What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Another fun evening with Empyrion. I found the perfect raptor trap :D I thought I was gone as I fell down the stairs trying to get to safety. But I managed to lock them up under the stairs, somehow...

    Got myself a new drill and went mining. Achieved Lvl 10 too so CV project can commence. I have the basics but I still need lot more. Neodymium atleast... wouldn't want to spend my resources on a SV at this point - but then again I would need to go to the moon for mining trip. Oh well, time to figure that out, I can get the CV project started atleast.

    Found some good loot on Abandoned Mine. Only the top floor as Im still quite underarmed. Found some weapon kits, lots of boosters. And new switches in the top floor - made the looting heck of a lot easier :) But I had some extra danger still - hostile fortress was in range so I had to be careful where I moved. Have to clear it, maybe I'll go and suggest a group effort.

    Say what you will of Akua - but my goodness, it can be pretty!
    20170610003012_1.jpg 20170610003723_1.jpg
    I took over the outpost which I will be using as temporary shelter and as a workshop for my CV project. Has the Advanced Constructor which is nice :)
  2. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I have stopped my work on that rather big CV project I was on,
    and now wanted to make something smaller.

    The important word is "wanted".

    My progress so far...

    PS: in the background is my official grave yard...

    I can't get it small... :-(

    oh yes...
    rainyday and banksman45 like this.
  3. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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  4. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Now that is what I call a CAPITAL VESSEL!! I hope they add VR to the game because i would love to see a ship like this in VR.
    vicomt and oojimaflip like this.
  5. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Finally managed to get the Sagini and the Shuttle into survival.


    Eagle-eyed viewers may recognize the ships. The Sagini is a modified PM-18b-Nakki (all I did was make the glass compartment Airtight and not sitting on top of a generator. Oh, and added a Fridge. MUST have the fridge) and the Shuttle is (a repaired and reffitted) the one from Liftpizza's Scenario (SV Start Ningues). Both originals are available on the workshop. I have no plans of releasing my modified designs.
    banksman45 likes this.
  6. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I believe I spoke too soon about the PVs because this guy showed up after I started a new game. So I have nothing to fight him with and he has working very powerful alien turrets. It put holes in my little shack and my fuel tanks and core are gone. I guess be careful for what you wish for. lol
    Screenshot (35).png
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  7. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Wow all you guys have finished your 6.0 CVs. I'm still trying to finish mines. I hope the devs find a way to make painting and texturing easier. Painting and texturing take longer than the building of the ship.
    Screenshot (41).png

    Screenshot (44).png
  8. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Okay, I see, all doing the big stuff here ;-)
    But how's going this in survival for?

    Hm. I'm planning (haha) to play today, so I can get off Akua sometimes... still haven't seen other places yet... and I'm 300 hours in already...
    I must like this game...

    So, another question, this PV all are talking about, I haven't seen this on Akua yet.
    Where/when does that show off?
    Want my Bunker to test against...
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  9. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    That's why I build small. My latest effort. It's a mere 11W X 15H X 25D. I could shrink it a bit but, I decided to leave the extra interior space for future improvements.



    The workshop, galley, Captain's cabin.



    No weapons. I'm going to try running when I can and fighting when I must with a very heavily armed SV. Planetside I have a ready to spawn minibase with two flak cannons to swat pests. I'm going to try using this one as my base as soon as I pack enough supplies to leave Akua permanently. The 14 cargo boxes should help with that.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  10. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @binhthuy71, that's the perfect size!

    (seems again, I have to start from an existing one, mine's going always over...)
    binhthuy71 likes this.
  11. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Thank you! It takes 7454 plain steel blocks. I put a double layer on the bottom which can be upgraded as necessary. Fuel and O2 tanks, generators, RCS units, etc., come next. Each piece of gear is isolated from the others by a one block wall and they're surrounded by a double layer on the sides of the hull, another full length layer on top, plus all of the superstructure. It only needs three Medium thrusters in each axis to handle adequately. With five it's fairly quick. I'm beginning with three. The ship packs six T2 fuel tanks so adding more thrusters won't do any harm.
  12. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Couple new blueprints today too. These have been briefly featured here a I while back when they were still in testing. They are relatively cheap and small CV's for various different tasks. They are combat oriented - so one thing that these are lacking that normal 'starter' CV's have is growing plots. Good luck trying to find room for them, these ships are VERY limited in space. Hey, they are combat vessels - not luxury cruisers :D

    Made from Hardened Steel so they can take SOME damage but they are certainly not meant for PvP.

    As featured on the Alpha 6.0 release video (couple times very briefly, but still :D ) -

    - I present you:

    Steam Workshop link



    Steam Workshop link

  13. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Where did you all get these cool designs from?!
    I want some of your smoking/eating/.... drinking?!
    Whatever.... I WANT IT!

    ;-) haha...
    Well done rainyday... I load your vessel now, perhaps I convert that now into my homebase vessel...
    rainyday likes this.
  14. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @rucky Haha, thanks :D Just slapping together some blocks and it will shape up. Or not :D Not nearly all my attemps end up in Workshop ;) I usually have a vague idea what I'm after - Sentinels were inspired by the U-boats (functionality maybe more than looks but still). I hope it works as a homebase - it IS quite compact. If it works, let me see the results :)


    Okay. Bear with me, this is just a prototype I slapped together in 5 secods, not actual representation of the vessel. More like 'proof' of concept. I have this crazy idea...

    As I stated earlier I want a CV. Proper sized CV but finding a landing spot can be tricky, so I want small footprint. I also mentioned that I kinda like the idea of Mechwarrior Dropships. Well, its fine and all - but you kinda have a vessel flying 'sideways' then if you do it the normal way. Now, I came with the idea to play with the directions of the ship just to see if it works. Arrows point toward the NOSE of the vessel - and where the ramp is, that is actually BOTTOM of the ship.

    So all the stuff would actually be in the WALLS. It just that the ship would be oriented on its ass when landed on the ground. So it would look and act perfectly normal. Except the cockpit - which you can't turn - but you wouldn't want to because...

    For the flying it would be oriented just fine. Now, flying IS tricky when landing, I give you that. But I kinda like the challenge. And I guess I can make backwards cockpit on the belly for landings (need to add instructions for what button does what, it MIGHT get bit confusing :D ). Also have to be mindful NOT to use auto-rotate on landings....

    So this is what I'm after when its flying. I don't want it to fly 'sideways' so that's why I came up trying something like this.

    Now, besides this being completely stupid and pointless idea which just makes life harder - is there any downfalls you might think that would cause me issues? :D I mean elevators work, gravity works (it depends on the orientation of the gravity generator) and so on. Kinda want to start building this already... :cool:
  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    oh.. interesting...
    yes, small footprint.... like a rocket...
    hm, need to try that too..... (or wait until you've finished, and load that... eh yes....)
    landing is a bit more complicated I think (only good possible in 3rd persion view presumably...)
    rainyday likes this.
  16. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    @rainyday Your designs are so phenomenal! I especially like the Hunter/Killer :) I liked your screenshots from your last adventure too. The Raptor Trap also works well with a family of Humanoid Insects. LOL

    In the early hours of the morning, our hangar is finally built, and partially decorated. Thankfully I had help when my husband got home from work. The Hangar is a 6 X 6 shaft capped with two hangar doors, and it goes all the way down to the bedrock, but there are "docking bunks" built into one side of the shaft. It has room for three SVs.

    It was a big project digging all of that out. LOL Our base is built under the bottom of the lake and I hoped we wouldn't need to disrupt the scenery with anything more than a cannon turret, and the drone attack I experienced yesterday was probably a weird glitch, but it is true that safety is prioritized higher than environmental protection :p

    The hangar shaft and two minigun turrets are located on the nearby island. I have to fix the left side because I did it in such a hurry yesterday that the second turret pillar ended up out of alignment. I decided that our base is so noticeable that I'd paint our faction name on the low side of the structure.


    I'm sure it's not at all necessary because the drones probably only glitch once, but once was enough to lose my SV.

    Just before 4 am, my husband's new ship--The Black Wisp--was finished and we took it for a spin. When I'm the co-pilot, my primary mission is aerial reconnaissance :cool: so I took lots of pictures.


    It's a cool ship made with hardened steel and all the thrusters are protected. You can't easily see them at night, so I recommended the black exterior to make it feel stealthy--even though we're playing PVE.


    But now that we're rested, I'll be doing some more work in the base, and hopefully enjoy some sport hunting and looting.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  17. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @rainyday, loaded that Sentinel Hunter ship. FINE Ship!
    Good size! (Exactly what I would call a "manageable" size - for survival.

    a few questions:
    - Do you know when doors/ramps really can be fully controlled by sensors/levers? (you have one assigned, but that doesn't help the automatic doings from them)
    - You have a turrets group, but only the minigun ones are included, the rocket ones not. What's the reason behind?
    - You seem to favorite rocket launchers :) Why do you have no Pulse lasers? (only want to know, I have not much experience in these weapons sadly)
    - Another one, what's the reason behind no combat steel? Weight (and therefore maneuverability)?

    it's indeed a tight indoor environment. But okay, for a war ship/"brückenkopf" (what's the english word? bridgehead?)
    Especially the window/ceiling-style-Addon-armor I like ;-)
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
    rainyday likes this.
  18. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Starwing6 Thanks! Your hangar is coming along nicely. Its good for capturing strangers snooping around your base too :D EDIT: nice looking ship! Very stealthy, I like it.

    @rucky Thanks! And good questions! Let me try to answer them...

    -Sadly not fully. Only ramps, they're not automatic. But they have the problem (well, not always) of not being airtight. Doors/hangar doors/shutter doors will still always be automatic. So they will respond to the lever, but they will do their stupid automatic thing too. :(

    -Oh crap! Yeah as its built on the normal Sentinel so I didn't update the groups as it seems... will be fixed, thanks.

    -Because rockets KICK ASS! Fixed rocket launchers do MASSIVE damage and the turrets fire homing missiles so they can be quite effective. I would have put four but it would block the pilots line of sight (I like to fly in the cockpit). But sure, you can use pulse laser stuff also - they work. I actually have a ship in the works that has 6 pulse lasers + 6 pulse laser turrets setup towards the front.

    - Yup. No Combat Steel because of the weight (and cost). Weighs twice as much, so would need A LOT more thruster power. It's a small lightweight ship with reasonable fuel consumption, wanted to keep it that way. Extra padding with the shutters does add some durability.
    rucky likes this.
  19. vicomt

    vicomt Captain

    Jul 16, 2016
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    Butt Landers are brilliant. we've done a couple of odd landing orientations/designs, but I think Gorbel The Beholder (GTB) takes the cake. Yes, it's a ring, that lands on it's ass.

    The only thing that's tricky with them really is designing the interior so that you can walk on the floor-that-becomes-wall-when-you-land :confused:
    rucky and rainyday like this.
  20. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    haha... oh yes, I see...

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