
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    So many Things in this game make re-spawning a very valid choice and it annoys me.

    I'm hurt, i'm almost out of food or O2, suicide spawn by my backpack now continue.
    I need to take out a base strip down run at it and die repeat until its out of ammo.​

    The mass abuse player storage and the factory also lead to the id don't care if if my ship dies.
    I can keep tonnes of fuel, cores, blocks on my person. if i die i can rebuild quickly.
    Spawn a new ship from my factory I'm back in the battle.
    I don't need to run to a base or Cv or Hidden cache to get a new ship.
    There no need to park a bunch of ship some where hidden (I know core limits is an issue).​

    Death needs penalties.
    • Spawn sickness (poor player movement or reduced sight, slow rate of fire, ...)
    • Spawn Timer Delay, multiple quick death cause spawn times to increase
    • Factory Lock Outs
    • Loss of levels (can no longer spawn blue prints, doesn't effect unlocked tech)
    • Spawn Location Far Away or limited to CV/BA
    • Spawning is resource bound, need organic matter at a spawn station to make a new clone if none available slow timer re-spawn rate
    • ...
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2017
  2. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    And you should actually test out things in-game before dismissing my comment. If you go into 3rd-person free camera mode, you can strafe with WSAD/Space/C, and turn the ship (steer/maneuver) using the arrow keys/Q/E; it's a bit awkward since we only have 2 hands for 3 spatially-separated input controls (strafe, steer/maneuver, camera), but it does work. I'll be charitable and assume you were simply unaware of this particular feature.

    Also, from the OED:

    steer, definitions 2a through 2c:

    maneuver, definitions 2a through 2c:
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Right, IRL fighter pilots (and humans in general) are hard to recreate if they die (no cloning and transferring of memories and abilities), so ejector seats make a lot of sense as a safety feature. As it stands, in-game you can get your ship blown up and decide to go down with it, as upon death you'll be instantiated back at your base, presumably with fully-armed-and-fueled new ships at your disposal (this could even afford you the opportunity to bring a different type of ship to the battle that would have more combat effectiveness in that particular situation). There are certainly times when you might not want to simply respawn (carrying valuable loot or you're in a position to be effective in a battle without a ship), but otherwise there's no penalty to doing so at present. What we could use right now would be the ability to press the use key twice to confirm that we want to leave a ship that's moving.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    OK. I did not understand at first the need for "ejector seats" . But since the game allowed previously to leave a moving ship, asking for "ejector seats" now is a way to go back with something new but with same result. So I guess an "old debate" will develop around the same issue, but I agree with Fullsize that "dying" should not be the trivial option even laden in sugar and perfume.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Repier

    Repier Commander

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Sorry that you think that. Like you I'd like to have that feature but because too many players don't care about dying (at least that's the case on the server I play on), I think it might be a hard sell. Implementing a death penalty would certainly increase the chance of getting the ejector seats.

    I don't like that attitude either but unfortunately like I said above this behavior is not an exception where I play thus that led to my first comment.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The PvP crowds unfortunately comprise lots of kids with no long term view. Some adults also lack long term view, but it is less common. Developing a game based on feedback from short-sighted players is not a thing I would like to do.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I like having a Cargo Box in my Vehicle Builds dedicated to holding Spare Parts... ESPECIALLY Cores, Cockpits, & Thrusters. :)

    Insta Spawn In of Creations isn't likely to stay in the game permanently, so getting used to having it might not be recommended... ;)

    Perhaps those Players weren't defending their Base cause there was NOTHING to HIT a SV with so a SV could Blink Tank forever & be unkillable? It's still damn hard trying to hit SVs even with other SVs without Homers... even post Weapon Shot Speed Buff. If the SV can't GET hit, the SV can't lose, thus the foe can't win no matter how long its Bulk takes to get overcome. This Dynamic is still awaiting additional fixes, rebalancing, & maybe even new ideas on how to make a better Overall Combat System with Vehicle Dynamics & Role Intent.

    I strongly suspect the possibility that when the game gets a lot more finished & there's a lot less ways to unfairly bug die & such, that the ability to Respawn Near Death Point will eventually be removed.

    Actually ya are supposed to be able to hold N for Build Menu then Checkbox "Center of Mass" for a Overlay of a HV's Center of Mass & its Weight Distribution & current 'Center Point' & such, but this seems to currently be not functioning right. I've already noticed this be the case & have made a Bug Report on it.

    I'm hoping someday we'll get Real Planets with seamless border between Planet & Space & it'll become possible for Planets & Bases to fight each other even if it was Orbit vs Ground style & have that kinda Space Combat be able to become a thing. CV ability to have Mobility vs Bases having the mightiest Tankiness & Weapon + Infrastructure Holding Power possible in the game.

    Imagine if ya could have a Space Base with mighty Shields & Weapon Armament akin to DS 9* vs a Fleet of CVs & SVs for a huge epic Mega Battle! :D

    *DS 9 = Deep Space 9 from the Star Trek Universe.
    Frankyln, Repier and Kassonnade like this.
  8. Green

    Green Ensign

    May 22, 2017
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    I feel the progression is too short... Your main planet has basically everything you would ever need.

    After you're done raiding POIs, you'll get enough power coils, and other valuable resources that you don't need to really sector hop.

    My suggestion is to add force fields, teleports, and other HIGH tier stuff, that can ONLY be gained by moving systems, several times, and getting deeper into the progression, so we have things to look forward to.

    Right now it's basically an almost flat 3 tier tech system.

    There are resources (Neo/Sath) That are asteroid belt, but normally you can scavenge enough to get most the job done.
    There are another set of resources (power coils etc) that you have to go to a far away planet to get, but you never need them, and you get enough loot if you systematically destroy POI that you never really need to mine them unless you MUST have 10 guns, but rockets, and artillery are all you need.

    It's the same with the space man. You can loot a king base, and get 2 epics of each type in one building.

    So after maybe 4 hours game play. You're done.... 6 TOPS if you're going super slow.

    So then you're left just building things.... Not that building spaceships isn't cool, but you have no reason to build them. No reason to go to other planets, no reason to keep playing. Your 1st planet you can pretty much get anything you want, and there is no need to go further, nothing to reach for.

    That is my feedback, maybe others have a differing experience. But if you get on a decent planet with decent spawns.... You'll have all epic gear in no time, and no reason to build a huge capital vessel to travel, because you don't really need any of it, or you already looted it from the POI.
    Repier and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Curiosity... have ya ever wondered if ya can go to Aestus & build a Rad Base there & succeed at it & feel like a total Badass? :cool:
  10. Green

    Green Ensign

    May 22, 2017
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    I normally start on the hard planets.

    So, the desert planet, normally, or the ice one. However, blueprints are also a mixed blessing. Sure it can help do the heavy lifting, but it also bypasses most of the level up system. I can just gather all my resources on the main planet, queue up any base I can think of.... Pick daisy's for 3 hours till it's built...

    Fly to any nasty planet I want, drop the base... I win.

    Resources are very abundant. Without a blueprint machine, ham string myself there, and it plays 'better' takes a bit longer, but not too much.

    I've tweaked a lot of settings...

    Small ore caches but lots of them.
    Medium monsters
    heavy drones

    These can add 2 or 3 hours. But once you're established, you're good to go.

    The main difficulty I think, is that you can loot power coils, in great enough numbers that you can have plasma guns, Tier III constructors, and the like without really doing much but raiding POI.

    Also it's hard to 'build' a ship. I'm not a great builder, I like to survive, and I like to have free form building... however, I'm not that great at it. So I like the blueprint system, however I think it should be more interactive, not just press a button and out pops the magical thing. More like, insert items into a box, it slowly builds in the game, and can be attacked while built, etc.

    This, I have nothing POOF I have the biggest base in the world... is... eh... not good for immersion, nor challenge.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Repier

    Repier Commander

    Feb 16, 2017
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    That's why some players suggested (I agree with them) that we should need to find bp to unlock some high end technologies instead of unlocking them in the tech tree. Some technology would only be found on Masperon for example.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ahh, I keep forgetting that i'm the only peep in Empyrion that Hand Crafts all Planetary Bases.

    I still hope the current XP & Tech Tree Stuff is a Band Aid Fix till a REAL System gets Implemented. Also I think being able to pop Creations into existence outta nowhere is only a temp workaround till an actual something like a Shipyard, Garage, Builder Drones, or something gets Implemented. Believe me when I say it was this Band Aid Fix or getting sick & tired of having to Hand Craft EVERYTHING over long periods of time that ya wouldn't get to enjoy real long before the next Wipe anyway.
  13. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    I think you missed my point. There doesn't have to be more penalty for dying. There is HUGE Advantages to STAYING ALIVE! GET IT NOW!
  14. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Funny How I NEVER had any trouble defending my bases back then. Most people problem was simply that they wouldn't fight. I've attacked HUGE bases with 8 people inside and only 3 of us attacking and NONE of them would bring anything out to meet us. First of all if they had we probably would have been happy with the fight and moved on. Instead they just iritate us b/c they outnumber us almost 3 to 1 and wont do anything? on a pvp world? Cmon. Instead they just packed up all they could and ran for it all the while crying "exploit ! exploit !" till the admins had to come over and watch us to make sure we wern't doing anything wrong. We had 2 HV on the ground and a single SV providing cover. They could have easily squashed us if they brough even 5 ships against us. Less than that would have been a good fight but we still would have lost. They could duck back and forth between where we were and their bases for cover. We most likely wouldn't have won and possibly would have lost badly.

    As for defending unmanned bases. My base on the official server defeated 8 HV, 2 SV, and a CV last night when i wasn't on. I dont use offline protection, never have, never will.

    So how did my base defend against so many? Simple. I built a good base. Technically I have 4 bases. 1 large one and 3 small ones spaced around it almost at the first bases max range. I even built by a POI so that from that direction an attacker has to watch out for its fire so basically a 3rd sentry base free. So good layout and good choice of location. There are at least 5 other really good spots like that someone could put a base on this planet.

    Point is no matter where you attack from you have to be very very careful or you will stray into range of crossfire from one of the sentries. Yes someone could meticulously take out the sentry bases but you would have to take out at least 2 of them to approach the main base and begin damaging it. I could successfully attack this base but it would take several hours. And there is virtually no loot to be had other than salvage. I keep all my valuables in a stash. I have no problem fueling all of this with a single t3 autominer on a promo mine and some hydrogen gens. The point is that its NOT that hard to make a base now that is way more of a pain to destroy than it could possibly be worth. Back in 4.0 When SV were supposedly OP it was WAY WAY WAY easier to defend a base b/c there were no limitations on turrets. I could put 100 flack cannons on a base spawled out in a huge star pattern and nobody could get anywhere near it especially with an sv... b/c no matter which direction they attack from they are getting hit straight on and from 2 sides. The only reason anyone ever though SV were overpowered is b/c it was easier to cry to the devs and get them to nurf the SV than to learn how to build a decent base that could easily defend against them.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Wow... this is an interesting alternate point of view... Also, yeah, Cowards will be cowards. If they aren't willing to fight they shouldn't be in PvP Space. Trading for their Rare Ores is a viable alternate option.

    I wonder what @Achilles has to say about this. I admit i've done PvP before, but haven't become an expert on it. One thing i've heard about before is that Turrets don't always do a good enough job of Leading, & also sometimes Over-Lead. It can also be a problem when they all fire at the same time onto the same spot so the SV only has to make a single dodge to evade the entire Salvo of Fire.
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  16. demolish50

    demolish50 Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Are 32-bit floats being used for entity precision? Is that why we have the shakes so bad in deep space? Any plans to go to 64 in the future?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I agree, which is why myself and others support the idea that death should matter more than it currently does. The "It doesn't matter" statement is less opinion and more fact.

    No, the statement doesn't suggest that. It implies that re-spawning gets a man back into the fight immediately at 100% effectiveness.

    That's all well and good, but running back to your base or floating around waiting to get picked up by an ally is a serious waste of time. Not only are you not doing anything useful, you're pulling an ally out of the fight.

    Perhaps, but not everything is about the big picture. While you're concerned about precious loot and ammo and floating around in space waiting for someone to give you a ride, the soldier that re-spawned will be hammering away on your capital ship with a new, fully stocked bomber, until you're done tinkering with your multi-tool.
  18. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Yes, and from what I understand, 64bit won't really solve that problem.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. demolish50

    demolish50 Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Yes to it will be fixed? What is your understanding of the problem?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Neo Corricon

    Neo Corricon Ensign

    May 22, 2016
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    Can you use a separate directory under \games\[savename]\shared\ for the player structures and the NPC structures?
    This would help save a lot of time for busy server admins in reseting POI's.
    EmpAdminHelper does not work reliably at this time in resetting POI's.
    As it is now, we have to visually ensure we are not deleting a player related file.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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