So what do you think about Steam Ruining / Destroying PC Gaming?

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by StoneLegion, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    I hope they do something to turn it around, the ship may still be righted at this point.
  2. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I doub it
    It is not about modders and qualety.
    It is about that Valve and Gamecomapnys get their peace of cake from modding.
    Do you rela think it is for the modders?
    You must give a % to the plattforms or Games.
    So... now make a milkgirl calculation. How mutch will steam earn from all the tons of mods?
    And the related gamedevelopers.
    At one mod it may be tiny less, but all mods together....
    and the ymust not do one fingemrove work for it, and have no risk with law or copyrights, this is all carried by the comunety.

    So forget it, this comes, and people will gulp it. Like DRM, and DLC`s.
  3. Syncaidius

    Syncaidius Ensign

    Apr 26, 2015
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    What I hate most about it all, is Gabe truly believes it will be good for both gamers and modders:

    Its like he's become blinded by money. But at the same time, I think many steam users were expecting, or at least wondering when Valve will start to really abuse their monopoly.

    Sadly that time has come. Something better will eventually take Valve's place, the same way open-source is forcing many big corporations to open up to the idea of "free". Microsoft being the first one that comes to mind, since they're open-sourcing a big part of the .NET framework. :)

    On a side note, Skyrim is down to 85% positive now. Its falling like a brick!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I could not agree more, the whole thing stinks of Steam Greed.
    They are taking one mans hobby and forcing it behind a paywall, to profit.
    If you think about it, there are a lot of people out there that will buy these mods through steam, and after say 4 or 5 years of that you can pretty much guarantee that mods will have cost them far more than the game ever did originally. Steam have the potential to make more money than EVE do from this payed mod scam , when you look at it like that, you start to wonder why Steam haven't built an MMO server for SE.
    Then theres the problem of middleman scamming, I have donated to many modders over the years for some of the incredible work they have done, my last donation was to ''Attack of the B Team'' in minecraft I donated 100 AUS even, more than I payed for minecraft , in fact, over the years I have donated over 400$ aus to minecraft modders alone. With a forced pay for mods system I wont even look at the mods, period.
    They have turn a good honest system into a thieving system of greed.....Well done Steam.
    Since all of this started , we have seen on other forums, players rip into eachother with overly opinionated views, it is deviding gaming communities and causing a lot of anger, people are being really nasty in some of there posts to other players, its really sad to see the damage they have and are doing to the greater gaming community with this scam, and it is a scam, you don't get 320,000 posts of bitter anger from YOUR OWN CUSTOMERS unless it is....Wake up Steam.
    Everyone should be against this, from players to modders to server managers.
    Steam went from having a cool rep to being fu%ken hated in less than 24 hours over this.
    But there willing to weather the shitstorm because there fu*king greedy and know if the force it, there will be those who pay, its money for jam.......
    Sad to watch the thousands of mods shink to just hundreds of mods, because Steam didn't think this through properly and modders like the above post, are removing them, and you cant blame them if your mod stops working, your anger should be at Steam.
    I need a new ValVe to release sTeaM !
    Syncaidius likes this.
  5. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    I didn't realise it was a forced thing I thought that there would be an option for the modder to select wether it would be paid or free for us to subscribe to....
    Keen your game isn't even good enough to be a BETA yet,. and modder have been known to leave so where would we stand if we had brought that persons mod????? Personally I would be holding KEEN responsible for the modders failures if they didn't keep their mod up to date because they are agreeing to this forced system of paid for mods, I am disgusted that Keen lept on this terrible idea, Eleon please please please release your game soon, and please please please NEVER agree to this stupid idea of paid mods, and please release your game soon.
  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Maybe if they snap out of there arrogant ways at Steam they will realise it should not be forced, but rather a donation button, but we are talking about Steam here, not Valve, so don't hold your breath on them twats seeing the light.
    Its just a terrible thing for gaming all round.
  7. trekie4747

    trekie4747 Lieutenant

    Apr 5, 2015
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    I think it just opens one big copyright can of worms that could drown modders.
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes its so unfair on them that a lot of them will simply stop doing Mods for SE, but with luck Eleon wont go down this road and we will get lots and lots of modders from SE into Empyrion, sometimes you just have to look at the bright side ! Right now wheres the bazooka must visit the Steam Keen shop !
  9. trekie4747

    trekie4747 Lieutenant

    Apr 5, 2015
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  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Awesome !
  11. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    That was something i did expect honestly, but i am amazed how fast they did react. :) It was some kind of bad idea in the first place. And i blame Bethesta more than Valve for pulling that stunt.

    I haven't thought one minute that this feature would come for SE anytime soon. And i am pretty sure that Valve would set up a rule for Gamedeveloper that they can only allow mod-makers to make money on steam if the game the mod is for is actually a finished product. So no payed Mods for unfinished games any time soon.
    But one thing i don't understand:
    Do you mean that Valve would make more money of this feature (paid mod fees) than CCP is making with EVE online? I'm just asking because i am pretty sure Valve is already making al lot of money, and i am pretty sure that CCP would be happy if they would make as much money as Valve. That would mean that they wouldn't have to cancel as many projects beside EVE.
  12. Syncaidius

    Syncaidius Ensign

    Apr 26, 2015
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    It's very disheartening to see the developer of your favourite game turn to the dark-side:

    I'm personally very happy that Valve are dumping such a terrible idea.

    I'm also happy that Empyrion is nearing release. I could use a break from SE for a while. Those new atmospheric re-entry shots have my hyped! :)
  13. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I find it rather brave to talk about a pure CASHGRAB and name it innovation at the same time.
    Does that mean that they intended, once SE is actually finished, to let modders 95% of the money and 5% go to steam since they don't care about the money? I mean this was clearly a bad Idea and no "innovation" at all, and only the MASSIV uproar of the community did stop this nonsense to come alive. And it's not only the community of people that don't want to pay for something that used to be free, it was also a massiv uproar of modders and mod-supporters about the PISSPOOR 25% ratio for people that actually do the mod. And you can say what you want, as soon as there is a mod only available thru purchase, it WILL be less used and less popular than it would be the old fashion way.
    This makes me think a lot, and that isn't really good.
    Brokenshakles and Syncaidius like this.
  14. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Well, since things are returning to the status quo, at least for a while, I think the most important thing is for modders to reaffirm their commitment to free and open mods. We really need to work on repairing the damage this has caused, and we need to come up with some sort of publicly known ethical framework for explaining the business of modding to people. There is a right way and a wrong way to make money off modding.
    Syncaidius likes this.
  15. trekie4747

    trekie4747 Lieutenant

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The 25% going to the modders was a big issue in this but no where near as big as copyright issues on IP infringement. If SE had gone this way officially many mods based upon star trek, B5, BSG etc would have been forced to go down. Lots of good mods would have been removed.
  16. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
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    Man the number of vanilla servers for SE would have at least doubled.
    Syncaidius likes this.
  17. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Someone close this thread please, We dont need to worry now, The community got the correct decision this time.
  18. RavenX

    RavenX Lieutenant

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Indeed. I've been doing small mods for various game for years, been part of small teams, a couple decent sized teams, and even led a few teams my-self. I've never thought of charging for my work even on big projects. We "Real" modders do it for the enjoyment of it and what it brings to the game we're modding. I've also modded to get a developer's attention and get my foot in the door for jobs, but never because I was expecting to get paid for what I was doing on a mod.

    Luckily the idea of paid mods on Steam has had such a negative backlash I don't think we'll have to worry about it being much of a problem at least for the foreseeable future. Still, it's my personal belief as a modder myself that any other modder doing their work and looking to get paid for it is doing it for the wrong reason. Making a successful mod can land you a decent job with the right company. Aside from that or for your own enjoyment if you're modding for any other reason then you're doing it for the Wrong Reason in my book.

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