&* [ERROR]

    "We're still alive, I took a good beating a while back after i sent van and the mystery guy off to attack those flying drone things we saw, Didn't realise there would be any so much closer, they were gone barely an hour before one came in over me down on the beach, I had no gun I had given it to Van to use so I ran, I knew better than to head towards our base area, it might have destroyed it, As it was I think I did the right thing... It was armed, REALLY heavily, a few minutes after I had been running away it was tracked onto me, dodging around the woods didn't keep it off me for long, it fired a rocket right behind me, luckily missing me by meer inches but the force sent me hurling up into the air, I enable my jetpack and fired just before I came to a crashing halt, it had thrown me nearly 200m, my side was burning but the drone was still coming, I frantically looked around and saw some spray coming from the waters edge, I ran towards it hoping for a miracle, and as I came to the edge there it was, a good 40foot fall into a rapid river flowing off in a valley of rock, I jumped when I was sure the drone was tracked back on me, hoping it might leave the base area alone, maybe it hadn't seen it, the plan worked, the drone followed me to the edge and over and down into the valley, but after just a few meters it stopped and slowly glided away back over the other edge away from the direction of the base, and then I hit the water... My facemask must have activated as soon as I hit, I woke up a while later, dazed, my side burning, I managed to drag myself half swimming to the bank in the now slower moving water, nothing looks familiar here even the foliage is different, a few similar trees and stuff but definately not ones I have seen before so I figured I must be well away from where I jumped. Checking My O2 level it had depleted the internal tank by 68%, I calculated with shallow breathing from being unconcious that I was floating in the river for best part of 6 hours, With the current that means a very long walk over days back, and thats if I knew the direction to go.
    The burning on my side turned out to be a severe burning from that rocket, I applied some medcream I had but it hardly helps, My suit has burn holes through it so was next to useless. The only saving grace is the neck seal is still functional as is the o2 system, I pulled it apart from the suit carefully, and tore the suit material layers into strips to make some rope and used it to secure the O2 Tank and batttery combo to my waste, and reconnected the system together with the facemask and neck sealing collar, A Nice diving kit for future swimmming and to get through toxic areas, Then some wood, made a fire and singed some pointed ends of broken branches to make them stiffer and more effective for hunting, Another branch and a piece of some weird greeny stone that looks like Slate and I have a nice axe, also good for defense. My cybernetics were seriously acting up, I kept loosing vision in one eye and the diagnostics tablet from the suit had no power. But I have been pucky, I found a crashed derelict drone thing, The weapon was way too big to take off and try carrying, but it had a ton of useful circuits intact and power in its batteries, it took a day but I gerry rigged a connection between it and the tablet and began diagnostics and repair, My log file system is corrupted, but its functional again, I have no idea what date or time is, but that hardly matters, I tested the oils from the drones servos and they weren't toxic so I used some to sooth the burns, and made oil rags for later with the remains of my old suit.
    Once the diagnostics was finished I set about using the drones circuitry to fix my own cybernetics, also got a nice optics upgrade out of it which I set on one of the spears to use it in a telescope style. There was some plasticy kind of material casing around most of the electronics, I managed to pull alot of it out and make a makeshift box by using the fire to melt through it and then melt edges back togethr, its nowhere near water proof, but by adding some vines to is I can carry it around, I stripped what could from the drone and washed out some filter cylinders from its engines to use as water cups, all in all I am doing ok.
    I tried retracing my possible direction up river against the current, but I came to a problem, there were seven rivers that branched into the one I swam out of down river, I have no idea which one brought me here and following the wrong one might take me further into trouble...
    I have decided to set up camp here for a few days, up in a high tree, give my burns some time to heal a little, Lucky my healing is enhanced too from the Cybernetic surgery a normal person would be in medical for a month, I might get better in a little under 2 weeks.
    Well off to my tree, Night for now Diary."
  4. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [Shipboard Passive Artificial Intelligence has been initialized]
    [Loading pre-defined parameters]
    [Loading Logic and Decision-Making Capabilities]
    [Scanning Software Environment...]

    [AtmoSuit Environment Detected, Loading Specific Profile]

    [AtmoSuit Audio Log Recording....]

    *muffled sounds*

    *grunting* [Scanning voice pattern...]

    *muffled sounds*


    [Scanning voice pattern... {Progress: 17%}]

    *muffled sounds*

    *muffled sounds*

    *muffled sounds*

    [Scanning voice pattern... {Progress: 59%}]

    *muffled sounds* {Filtering Ambient Noise}

    Whe...where am I? What...the...ffff

    [Scanning voice pattern... {Progress: 82%}]

    Goddammit...the... *sighing* ...the ship isn't here. Computer where is the ship? Why aren't we back to Earth?

    [Voice pattern identified: Private First Class Bul Ravenstar / Designation: 447th Shipboard Strike Infantry / Status: Active Duty / Nickname: Stimdealer]

    [SPAI] Hello PFC Ravenstar, please remain calm. You have been safely ejected from your ship. Vital signs are within normal ranges. Pod integrity at 37 percent. Unable to contact shipboard SPAI entity. Please stand by for rescue. hell I'm being rescued anytime soon. Report current coordinates.

    [SPAI] Error. Navigational data is not available at this time.

    *sigh* Okay, report what happened. How did I end up on this planet in an escape pod?

    [SPAI] Error. Ship event log is corrupted. Unable to access data.

    Oh you gotta be kiddin me. Is there anything useful you can tell me?

    [SPAI] Your vital signs are within normal ranges. Blood pressure at nominal levels. No sign of cardiac or respiritory distress. Nutrient levels...

    Okay thanks, I get the idea... Is anybody else in comms range? Any other pods landed on this rock?

    [SPAI] Negative. No friendly communication signals detected.

    No friendly signals? What about UNfriendly signals?

    [SPAI] I am picking up unknown signals from bearing 213 approximately 27 Kilometers from your current position. No life signs detected in that direction. However, caution is advised.

    Okay, well I'd better find out what I've got left. ... 37 percent apparently.

    *hatch release detected, cockpit depressurization*

    Report oxygen levels on my suit.

    [SPAI] O2 levels are at 84%, approximately 17hours 12minutes remaining.

    Okay, well here it goes...

    [Audio Log Break]
  5. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Date 01-10-2473-20:48]

    What is this Log 23 24, I’ve started to lose track of the number of logs I’ve done while stuck on this planet. Jay asked Van and I to check out the lights and look for power. He keeps on thinking I’m pissed or upset. Guess the scars don’t make me look to friendly. But it’s the price you pay when you solo deep space as much as I do.

    Be for we set off Jay gave Van his weapon I’m not sure why, guess he didn’t see Van was already packing a better weapon. But Van took it anyways, can’t blame him no clue what we might run in to out here and it was late when we set off. It wasn’t long after we set off the Van and I agreed to split off from each other. We’d move in parallel to each other to the lights, enough so that we were not some easy lump target. While we’re armed we’re not loaded down and guerrilla tactics work better for our small unit. Be for heading off on my own I made sure to check that my suits sensors where picking up Van, all checked out ok I could even make out life signs heck I could even pick up Jay and the dead weight guy back at the base. For a patch work suit I have to say it’s working pretty well. Guess one of the parts I change out for had an extended range sensor.

    After splitting up from Van I didn’t have to wait long to see what was the cause of the lights. Security drones, some pretty heavy armed ones at that. It ran it light past me and I’m guessing Van as well. But it didn’t pick us up, seems like it was making a bee line to the base. Can only hope it passes over Jay like it did for Van and I. Had to keep moving forward Van and I had set our rally point up ahead, and it’d risk my life and Van’s if I started speaking on the com’s since I now know it’s drones we’re dealing with.

    As I was about to reach the rally point, I was able to spot a large tower. I zoom in the best I could with my heads up display. I could make out a couple turrets and a few drones flying around it. Seem like this is what they’re guarding. I have no clue who built this tower, it does not look new. Not even sure I’d call it human made. I have no clue where Van is I waited near the rally point for an hour. But whatever that tower is it’s messing up my sensors, so I’ve lost track of the others.

    I waited around for about another hour be for I decided to head off and check out the tower. It didn’t take long to figure out the targeting rage of the turrets. It was shorter than I expected the drones where not as kind. But I lucked out the first run and only alarmed a smaller drone. I was able to take it out with my rifle wasted most of a clip on it. But I got back some ammo from the downed drones so I guess I came out a little ahead.

    After watching the tower and it defenses for a little while, I saw a pack of dinos walk through it. The drones didn’t attack them same with the turrets. Well now I have a plan even if it’s a little crazy. I watched for the dinos and made ran to get ahead of the dino pack. Making sure to keep out of the defense range, once I met up with the dinos I expected them to attack me. Well that didn’t go as planned, so I tried spooking them. Ya that just resulted in me looking like ***** and a couple of the dinos looking at me like I was nuts, can’t blame them. Well after I figured that they couldn’t care less about me. I figured I’d make my point, I walked over to the largest one in the pack. Right as it gave me a, what the heck do you want look. I punched it square in the nose. Well that pissed it off and all the others as well. Part one of my plan was I guess now working.

    After it let out a bellowing roar followed by the others I started sprinting to the tower, with the dino pack hot on my heals. About a minute in to my run I was already in the defenses range and the turrets started targeting and the drones started moving to my position. Right as the turrets fired I hooked left really fast and then took back off running to the tower. The turrets shot missed me landing near one of the dinos of the pack. A bright green explosion erupted from where the shot landed. The pack of dinos didn’t seem to care. It wasn’t long to more shot came from the tower missing me still but hitting a couple of the dinos in the pack. I can only guess at the numbers left, but I only need a few of them for this to work. The drones over head where still flying in to position. With all the dinos they were having trouble getting a lock on me. Within about half a minute I was already near the base of the tower. I glanced back to see how many dinos where left, I counted about five still, right as I was turning my head back to look ahead I ran full speed in to the wall of the tower. Guess I was closer to it than I expected.

    I slammed in the side with a loud clank and bounced off the wall, falling on my back. Only in time to see the dinos where having about as much luck as I did with stopping. I rolled out of the way of the large one I punched only to get stepped on by a smaller one. I heard three of the slam in the side just as I did. The other two managed to tumble I the dirt a bit and slide in the their pack mates. I pushed myself up looking around really fast checking the location of the turrets and the drones as the dinos tried to untangle from each other. The turrets where not shooting anymore guess a safety measure. The drones where still a problem I was able to count six drones and at least half of them had me and the dinoes in their sights, I waved my hand at the drones and put myself in front of the dino pile still trying to get back on their feet. Two of the drones fired one rocket off each at me I dodged out of the way with a slight tumble laying out on the ground. Right after I hear the two rockets nail the dino pile, dino part explode out from the pile and rain down on top of me and the dinos left.

    Getting back on my feet I look threw the falling parts and settling dirt and dust. I could make out a hole in the tower wall from where the dinos ran in to it I’m betting that rocket helped as well. The whole wasn’t large but was big enough for me slide through. While the left over dinos got back on the feet after being blown back down by the rocket. I crawled through what was left of the large dino, the rocket had blown a giant hole in its side and it was laying dead between me and the hole. I got to the hole as the other dinos decided to run off back in to the woods and the dust stated to settle back down. As fast as I could I slid through the dinos guts and then through the hole in the wall.

    As I made it through the hole I caught a glimps of a red light. Just then I was shot in the side. I hadden’t planned for a defense turret inside. I didn’t have time for any complex plan. I gritted my teeth and empty my rifle in to the turret. That made quick work of the turret. I took a quick look around and didn’t see any other turrets that could reach me so I looked back through the hole in the wall. The drones where not firing they were just hovering around. I could see all of them so they might have given up or could no longer see me.

    Well I’m safe for now I’ll sit here for a bit. Figure out what to do next. This place does not have much for lights going right now. I’ll take a look around once I catch my breath.
  6. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Date 01-11-2473-10:48]

    Well my breather didn’t last as long as I would have liked but Van is still out there some place no clue where. This tower is jamming my sensors. But the drones are not shooting it with me in it so this is what they’re guarding.

    All and all my plan didn’t go too bad not that they even seem to go perfect, but anything you walk away from or at least limp has to count for something good. Dino guts and blood are over my suit I managed to clean off my visor and light enough to see. But I’ll need a good wash to get the rest off. The shot I took from the security turret cracked the side of my chest piece. But nothing a little duct tape won’t fix. Got to hand it to 400 year old tech, still gets the job done. I’ll be able to do a better repair to the suit once I get back to base. I’m personally surprised I didn’t take more damage this go around maybe I’m losing my touch. I thought for sure that dino stepping on me would have done more. But here I am stuck not in an alien tower.

    With the drones outside and the turrets still going, leaving is going to be a problem. Sure the turrets won’t shoot me while I’m near but I’m toast once I get to far out same with the drones. I’ll have to figure something out or at least break something.

    I poked around the inside of the tower, making sure to watch out for more turrets. I ended up using my cutting tool a lot and making my own doors just in case the real doors a trapped. Turns out they’re not, but better safe than dead. I found a couple of cargo containers and two more turrets guarding them. I cut my way around tot eh turret blind side and pulled their plugs and anything else useful they had, like ammo.

    Opening up the case wasn’t easy they’re shaped odd. But I found a way in to them, might have not been the right way to open them but they’re open now. Not so sure they close again but I don’t think that’s a problem I’ll have to worry about. Talk about hitting the mother load, just about every part you could ask for if you want to build a space ship. At least one without FTL that is, but its better then what we had to deal with be for. With this and the left over ship part we can get off this rock and back in to space. Maybe get to another nearby planet. It’d at least make travel faster and safer. I took the key part we’d need and put them in a bag I found. I also took what looked like food and some seeds. With all that the pack was full but I’d barley dented the supplies I’d found.

    Getting out took a bit of doing. But with what I learned for the other turrets they’re not too far off from our own tech. Trying to remember where the turrets where placed I cut my way to the bottom of them and hotwired my way in to their controls. I linked them up to my suit HUD and began target practice on the drones. Can’t say my best shooting in the world but it was easy work, the drones didn’t counter attack and the turrets seem to pack a punch. It wasn’t long till all the drone where blasted out of the sky. I took aim and managed to hit a few drone way out by the base as well took a couple of shot to figure out the arc but I got them. As an after thought I hope the drones don’t crash on anyone over there. I think they’re far enough away from the base but at this range it’s hard to tell.
    With the drones taken care of near the tower and what I could see and deal with in the direction of the base. I reprogrammed the turrets to find me friendly. Well won’t know till I leave if it worked. But I’d be here for another four to five hours if I try to power them all down, faster to just reprogram them.

    I cut a larger hole where I crawled in be for something more door like, so far so good the turrets are not trying to point their guns on me. After I got out of the tower I put the piece of metal back. I don’t’ want things getting in the tower and taking our new stuff. I already know the turrets won’t attack everything. Right as I was about to get out of blind spots of the turrets I made sure to double check my pack and rifle and make sure everything is ready for me to bolt if I screwed up. I turned my head and took one step readying to go to a full sprint if I had to. As my foot landed, nothing happened no powering up sound to targeting warnings on my HUD, I looked back the turrets where still on and working it seems. I took another step still ready to run, still nothing from the turrets. Well I figure I’m safe and home free now.

    I have not clue where Van is, but he looked like he can handle himself. I bet he’s already on his way back to base as well if he already isn’t already there. I’m sure Jay will be happy to know we’re not going to die on this rock anymore. I am heading back to base.
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Has anyone seen Brokenshakles ? I think he broke his shackles and ran away ! Run shackles run !
    Hes been very quiet lately.

    Come back Brokenshackles we have new shackles for you !

    We also have cookies if you want to come to the dark side......
  8. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [AMS Supervisor Jay's LOG]
    [Date *^&%&$&$ *ERROR*]
    Log-*&*%^%$&* [ERROR]

    Dont know how long I have been here, a few days at least, Enough for Van and the others to come find me. Have decided I must have floated alonger way than I thought, and maybe there were other splits in the river further back, without know which way to go back all I can do is try to find some more wrecks, I found a few bolts and debris scattered rusting in the undergrowth here, obviously crashed ships and such are more prvilent here than I first imagined. I found a tree a hundred or so meter further into the forest edge from the river, it was very tall and after carefully climbing it I got a good look around, Now I know I am further away than i thought I was, I could see for manymiles in every direction and couldn't see any sign of the fire scroched area where our most recent crashed vessels came down, its all verdantly green as far as I could see, even the river is obstructed from view, But off about a couple of Kilometers away is something truely magnificent, a HUGE crashed starship, I have hope there may be supplies there I can use, at least if nothing else its much safer than a tree. However there are more of those lights there and being closer to these I can see that they're from some sort of flying drones, too small to have any kind of cockpit so they must be automated drones, they're flying in easy to follow patterns and seem to be either guarding or patrolling near the starship wreck. I am making studies of the patterns and there are several points of entry through their paths, even though the forest of trees has taken back the land around the wreck its still not dense yet and the drones may still be able to spot me, I am gonna hold here for another week or so at least and build my strength and let my body heal some more before I even think of running around, But it will give me time to work out the best way to get to the wreck, plenty of holes in her side for access, its just gonna be a run to get there.
    Anyways of to find some of the funny pink fruits I have here, they're plenty tasty and go well with the corndog plants I found along the waters edge, Dino meats hard to come by when you dont have a gun, just a pointed stick, Wish there were fish in the river but I haven't seen any yet, still live in hope.

    *Signed off*
  9. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [Date 01-14-2473-9:48]
    Took me the better part of yesterday to make it back to base, with all the stuff I was dragging with me. I was expecting a hero’s welcome. But had to settle for silence, Jay wasn’t at the base and the guy from the pod was still out cold. At first I thought Jay might just be scouting around some, but near the edge of the forest right where the meets up with the river there are blast marks, they’re not old from the look of them they’re from a drone. I also found parts of his suit I thought for a bit he might be dead but I didn’t find a body. I fired up my sensors to max to see if I could pick up something I could ID as him. But I had no luck I was able to pick up lots of life signs but no sign of tech. But after looking at the debris that I found his suit might not be working. Meaning he’s not going to be putting out and traceable signal. He has to be far out at least past a Km otherwise I’d be able to pick up on the metal heads implants.

    Also seems Van isn’t here yet, not sure what taking him so long to get back, it was only to be a quick recon mission. I can’t risk firing up the comm’s with the drones flying about I don’t know if they’ll be able to trace the signal and find our little base. While I’d be able to run and hide coma man would be an easy target. I figure I’m back to being on my own for now, well beside coma man.

    With the supplies I gathered from the tower I upgraded my rifle a bit more. Should pack more of a punch now without the rib breaking recoil, I’m still healing from that time but the med tech is keeping me going and I should be back at 100% within two maybe three more days if I don’t do something stupid. I also went ahead and patched up my suit and cleaned off most of the dino gunk. I went ahead and pulled off the hover engines off the base and rigged up a small hover craft it’s not much to look at but it’ll let me haul way more then I’m able to do on my own. I managed to fit a small constructor unit on it and a small fridge I put a small seat in the back to put coma man, I have no clue what his real name is so I’ve started to call him Wilson. Since it’s just Wilson and I, I can’t risk leaving him here on his own, not with it already clear the base isn’t totally safe anymore. Honestly the little hovercraft reminds me of an old gas powered rickshaw, just without the wheels.

    I loaded up some supplies to the hovercraft of put Wilson in his seat and strapped him down. I wrote a message on the side of the base say “at tower if not here follow the smoke, Zero”. Just in case one of them makes it back to base and wonders where I’m at, I figure it’ll take me a few trips to haul all the supplies even with the hovercraft.

    While on my way back to the tower about half a Km from the base I setup a fire using some downed parts from a busted drone and nearby planets. I set another fire another half a Km from the first fire in the direction of the tower. If Van or Jay can spot them they should be able to play connect the dots and find Wilson and myself at some point along my path. Also while driving back to the tower seems the turrets have been busy. There are new drones shot down around the tower. I made sure to salvage what I could use from them and stored it in the hovercraft. So far seems I won’t be hurting for fuel to keep this thing running or spare parts at least.

    Guess that’s all for now I’m just about to the tower and start my second supply trip.
  10. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
    Likes Received:
    [AMS Supervisor Jay's LOG]
    [Date *^&%&$&$ *ERROR*]
    Log-*&*%^%$&* [ERROR]

    "Well its been a few days since my last report, Not much to add. Got thepatterns down for the drone guards, there are some very big gaps in their perimeter, I shouldn't have any issues getting through. Had a new visitor last night, a small dumpy four legged Dino came wondering through, I was about to jump on its back and get some fresh meat when its mum or dad pushed through the trees towards it, good job I hadn't attempted it, these ones are much bigger than the others and look like they could squash me flat with blinking, On a lighter note they did leave a nice big hole through the undergrowth for me to keep a better eye on the river from my makeshift tree camp so not all bad news. While wandering around yesterday I found the wreckage of a drone half buried in the undergrowth, its been kept out fo the rain here and so I started pulling it apart, one of the prop blades was bend almost off and a few more twists got it off completely, so more pulling and I was able to get some of the casing off, some sort of lightweight composit not metal but still strong yet pliable. I spent a few hours pulling parts off, and am now beginning work on using the Prop blade to make a useable macheti and the casing plates I am making into a kind of chest and back plate for a bit of extra protecton on my run, I dont know if its bullet proof but it seems pretty resilient to heat so the drones plasma fire might not hurt so much with this in the way.
    As far as my mission to get to that ship is concerned I only have one issue right now, slimes.... Thats what I am calling them, they started turning up last night along the river edge, they disgusting smelling green things about 2 foot high and something between a giant slug and a sea sponge, I can't see any orrifices on it, no mouth or nose or hole for hearing, but its got a huge eye, just the eye on an elongated part above the body, weirdest thing I have ever seen, it seemed to enjoy being in the water, and when I watched it seems that its slimy foot is slightly acidic as the undergrowth it squelched over as it passed seemed to look slightly melted or burnt, I wonder if thats how it gets nutrients kind of absorbs it from the undergrowth as it slimes over it. Anyway theres lots of them now all along the river and off into the forests between me and the ship, I dont know yet if they are hostile and didn't want to risk attacking it to find out incase its friends started joining the fight, I wouldn't stand a chance, so for now I am watching and trying to figure out wether I am gonna have to wait longer now or if I can sneak in still. Only time will tell and its at least another week before I thik I will be healthy enough to make an attempt, for now I am gonna hunker down for the night and get some sleep"

    Log ends.
  11. Robofan

    Robofan Commander

    Jan 15, 2015
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    [Personnel Log: Balkar Artemovich DSCID#:78760]
    [Start/ 05-08-2473-10:16]
    I've finally managed to strip the really useful stuff from the exosuit. It took me the last of my emergency rations to do it though.There are so many useful components I can't figure out what to take or how I'm going to carry it...
    Luckily my industrial datapad is robust enough to to survive a crash.
    I'm going to use my log here to list out exactly what parts I've scavenged so I can see them all and decide what's most important...
    5 50mm gattling gun rounds
    2 12lb servos
    1 200lb hydraulic pump
    6 plates heat armor (mostly intact)
    lots of 2ft-6ft random piping
    13 high precision thermistors
    1 Infrared Scanner
    1 Radio signal generator and signal converter (transmission amplifier and coils not intact)
    12L Anhydrous hydrocarbon fluids
    [Stop/ 05-08-2473-18:24]

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