A6.0 Feedback: NEW GAME START

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    You are supposed to spawn with boosters intact. That might be a bug if I read right.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Boosterd can not be damaged. Your suit will have zero armor and durability if you respawn. If your boosters are gone, this is a bug (please check in a armor locker)
  3. Green

    Green Ensign

    May 22, 2017
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    I started again today, to re-test some things.

    It was medium, default multi-player, on that alien planet... The Ultra difficulty.

    I found some water, water is your friend. Deep water + Promethium == Food, and energy, and gas == Pretty safe life... if all you do is keep your ox flowing, keep getting seaweed for gas, and food.

    But after 2 hours, and not finding any cobalt.... I was thinking Hrm... The starter drill is 2 cobalt... you always start fresh in the sun.... And I haven't found anything.

    Well... I guess it's time for a death fest, because it's faster easier, and I can't find any cobalt after running and starving to death and burning tons of resources and a few hours.

    Die die die die. Oh look copper... Mine mine mine, store it in blueprint where you don't lose it.

    Oh look more iron, Mine, and store it in blueprint.

    Oh look rocks, store in blueprints....

    etc etc.

    Okay, I can now make what I want, to get an actual foot hold, as opposed to just running everywhere and dying... doing the exact same thing... Just slower.

    So what is the reason this winds up being the method? Because about 10x deaths to travel is 10x deaths either way. Except one way, you get full health start fresh, maybe some free fuel, and you teleport FAR across the plane

    This is why I think some token resources from mining or refining dust would be nice... Or maybe small, very small pockets, or rocks consistently dropping at least 1 or 2 ore is preferable. Then you have to move, but you at least have a hope of some progression.

    Blueprints are their own challenge. Because they allow you to store resources, and restart. So are they neat, because I can save work, and don't have to rebuild and repaint everything. Yes... However, maybe they should be out of a large factory, or advanced factory... Not just magic.

    However, without blueprints, built into your brain....

    I just think a better boot strap method is needed. You can build survival generator, in a blue print, and maybe 3 or 4 basic things. Make mining possible without gas, but crappy. (Less resources)

    Then you can actually start, and claw your way up the tech ladder.

    I just think the starts, need not modifications in the scenarios, but clearly defined progression, so if you do start over, or get bad luck, and have a SV_HARD_PATROL happen to blow you to pieces, and your backpack de-spawns, or falls thru blocks. <--- Two other problems IMHO.

    You are basically left to re-spawn in your escape shuttle, to get a drill, and gas... So.... Basically, if you start, and realize that you can gain some wealth (so to speak) this becomes a 'better' start, because you get free exploration, free gas, etc. Death shouldn't be a reward... So a better "step 1" is needed IMHO.
  4. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    If possible I set on Plenty-Poor, since see no point in running around an entire planet looking for some ore to get started. Fortunately if you like running around, Few-Poor might be an option, maybe find loot-able POI's with needed stuff. I'm not yet good enough for hard.
  5. cmwhee

    cmwhee Commander

    Oct 31, 2016
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    The Ningues start is fantastic. Base attacks are still a joke, but hiding from the PV while raiding POIs just to get enough resources to make your way out of the stone age before you freeze to death was amazing. We had a team of 5 people cooperating, and it was still a challenge.

    Note though: none of the starter missions specify ningues, which made everything awkward, especially for the faction mission: capture an alien POI, we had to go to akua before we could complete it.
  6. DrBacon

    DrBacon Ensign

    Oct 28, 2016
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    AGREED!! First time I died several times, and it was on easy mode.. LOL
  7. DrBacon

    DrBacon Ensign

    Oct 28, 2016
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    I really liked the older soundtrack (opening theme and in game). Actually like it much better than the new soundtrack. Anyway to set up an option so players can choose which soundtrack they would like?
  8. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I did too. I'd love to know the title and composer/performer. There some comments on YouTube about it and I have no idea if they are factual.


    The new soundtrack is okay with me as well.
  9. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I'd kind of like to hear Don Felder's "Heavy Metal (Takin' A Ride)" whenever I'm flying around in space. Or maybe the song from the Heavy Metal movie when the two aliens are flying the big smiley-faced ship around.

    Nose Dive!
    Oh wow, great nyborg.
  10. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    The overall problem is that the hard starts have a near-vertical difficulty curve right at the beginning. My most recent Masperon hard start was going ok, aside from starving to death repeatedly due to no seaweed in the lakes, no harvestable fiber, and essentially zero fauna (I encountered a grand total of 3 slimes in a couple of hours of play). I managed to find a Small Outpost, but a few in-game hours later, a PV Hard showed up to level the place; at that point I was only halfway to level 3, and I had 11 .Cal bullets left, so there was no way this was going to have a happy ending.

    It's also more than a little ridiculous to run out of food before running out of oxygen.
  11. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    I must be missing something. I logged onto my server after the latest version was installed. All the civilian POIs have been raided and the cores removed. All the armor and boosters are gone.

    I thought the point of the new civilian POIs and containers was for them to regenerate their loot so new players could join an established server and still be able to find all the stuff they need to play the game.

    I cant buy the stuff from traders. Their prices are astronomical, literally. I don't have armor so I cant get to aestus to mine gold, if there is even any left, to get credits to buy anything. There is not enough credits available in the missions to buy anything good.

    I really hope we get the ability to craft all the items we need to play the game. My server is dead on day 1.
  12. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    As Rainyday said the default MP start even in 6.0 has the survival constructor and drill and biofuel etc in your escape pod. There is no wreckage no personal locker you need to loot. That is what Hummel was trying to say is the admin setup the server wrong for MP if you were having to get to the weckage at all.

    When my buddy started his sever after 6.0 update we were having no gear also and i explained to him that was not how it should be and we figured out how to set the scenario to multiplayer default in the config, then everything was fine. What I will say is that there needs to be something in the FAQ for 6.0 that shows the new config lines and what needs to be added to set the scenario, or turn on any new features or even set new difficulty options, I see things like the decay rate of gear in SP as options but could not find how to set that on a server because no documentation seems to exist of what the server options to set for your config are

    As for the bike and other things people complain about like drone toughness your server is likely set to hard. Hard is actually hard now before even hard i could take down 3 drones solo on foot with 2 pistol rounds, now you need to actually plan ahead and think about how you will survive. I had to restart once or twice on Nigunes before i realized i needed to make magnesium and iron my priority for bullets early on and then get the other ores once i had a few hundred rounds for my gun. Before i did this i was running out of fuel for the drill and unable to get more since it can only be looted and i couldnt kill with an empty gun.

    One last thing i think would help the early game and start is to allow punching or a basic knife so if someone does run out of bullets and didnt get the right ores first there is still a way to continue even if difficult and you will not have to have your character reset.
    rainyday likes this.
  13. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    I was wondering about the respawning poi's also and if there is something that needs to be done to make them respawn in the server config. I thought if scenario was set to default MP and it was a new game started with 6.0 then poi's should respawn. Can someone clarify this?
  14. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    I agree completely, I tried a masperon start on hard when i first joined a MP server and even though the trade station was only 500 m away it took me 20 deaths to get there with my back pack because of the numbers of creatures... getting out to the first ore to mine, did not seem possible. I ended up having the admin delete my character and moving to Nigunes the hard start instead of ultra. The friend that had started with me latter realized if he picked the pod respawn he got new biofuel every time and so he just had to keep respawning.

    Respawning 100 times should not be required for any planet. Masperon start needs to have more bullets, or maybe an assault rifle instead of a pistol, and probably a couple more antidote objects, plus a way to melee if you run out of ammo. That way you have a fighting chance of establishing your constructor and getting a little iron and magnesium. Either that or switch it up so you get new bullets on respawn and a t1 pistol but not extra drill fuel. We should be trying to avoid dying.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  15. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I always strive to not die. And, since it is a survival game, I will often end a game when I do die. I could even see a game option of 'perma death', for either MP or SP games, where if you die your only choice is to start over completely, level one, with starter gear. (Pretty harsh, I know. Think of it as iron man play.)

    It is this mentality that places a burden on the game designers. Survival on each starter world simply must be possible. All too often after updates it seems that Eleon only considers Akua as a starter world. Each possible start world needs to have it's own path. Solo missions need to be tailored to fit where you chose to begin. for example, Huntsman Akua is followed by Huntsman Omicron. This makes no sense at all, IMHO. There is no natural progression from Akua to Omicron, so why would there be this connection?

    I feel the answer to this problem is to create a 'Robinson Protocol' scenario for each possible starter world. In each case the scenario can lead the player to those basic survival points that they need to get started.
  16. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    I agree completely there is not a single mission for starting on Nigunes. Once i got off the planet and made a CV I flew to Akau and within minutes had many missions done and a bunch of gold i could use at traders. While still on nigunes i did not have a chance in hell of getting a single item from the traders because i had no missions to get gold or items.

    Every planet needs its own independent huntsman quest that gives a weapon as reward, or a weapon kit so you could make a t2 pistol or assault rifle. Every planet needs its own versions of all the quest really. The Robinson Protocol tutorial should for example tell people on nigunes that seaweed is not found due to the water being too cold and have you hunt some creatures to get it, without knowing this it is impossible to survive if you use all your drill fuel and ammo
    geostar1024 likes this.
  17. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Kits as a mission reward would be very cool. Especially in MP play, where POIs are looted. Although, again, recent changes seem to make that less of an issue.
  18. Menos

    Menos Commander

    Jan 2, 2017
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    My first thought on the lack of a bike was "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???" And yes I thought that in all capital letters. We spent 2 hours running around searching for copper, and would have rage quitted for good several times during the most annoying 2h in this game I ever had if this would have been our first time playing this game.

    In general the game without any means of transportation is a vast empty area with goals hidden somewhere on it that you need to find by walking into the right direction by sheer luck. Walking around without any means of interaction is the exact opposite of fun. And no, those predators are not part of the interaction, as a starter player does not have the resources to interact with them, also the loot isn't worth even trying. What you do is to just walk away from them, because you can. And no those POIs are not part of the interaction either, as they are either armed way beyond your capabilities or already raided (if on multiplayer).

    On the comment about the tutorial: there is a rule in game design: if your game needs the player to read a tutorial, it is badly designed.

    If you want to make the start more convenient for new players, implement my idea on an instanced starting area and/or add frequent "mini-meteors" with like 50-100 ores inside to the game world. This way a player would not have to search for hours for that one single ore he needs, but can instead get what he needs to start by exploring randomly.

    The experience gating system still feels completely useless and has become even more annoying with the added levels. It adds nothing positive to the game and is just an annoyance that you try to get rid off as soon as possible. And you should do the same: get rid of it. Artificial gating has no place in a game that is already gated by resources.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  19. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Menos Do you know you can get Ore from rocks too? Just checking :) I don't bother with bike myself - I go straight to cheap lvl 3 HV.
  20. Menos

    Menos Commander

    Jan 2, 2017
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    No I didn't knew that.
    rainyday likes this.

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