The name on the steam is: 帝国霸业银河生存战, meaning Empire Bully Galaxy Survival War.I think the name is too vulgar. In China, many people call it 帝国霸业银河生存,but the name originated in a piracy forum. So I hope to have a better Chinese name. Empyrion=Empyrean,in Chinese, it is 最高天,How about 苍穹:银河生存?
In fact, most of the 1: 1 translation is not very good, we usually choose to close to the original game name and sounds nice name. Such as No Man's Sky,this name is to straightforward,So we choose 无人深空(not 没有男人的天空)
"Empire Bully, Galaxy Survival War" is THE greatest name ever If I ever have a EGS server, that's its name
I don't speak Chinese and therefore should probably not be here, but this story is just too hilarious. I am also interested in Linguistics and (even though that name is indeed a great name) I think it should be something more appropriate.
在游戏开场就是逃生舱坠落的过程,甚至坠落之后得不到来自帝国的援助。我个人不觉得像是一个能够体现出“帝国霸业:银河生存”这样高大上名称的游戏开场,作为个人的理解来看,更像是一个发展中的银河国家被强大的敌人入侵袭击的情节。如果让我个人选择的话,根据中西方语言的区别,我认为采用 “银河生存:帝国霸业” 或者 “苍穹:银河生存” 。把帝国霸业这个词语放在后面,可以体现出在受到袭击,逃生后设法生存,最终走向帝国霸业之路的游戏故事,中文的词语先后顺序,有时候确实比较难说明,只能意会。而后一个“苍穹:银河生存”,则是更偏向体现一个探索危险的银河的游戏故事。以上仅作为个人参考建议。
Galaxy Survival is appropriate. More accurately would be Galactic Survival. Sky is not needed in the title nor is a reference to an Imperial Domination. The Empyrion was just used as a cool sounding name more than an imperial reference I believe. At the end of the day, the title is less 8mportant than whether you have fun playing or not. Call it what you like. "Happy fun family survival galaxy " sounds good.
Perfect. I like that name too. Happy fun family was a joke based on a nearby restraint that has poorly translated names on their menu. Sorry if you thought it was serious.
In summary, most of the people posting here think it should be called something like: 苍穹: 银河生存 “Firmament: Milky Way Survival” It does sound much nicer than the current title! 苍穹 seems to be used a lot in the names of Scifi shows, like 苍穹浩瀚 (The Expanse).
My apologies for google translate. It sounds stupid when translated into english too - that's the appeal, because it's an obvious translation error. It becomes funny and epic because of it. Like that urban legend of coke/pepsi having a slogan that translated into something along the lines of - it'll raise your ancestors from the dead. Or that game from the 90s that created the meme - all your base are belong to us. Completely unintentional, but amusing because of it. 我的谷歌翻譯道歉。翻譯成英文時聽起來很愚蠢 - 這是吸引力,因為這是一個明顯的翻譯錯誤。它變得有趣和史詩,因為它。像那個城市傳說的焦炭/ pepsi有一個口號翻譯成一些東西,它會把你的祖先從死裡復活。或者從90年代創造的這個遊戲,你所有的基地屬於我們。完全無意,但有趣的是因為它。