
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I still dream of running over & squishing Otyughs with a huge 24th Century equivalent of a Huge Wheel Monster Truck for kicks. :p
    Senator Mendoza and senaque like this.
  2. senaque

    senaque Ensign

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Personally, I prefer 'fog of war' type systems, which can also be applied to create more depth to tradeskilling systems that encourage discovery/exploratory crafting - where the recipe is initially unknown, and that way there is no way for the playerbase to know the exact combination of materials required to generate a desired output - hence exploration and discovery and experimentation is required. Once discovered it should be available easily from constructor from there on in until character reset. This way, as new recipes are added over time, it can be mentioned in the changelog (4 x recipes added, "new fruit bread loaf added") and the playerbase/community get to working out how to build it. This builds a nice bridge between devs and community which pays in the longrun with increased loyalty. It also builds on community spirit as collectively trying to discover recipes for rare items, social interaction (as one server/player in the community finds out, it quickly is communicated to other servers/systems/players in the community) and collaboration (I will show you mine if you show me yours) interactions.

    For the realism-lovers, the system is more realistic. It provides XP potential too (will yield XP the first time you discover the recipe for something). The most important benefit to the devs/game is that it definitely extends and prolongs the gametime / playability potential of EGS and makes for a more 'immersive' PvE experience, so players spend a lot of time exploring and discovering/learning new recipes without attaining 'endgame' (as in already discovered/experienced everything)

    As the devs provide an impressive toolset for admins to generate custom universes for their playerbase, it might also make sense to allow admins to configure this (already-known-recipes or exploratory crafting), and even more awesome would be the ability for admins to define custom recipes! (Admins could for instance, increase the number of fibre required to build a garden plot, or increase/decrease rarity, as they see fit) to provide a more challenging environment for their community, or easymode for whining/noob playerbases alike.

    Having said all that, I love the existing system! I just wish there was 100x more items and combinations, and 2x ores, so that unique, diverse and varied universes and scenarios can be designed by creative admins to keep the playerbase entertained!
    Agent0024 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  3. Mike Loeven

    Mike Loeven Commander

    May 12, 2017
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    Plasma Ammunition needs to be consolidated into 2 types Currently there are 4 separate types of plasma ammunition however two of these types are redundant as HV / SV and CA / BA use the same sized turrets and only 2 ammo types for plasma turrets are needed
    Tyrax Lightning and Morrigan like this.
  4. Morrigan

    Morrigan Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    This is the closest I could find to a thread that deals with medkits and medical craftables. Since this is about crafting, Something needs to be done about scaling.
    The medkits as they are currently implemented stink. ~30 hp bandages, ~50hp small medkits, ~100 hp large medkits. The HP recovery on them is pretty terrible. Now, if this is on purpose to address the new damage mitigations of medium and heavy armors, well, it's not so bad. Except you guys forgot one VERY important thing:
    Plant harvestable healing.
    Plant protein heals 100 hp instantly, the same value as a large medkit, which requires 5 seconds to heal the same amount, and a large medkit is not that simple to assemble all the mats to make. Sure, the large medkit can deal with a lot more status effects, but I have discovered that when I'm in an enemy base, I'm FAR better off carrying plant proteins and stomach pills than backing off from a firefight to wait for the medkit to do its work, especially since enemies have instant target acquisition and perfect aim. Pixie stalks and Varon roots are far better, though, in that they carry no risk of food poisoning, and Varon roots heal 50% of your max health in one instant shot. Given the considerably greater ease of getting Varon Roots and Pixie Stalks, my medical array typically consists of bandages for bleeding and broken bones, Varon for injuries, stomach pills, and antidotes for parasites, and spike lemons for radiation (gives stamina instead of removing 500 as the Anti Rad pills, grow in clusters of up to 15 among alien plasma, doesn't reduce your food count like Arad pills do, 5 of them reduces your health by half what 1 Arad pill does, and you don't need to go to a frozen planet to find pheonix fronds to remove radiation, just hop on over to Omicron).
    TLDR: Your numbers balancing for a highly technologically advanced civilization and their technology (versus easily acquired herbal remedies used by spear wielding natives) is SORELY lacking. Needs work guys.
    Now that all my kvetching is done, however, let me point out that Empyrion is by far my favorite survival game out there, because of the versatility and robustness of your crafting system AND the block building. The game is awesome, and I leave my feedback literally because I love this game and would be delighted to be part of helping it grow and improve.
    Tyrax Lightning and Moonsugar like this.
  5. foxes

    foxes Lieutenant

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Abaout crafting, perhaps it makes sense to divide the painter into several - for weapons, for large cannons, create an opportunity to create supplies and ammunition in simple constructors. Create a designer for the production of building blocks and mechanisms separately. And making them not so big.

    Also, about factories need to say that this is on the one hand some kind of cheat function on the other is not effective. If there was a terminal is factory installed in the base it would be more reasonable. Also it would be possible to increase the production speed of the factory adding more constructors. Additionally you could designate the amount of space for factory as is done at the motion sensors, thereby limiting the level of blueprint.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Old Wolf

    Old Wolf Ensign

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I think we need a smelter. For example some way of turning steel plate back into iron ingots. Or turning any other component back into there original ingots
    Tyrax Lightning and foxes like this.
  7. foxes

    foxes Lieutenant

    Mar 25, 2017
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    In fact, it already exists we just need to add the remelting function, also if you use Blueprint Factory you this feature is not necessary. You can add semi-finished products there, bypassing the ingots stage.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Zuures

    Zuures Ensign

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I don´t know if its already mentioned.
    But I wish a list of possible recipes when I rightclick on an craftable item.
    It´s because as a beginner I don´t know if everything I can farm is needed in short or midterm.
    TheTinyMan and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    This "list" is included in any relevant device (constructors, cooking table, etc).
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    To be fair, HV Plasma is Turret Based & SV Plasma is Manual Fire Weapon based, & CV & Base Turrets are different in the sense that Bases get dibs on Plasma Cannons that are allowed to fire in Atmosphere. (Though that last part I hope is a Band Aid Fix till they can figure out some kinda reasonable Implementation of CV - Base Combat Mechanics... & if they do, then perhaps CV Plasma Turrets & Base Plasma Turrets may lose reason to have distinctiveness & be able to unite under one Ammo Type then.)

    &/or Parts.
  11. Skavn

    Skavn Lieutenant

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Some ideas to improve the constructor:
    1. - "Sort / Stack all" button for constructor input (and containers/inventory?)
    2. - The ability to reduce the queued amount of the currently active item (workaround: deactivate the constructor, but I can't see the reason why this should be neccessary)
    3. - The ability to rearange the order of items in the queue (drag and drop?)
    4. - Stand-by modus: no power/lower drain if nothing is being constructed. (actually a lot of devices need this).
    Atola, jmtc and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I like it! Constructor could be just a tad bit faster though.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Current template system is not deep enough. Several items should really have more than one way to make it. For example, to make canned vegetables you need steel plate. But why does the bottle have to be steel, as opposed to aluminum, or sathium for that matter? Why can't a "fruit pie" take any fruit? (This is being changed in 8.0, but it is being changed by merging all fruit into one item, so pace oranges or pearthings no longer exist as items in game, except as decoration, and I'm not fond of this change). Electronics should be able to use gold, or aluminum, wiring if copper is in short supply. If sathium is a tough and durable metal, why do I have to mix it with iron, can't I just make stuff out of it?

    It needs to be possible for a template to output more than one item. You can now convert water into either oxygen OR hydrogen. But that isn't how it works, you always get both! You should also be able to separate alloys back into their constituent metals, which you could if multiple outputs were supported.
  14. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    As far as I know, this is on the dev's to-do list; multi-recipe and multi-output templates would be inordinately useful, and would solve a lot of recipe-related issues.

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