
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    This would cause servers to have to track ridiculous amounts of floating debris. They have to stop to help the server performance. that said a piloted ship should have a hot key to turn off inertial dampeners. as is there is a work around. just leave the ship on and turn off the thrusters. Or if im traveling in a straight line for a while I turn off the "f" thrusters which is the thruster that forces you to stop when you get off the W key. Put it in a group and name it cruise control or something. If you die or log out the ship will stop after several kilometers regardless.
  2. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    HV drills suc. Sry but they do. I've tried many designs they all twist and flip around violently when trying to mine. I even put 6 rcs on one to try and stabilize it they still flip out. Also despite having enormous thrusts available for the small HV its nearly impossible to get them out of a hole. I should be able to go into orbit with the thrust I have on it but I nearly have to have a perfectly cut 20 degree slope to drive it out. Its ridiculous. And I can't cut that slope with the drill ship b.c its flipping out. Also the HV are a constant battle to make them tilt down or up. Yes thats exactly what you would have to do to mine any deposit. Worst Idea ever to put drills on HV. Put drills on SV. Then we can actually point towards the ore and get out of the hole we dug when done.
  3. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    WAY TO DARK! I can't see anything at night except where my flashlight is facing. Its not that dark on pluto. Let alone any habitable planet. Not realistic and NOT FUN! I have brightness settings maxed out btw. Also my lights turn off every time I enter and exit a vehicle. Apparently my character is to dumb to know that he needed a light 30 seconds ago so leave it on.
  4. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Where is the Suicide button? I got stuck in a whole twice now with no way out but eventual starvation. Yea I should have had a way out and thought I did but my tool lost its "durability" or whatever. I had guns with me. Several. You telling me that its more realistic for a stranded astronaut to choose the slow agonizing death of starvation over a bullet to the head? Even Jack Sparrow was given a gun with one shot.
  5. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    The durability thing is fine, leave it. How fast things lose durability is ridiculous. I have a hand held, battery powered DeWalt drill. I've had it for 10 years. It has never needed repair. I have a lot of guns. Have had for decades. None of them have EVER needed any major repair that would have stopped them from working. Yet in the super advanced future for some reason our tools wear out in less than an hour of "normal" use? Thats the kind of shoddy workmanship that would get a quality control inspector shot, if only the gun would work.

    Drastically increase durability. Tools wearing out every few minutes is not at all realistic or fun to deal with in the game.
  6. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Not being able to build certain items like a t2 pistol without an upgrade kit is fine. Sure whatever the upgrade kit is just another component. But not being able to build the upgrade kit? That's beyond ridiculous. You telling me we can fabricate an interstellar warp drive with the constructors at our disposal but we can't make an upgrade kit for a low tech weapon? The game was a lot more fun when I could actually build the tools that I had unlocked. Now I have to hope to fine a POI, hope I can capture it with the crappy tools I can build, and hope that it has an upgrade kit I want.

    Again not fun or realistic.
  7. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    If your wondering why I'm posting so many comments in a row its b/c its dark on the planet and I can't see ANYTHING.

    NO SHIP COLLISION! How is this not fixed yet? For months now the leading strategy for attacking another ship is to push your guns inside of the other ship and therefore shoot it from the inside. This completely bypasses the armor. Its a huge exploit and fairly easy to do. I have lost dozens of ship to this exploit. Where my ship lost its core or generators with no holes leading from the outside to the interior components. Its pretty obvious when someone is trying to do this but there is nothing you can do about it.

    Ships running into each other should cause damage. If they don't do damage they at least shouldn't be able to pass through each other. More like hitting a wall. EVEN IF for some reason that can't be fixed at the very very very least even weapons shouldn't work inside of your ship while they are passing through the interior.
  8. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Mining speed is way to slow. I haven't mined this much since MineCraft. And its got "MINE"ing in the name. When this game was originally advertised it was promised that it wouldn't be a grinding mining game. That's exactly what it is. I don't know if you retracted that claim but if you didn't then "fail"
  9. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    My SV drops out of the sky if i get out of the pilot seat? Is this intended? Maybe CV do it too don't know. How is it my SV can't just hover? Considering how uneven most of the terrain is this is the only good way to park it. Just let it hover. But it doesn't work anymore.

    SV should be able to hover. At least for some time before dropping. Assuming they have power, enough trust, and are level with the ground ofc.
  10. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Can't exit pilot seat until vessel has stopped? I'm trying to park somewhere near this asteroid. I can't just have my ship hover. And when i just park it on the ground it thinks its still skidding or something at a very slow speed. So I can't get out? I could at least run down the hill when i'm done to get my ship if it would just let me out. I can jump out of a moving vessel in the real world. And in the game I even have a jet pack? Anyone heard of abandon ship? What If i'm in pvp and my ship is taking a beating. I lost my rcs or maybe even my core. Depending on my angle it could even be a while before it hits the ground. Even then its going to bounce around a bit. All the while I'm being shot? Even modern fighter pilots can eject. But not in the super advanced future? You ship has to be completely stationary to stand up? I know you use to be able to jump out of moving ships in this game? Why not now? Please put it back. For the sake of realism and common sense.
  11. Warwizard55

    Warwizard55 Ensign

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Have you tried looking at an advanced constructor (T2) to see if it can build an upgrade kit? I have not been able to build the advanced constructor as of yet, so I do not know if it can build the upgrade kits, but it makes sense that it being T2 ,can build T2 upgrade kits.

    And some feedback for the DEVS, the sniper rifle (T2) blueprint calls for a "Rifle Upgrade kit" I have in my inventory two "Sniper Rifle Upgrade kit", which are not recognized as being the needed kit for making the T2 sniper rifle.
    Please fix the blueprint to call for a Sniper rifle upgrade kit.
  12. foxes

    foxes Lieutenant

    Mar 25, 2017
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    I don't like that after a certain number of days deleted all progress of the game. It is clear when the server is fully updated. But if I can afford to go to the game for a couple of days once a month is not fun. It would be great to have some local area where you can put your cruiser and it is not who will not interfere with that build and player no where to be removed. In this case, it will be lost soon base.
  13. Rester Valentine

    Rester Valentine Lieutenant

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Very well, here goes... FWIW:

    I'll just lead-in with the fact that the age old excuse that "this is alpha" doesn't wash... not even a little bit. Why? Because you guys have neglected your constant memory leaks, and compounded them by rapid development. How do I know it's a memory leak? Because I'm a programmer myself and the evidence is obvious. There is no way that any program should climb steadily from 750mb memory usage to a whopping 1.3GB within 2 minutes of the client freezing up. THAT is the most obvious evidence. Make no mistake, I do keep a close eye on my system usage while I do everything from CG to game play and at no point in the past have I ever seen such a dramatic increase in usage.

    Now, pay close attention, guys, because this is the most important feedback you'll get. When you neglect issues such as this they compound the problem by making it more and more impossible to find them all before you even get to beta. Indeed, by the time you get to commercial release even your testers won't be able to play.

    My suggestion? Slow the hell down, back the hell up and find those leaks before going ANY further. As it is right now, your game is unplayable. I am on the cusp of dropping my server, dropping the client (because, really, why should I keep them installed if I'm not allowed to play) and forgetting about this game that used to be fun.

    If this isn't memory leak, then where the hell did you guys learn to program. Seriously, we didn't get our computers from the third world, and it shouldn't take between 15 to 20 minutes for the game to start up. Now, I know what some of you are thinking right now.

    "Well, maybe it really is your computer. Did you think of that?" Remember when I said I am a formally trained programmer? Yeah, I know how to troubleshoot.

    "My computer is just fine, so I don't know what you're talking about." Good for you.

    "No one's forcing you to play if you don't like it." Thank you for being helpful.
  14. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    @Captain Jack II You know Better don't make me open this can up!


    Please everyone stay on Topic 'Feedback' and try to be as constructive as possible.

    Thank you!
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  15. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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  16. Skavn

    Skavn Lieutenant

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Please think about the following suggestions ;)

    - automaticly power off all engines when docked: there is no need for them to keep runnning!
    - idle mode for HV drills or at least the ability to disable them from the devices menu
    - large shutter doors in CVs are quite annoying: they automaticly open/close all the time and this overwrites manual settings (i.e. from switches)
    Also they don't automaticly open when you are in a SV/HV.
    Leave them open for a longer time?
    Add an option in the device menu to disable the automatic control?

    - When saving a template:
    Show a preview of the screenshot.
    Saving crashes when name ends with dots.
    Most invalid characters are converted to "-" when typed but dots are ignored and later stripped off? Also convert them?
    - When building:
    Show a list of all ressources that are currently in the factory.
    "Fill all" button: Automaticly fill the missing materials with ingots from inventory.
    Ability to start the build process even though not all materials are in the factory yet (it should then only finish untill the percentage of ressources you have put in)

    - "toggle autorun/fly hotkey" so we don't have to press w all the time, also could keep flying when in a menu

    creative mode:
    - endless (multitool) ammo/ (block) stacksizes (why do we even have an inventory? just add items from Creative Menu to the toolbar)
    - maybe add an additional "blueprint-design" mode that removes the player character, environment, movement penalties and so on.
  17. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    This is based on my experience in MP on the official US server:

    Early combat is now pretty brutal. With light armor, enemy turrets can and mobs can pretty much kill you before you even realize you're being shot, especially with the horrible lag. This is compounded by the nerf to medpacks. 50 hitpoints restored is nothing. 100 hitpoints restored is... nothing. Picking roots in the woods where the spiders hang out and where you can't see anything is risky. Even with medium armor, walking into an active (spawners) POI is suicide.

    The pre-ship phase of the game is pretty much a terrible experience right now. Even with an HV or SV, raiding a POI requires one or more of:
    - advance knowledge of the location of the core, so you can kill it directly before entering the structure,
    - a metric crapton of ammo so you can blast big holes everywhere and fight from your ship, or
    - dying horrible deaths. Over, and over, and over again.

    Please consider one or more of the following:
    - higher player hitpoints. Perhaps 10x as many how.
    - more effective player armor, that degrades much more slowly.
    - healthpacks that heal a substantial portion of player HP.
    - allowing med stations on HVs and SVs again.
    - gradual healing/restoration of player HP over time.


    Edit: as a separate note, I wanted to comment on the lag experienced on the official server. I understand the game is still alpha, and the focus is very much on adding features rather than optimizing. However, the lag in multiplayer majorly detracts from play experience. It is especially frustrating to press F to access a cargo box and for nothing to happen for several, sometimes many seconds. This is a regular and frequent occurrence. There are also many times when I experience what appears to be client/server desync. Accessing dead mobs and drop containers frequently results in the flash of inventory appearing and then being immediately kicked out after only having pressed F once.

    So, please give some love to multiplayer performance. It needs it. I would hate for this game to become an unplayable nightmare in multiplayer like Space Engineers has been for so long.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
    FullSized likes this.
  18. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I often find it a little cumbersome to organize entities for public access.

    Would a more complex permission system work ?

    Each entity could store a list of users names or clan names who have permission to access certain selected features of that entity via a checkbox list
    Options such as
    doors and ramps access
    medical equipment access
    food equipment access
    cargo access
    weapons access

    you get the idea.

    A ship could detect whenever a non authorized user boards and asks if you want to grant permissions for various access.

    Sorry im not leading this into a feature request am I ? XD it is genuine feedback I just love to share my ideas,

    It is not essential, though I adapt to any user interface in any game faster than a borg drone with aspergers.. I still find this cumbersome.
    For some others it must be a nightmare.
  19. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Blueprint Placement Feedback.

    I have a large planetary base I created. It's 187 x 43 x 185. So, less than the maximum allowed but it seems bases become extremely tricky to place at this size. This one is exceedingly difficult to place. Just finding a flat open space isn't enough. You have to float using godmode and move it around and if you're lucky it will turn blue and you can place it. Using page down to lower it into the ground does not help. Eventually once you do get it placed half the structure ends up in the red for structural integrity even though it's placed solidly on the ground(enough that it needs to be dug out). Setting the Blueprint Offset or Flatten Ground just seems to make matters worse. The flatten ground will leave uneven terrain artifacts behind as it does not flatten evenly and usually leaves space under it.

    Attached Files:

  20. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    i say POI regeneration is to hard for singleplayer, can u please make it on option that you can turn on and off, i mean the POIs are to overpowered in singleplayer and with POI regeneration it is terrible

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