What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I haven't done much in Empyrion this week. I think I burnt myself out a bit on that last challenge and I haven't had much inspiration for making POI's unfortunately. I did get some ideas for more alien type buildings though so more of those are coming at some point. I still need to finish off that Spaceport too.

    Edit: I took another look at my Spaceport after letting it sit awhile. Yep. I still like it so that's good. I've been trying to come up with some truly alien designs but I'm kind of rubbish at it. The buildings I made for Fractal's challenge are nice enough but I think the Power Plant was the only one that gave off any kind of alien vibe.

    I'm taking another stab at it even though the challenge is over. I got an idea for a series of interconnected buildings that can be put together using the mergestructs command to create a settlement or city. The whole thing is designed to be modular and fit together using connecting tunnels but the buildings work just as well as standalone structures.

    Most of these are intended to be blank templates that can be adapted to other purposes. That funky building on the lower right with the uneven blocks is one of the round buildings that's been adapted into a power plant.


    Edit x2: An updated pic with new buildings I've been working on today. Created a warehouse and a landing platform(on the middle right). That tall one in back is a Communication/Control tower. The big one in the foreground is....I dunno yet. It was going to be a Control tower but it got out of hand(oh hey I can turn that into a POI for Fractal's contest). Those small ones on the left are various attempts at a series of alien type dwellings.

    Last edited: May 10, 2017
    jr.John, oojimaflip, Lunex and 6 others like this.
  2. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Nice work! Minimalist vehicles can be really clever. Kudos for making yours look good as well. Though I'm usually a minimalist as well I decided to build a new SV for V6 and my challenge was to make it as over the top as I could stand. The result is the SV Bad Intentions. Answering a demand that no one has yet expressed, the Bad Intensions features CV looks with SV entry. The version shown below is unlocked at Lvl 10.
    The four equipped rocket launchers and two gatling guns all fire to the point of aim which makes the cockpit's location kind of handy at times. I'm testing it in a fresh PvE game.
    jr.John and banksman45 like this.
  3. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    It's time I reared myself back in here to give a poor excuse and show what 2 hours and 40 minutes of work got me

    Excuse time!
    Life, because we made a system designed to challenge anyone and everyone who isn't rich.

    As for Progress, here you guys go, two (nearly) Identical Abrams Class Battleships without paint and just a few minor details needing ironing.
    All block work is what I talk about when it comes to exterior work, After the release of 6.0 All block placement will be done and It's on to painting with a mix of interior work.
  4. Aeri

    Aeri Commander

    Dec 14, 2016
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    So feeling very brave published my first builds (all SV/HVs) to the workshop
    build_2017-05-10_11-06-18.png build_2017-05-10_11-00-10.png ] build_2017-05-10_11-04-58.png

    Attached Files:

  5. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Fractalite likes this.
  6. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Siege Inc. likes this.
  7. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Introducing, Explorer X7.

    I initially cobbled this HV together because I desperately needed a vessel relatively early game with an enclosed cabin to survive the new weather patterns - Hail on Ningues, at just the wrong time, suuuuuucks. But I find myself increasingly turning to it because it is very effective.

    Frankly, not even as cheap as I would like, but it is a solid design. Twin gatling cannons, plenty of storage and oxygen, its fast, turns well, and the cabin has a ventilator. The front end is missing a few blocks so you can install a harvester if needs be(since we can no longer deforest *cough* I mean clear a path through trees using minguns or gatling cannons.)

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    Last edited: May 12, 2017
    binhthuy71, rainyday and Siege Inc. like this.
  8. Aeri

    Aeri Commander

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Thanks I designed it to be an attack gunship so it has insane vertical thrust but not much forward it works best flown at an angle to the ground (convenient for bombing POIs) also I would like to add the external passenger seats on the cargo shuttle (bottom) are mainly deco, I do not recommend for actual use as they have a measly 250 HP
    rainyday likes this.
  9. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Playing around with some of the Alien spawners in creative. Pretty fun. Screenshot (662).png
    Siege Inc. and rainyday like this.
  10. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Been doing some playtesting of the POI I'm building. I wish I could manually set hitpoint levels of blocks or items without having to shoot them since the rocket launcher is the only thing that can damage the blocks and the splash damage is annoying. The game needs a new door block too; one with a low profile that can be textured so it blends in with say, a wall(secret door).

    I managed to get some of the spawners up and running with triggers but the sentry guns don't like the bugs or crawlers so they shoot them even after changing the settings to not shoot predators/prey/aliens. Still trying to figure out which mobs I want to use and what the sentry guns won't shoot up. It'd be nice if there was a picture and short description of the mobs when you were scrolling through the list. Alienbug001 is kind of generic and not informative.

    I still need to figure out what I'm going to do with most of the doors too. Can't open them by normal means in survival mode and can't blow them up with an admin core in place so I dunno.
    banksman45, binhthuy71 and rainyday like this.
  11. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Siege Inc. Ive been using Tier 1 multitool to damage stuff.
    Siege Inc. likes this.
  12. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Did you set it to alien faction? They don't act like they should until you do.
  13. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    mk7.png http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=923859209
  14. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Nice clean lines. Well done.
    banksman45 likes this.
  15. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    binhthuy71, ion_storm, Aeri and 3 others like this.
  16. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    The base faction is set to Alien. Sentry guns are shooting up crawlers/other mobs from the spawners. They're set to attack Other Factions only. I would have thought unchecking Predators/Alien would get them to stop doing that. And they aren't shooting at me for some reason when I spawn it in Survival mode.

    I wanted to use crawlers as a kind of guard dog to go with the Zirax. Or just have a door open and surprise spiders pop out. I'm going to have fiddle with it some more and figure out what I'm doing wrong. But hey! The secret door works. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 13, 2017
  17. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  18. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Also just ran into a very peculiar scenario:

    I had started a new game on Ningues. Had proceeded to capture a civvy POI, had a few rocket turrets, even had a nice HV that I was zipping to and fro around the map gathering resources. On one of my return trips I crested over a ridge and noticed that the PV was angling to attack my base. I was kind of excited to watch; those rocket turrets are hilariously good at defending bases from PV's. However I watched, to my absolute horror, as a little plasma drone came flying along at JUST the wrong time(slightly before the PV was in range) and distracted my rocket turrets. Needless to say I lost the base, but even before that frustrating little scenario, I do not think I had enough Neodynium for one of my faster, nimble, more agile SV's.

    Dang it!

    So, introducing Guardian; for when the worst happens or you cannot find enough Neodynium on planet. :)

    This SV is NOT LIKE my other ships - it is, well, it technically moves..... sorta(at least with respect to my lofty standards) but has everything you need for survival at level 10(including a constructor) and is heavily armed with all the level 10 stuff.

    It is mildly frustrating that it has a stubby back end - this is due to the build constraints from shutter doors not having enough sizes, but it is airtight and has a ventilator.

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  19. Sacksquatch

    Sacksquatch Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Finished the CV me and bro have been working on and revamping/expanding ever since it became a functional CV last month. cv.png cvh.png

    Has a nice spacious hangar in the back with room for a rather large HV that is unfinished atm, but we use it for base bustin and light mining duty. There is another hanger in the top of the ship for my bro's ships. He wanted his own hangar so we call it "The Legendary Fag Box" for the lols.

    It's not much, but it's ours and does everything we need it to do. This is version 7 of this CV heh, as we playtested we made improvements over time, so it's been a lot of fun planning and building and arguing, and coloring each others rooms pink and purple.
  20. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I don't think I ever played a game where I don't know if I want to play survival or finish building a massive CV ship in creative or build something new. Usually one part of a game is more entertaining than the other but in Empyrion all game modes are entertaining to me. When I start this game I honestly have no idea where to start but I love it. I guess I will just stand here and take screen shots. lol Screenshot (659).png
    Last edited: May 13, 2017

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